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ANKARA: Brussels' Sincerity On Turkey's EU Membership

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  • ANKARA: Brussels' Sincerity On Turkey's EU Membership


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Sept 28 2005

    The European Parliament called Turkey to recognize the Armenian
    allegations before the EU talks. The EP lawmakers issued a nonbinding
    resolution saying recognition of the killings as genocide should be a
    prerequisite for Turkey to join the EU. The MEPs, and parliamentarians
    in the national parliaments in the EU spend hours and hours on
    the 1915 events. The French Prime Minister, Austrian CUD leader
    and many more EU politicians focus on the 1915 Armenian Relocation
    Campaign and try to force Turkey to recognize the Armenian 'genocide'
    allegations. If you read the European newspapers, you may think
    that the Armenian issue is the most vital problem of the European
    peoples. However all the thingshappened during the First World
    War before the EU and Turkey. It was Ottoman Empire years, and it
    is really difficult to understand the connection between Turkey's
    EU talks and the 1915 Relocation Campaign. One may argue that the
    European politicians are very sensitive about the human rights abuses
    during the war and conflicts. However the same European politicians
    say nothing about the Armenian occupation in Azerbaijan. Almost 20
    percent of Azerbaijan has been under Armenian occupation for more
    than a decade. About 1 million Azerbaijanis have been refugees, worst
    than the Bosnian tragedy. Thousands of Algerians were massacred by
    France forces, many were tortured, yet the French politicians refuse
    to apologize from Algerian people. Paris is even reluctant to admit
    1945 Massacres. French Prime Minister says "let's leave all these
    issues to the historians. This is not our business but historians'".

    However the same French leaders urge Turkey to take political
    decisions. Turkey called Armenia to establish a joint committee to
    discuss the historical disputes, but Yerevan strongly rejected the
    offer. No EU leader did make any pressure on Yerevan to shift the
    Armenia's decision.

    Many Turkish Cypriots were massacred in Cyprus during the 1960s
    but the European parliamentarians do not ask anything about that to
    their Greek Cypriots MEP sitting near them. The EU accepted the Greek
    side as the only representative of the island though there are two
    societies and two different states on the island. And now they ask
    Turkey to recognize the Greek Cyprus as the only Cyprus Government.

    They created the problem and they expect Turkey to solve it by
    sacrificing Turkish Cypriots.

    It is obvious that the European politicians are not sincere enough in
    both Armenian and Cyprus issues. There could be two reasons for their
    partial attitudes: First they are very sensitive on the Christians'
    problems and they simply ignore the Muslims in Europe. As a matter
    of fact that there is no significant differences between Greek
    and Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus but religion. The EU accepted the
    Christian Cypriots and kept the Muslims ones outside. Similarly when
    the Christian Armenians massacred the Muslims during the First World
    War and during the Karabakh War no EU parliamentarian condemned the
    Armenians. The Armenian warriors committed a genocide in Khocali,
    and the Armenian ASALA terrorists massacred more than 40 Turkish
    diplomats during the 1970s and 1980s, and the European parliaments
    just focus on the Armenian casualties of almost a century ago.

    If the EU politicians are not racist or religiously-discriminative
    they should be anti-Turkish. In that case they give no importance to
    the Greeks or the Armenians but they simply do not want to see Turkey
    inside. If this is the case, the anti-Turkish EU politicians abuses
    the Greek and Armenian problems.

    If the EU wants to be a superpower, the EU should be based on universal
    values. The EU leaders and politicians should at least be honest and
    sincere. They should not hide behind the Cyprus and Armenian problems.

    Please remember, not the Ottoman Empire but Turkey is the candidate
    for the EU, and you are not the MPs of European imperialism but of the
    modern European Union. By sabotaging Turkey's EU talk, the anti-Turkish
    groups also undermines the EU's interests, and ethnic-religious harmony
    in the EU countries. More than 15 million Muslim EU citizens and all of
    the Muslim world are aware of these dirty plays. You deceive nobody. By
    the way the EU's double standards and politic games to prevent Turkey's
    membership by indirect ways will cheer up Osame Bin Laden. He knows
    that he can abuse the differences between civilizations as far as the
    EU continues to its existing policies towards the Euro Muslims. There
    are 5 Muslim states in the EU and none of them is EU member.