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The Armenian Color Of Revolution - Constitutional Reforms

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  • The Armenian Color Of Revolution - Constitutional Reforms


    | 19:04:19 | 28-09-2005 | Politics |

    According to the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the adoption of
    the draft Constitution will have the effect of a revolution. "Our
    social-political life has the possibility to be subverted in case
    of voting for the draft Constitution", said member of the ARF,
    chief editor of the weekly "Yerkir" Spartak Seyranyan today during
    the seminar "The RA Amended Draft Constitution on the Eve of the
    Referendum" in the "Tekeyan" cultural center.

    The representative of ARF Armen Roustamyan made it clear for those
    who say "revolution" and understand "change of authorities" that "the
    revolution is not an end in itself". Pointing at the post-revolution
    developments in Georgia and Ukraine, Mr. Roustamyan said, "We saw what
    revolutions can result in. They must be ended after coming to power,
    not with it".

    Referring to the Constitutional referendum Mr. Roustamyan said
    that in case of saying "No" we will have serious problems with the
    CoE. According to him, only the positive answer will open a door to
    the processes of realization of democratic and human rights.

    According to the head of the non-governmental organization "Democracy"
    Vardan Pogosyan, the constitutional reforms are a step forward from the
    previous one, "which had one primitive conception - to give everything
    to the RA President as he is always right". But in the amended version
    the mechanisms of the relations between the President and the NA are
    not processed either.

    According to the head of the program "Armenia to Europe" Aram
    Safaryan who had organized the seminar, this discussion is not the
    last one. The next seminar will be devoted to the theme "Armenia
    after the referendum".