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RA PM And President Of Finland Attach Importance To Keeping Constant

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  • RA PM And President Of Finland Attach Importance To Keeping Constant


    Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
    Sept 28 2005

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 28, NOYAN TAPAN. Andranik Margarian, the RA
    Prime Minister, and Tarja Halonen, the President of the Republic
    of Finland, fixed the activeness of the Armenian-Finnish relations
    and spoke for their developing at the September 27 meeting which
    took place at the "Armenia Marriott" hotel. The Prime Minister
    expressed confidence that Tarja Halonen's visit will be a new spur
    for stimulation of that process. For keeping a constant political
    dialogue, the interlocuters considered purposeful organization of
    periodical political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of
    the two countries.

    Attaching importance to involvement of the South Caucasian countries,
    among them Armenia as well, in the "European Neighbourhood Policy",
    Andranik Margarian, mentioned that within that framework, working out
    and implementation of a joint Armenia-EU Actions Program arise from
    vital interests of the country and correspond to the general direction
    of the reforms being implemented in the country. The Prime Minister
    attached importance to the individual approach of the European Union
    towards every country and not a package implementation of that process
    for few countries at the same time what was present while membership to
    the Council of Europe. He emphasized that within the framework of the
    "European Neighbourhood Policy" Armenia also expects Finland's active
    assistance in the issue of developing the cooperation with Armenia
    by working out and implementing some programs by the cooperation of
    branch ministries and departments of the two countries. Mentioning
    that appointment of Heiki Talvitie, the representative Ambassador of
    Finland as the EU Special Representative to the South Caucasus was
    the evidence of increase of the European Union's interest towards
    the region, the head of the Government of Armenia appriciated the
    latter's role in the issue of deepening the Armenia-EU dialogue.

    Touching upon the currect state and prospects of relations of the
    Council of Europe as well as of NATO with Armenia, Andranik Margarian
    informed the interlocuter that Armenia has already presented the
    package of the Armenia-NATO Individual Partnership Actions Program
    (IPAP) this June in Brussels. He expressed a hope that as a result of
    the referendum on the cosntitutional reforms to take place in November,
    the Republic of Armenia will implement the main part of obligations
    connected with the membership to the Council of Europe as well.

    As Noyan Tapan was informed by the RA Government's Information and
    Public Relations Department, the sides attached importance to the
    regional cooperation as a necessary precondition aimed to regional
    economic development, stability and getting mutual confidence.

    Andranik Margarian informed the President of Finland about the
    approach of the Armenian side concerning the issue of relations
    of regional neighboring countries, particularly with Turkey,
    according what, Armenia attaches importance to opening borders by
    that country and attempts to improve relations with Turkey, without
    any preconditions. The Prime Minister emphasized, that in that issue,
    the Armenian side expects assistance of the international community,
    including one of Finland, particularly, within the framework of the
    negotiation process on Turkey's membership to the EU.

    The head of the Armenian Government touched upon the latest
    developments on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem as well.