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EU Ministers to Hold Meeting on Turkey

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  • EU Ministers to Hold Meeting on Turkey

    EU Ministers to Hold Meeting on Turkey
    Associated Press Writer
    Thu Sep 29, 6:11 AM ET

    European Union foreign ministers will hold emergency talks this weekend
    aimed at overcoming Austrian objections to starting entry talks with Turkey,
    after their envoys failed to reach agreement Thursday, diplomats said.

    Austria held to its position that Turkey be offered the option of a lesser
    partnership rather than full membership in negotiations which are scheduled
    to start on Monday.

    All 25 EU nations have to agree on a negotiating mandate before talks can
    begin with Ankara.

    The deadlock will put further strain on ties with Ankara which is growing
    increasingly restless over attempts by several EU nations to put the brakes
    on opening negotiations.

    A British EU presidency spokesman confirmed the EU foreign ministers will
    hold talks on Sunday in Luxembourg, on the eve of the planned opening of
    negotiations with Turkey.

    "Twenty-four EU countries could accept the text," said the British official,
    who refused to be named, due to the sensitivity of the talks. He added that
    bilateral talks would continue between London and Vienna to try and get
    Austria to back down from its demands.

    Britain and other EU nations fear that adding changes demanded by Austria
    will unravel an already cautiously-agreed to deal between EU leaders last
    December, when they decided to open talks with Turkey, with the only goal of
    full membership.

    "It's not a question of drafting, but its a political issue," said an EU

    Austria is the most ardent opponent of Turkey's membership arguing the
    country is too big and unready to join the EU. It has also linked the issue
    to Croatia's EU entry bid.

    Diplomats said Britain and other member states were unlikely to yield to
    demands to drop guarantees in the EU's negotiating mandate ' which lays
    out the rules and a lose timeframe ' that the goal of those talks is full

    The draft mandate states the "shared objective of the negotiations is
    accession," but adds they are "open-ended." It does not mention a
    partnership as an alternative option.

    The membership talks will be a milestone for Europe and predominantly Muslim
    Turkey, which has been knocking on the EU's door since 1963. EU leaders
    agreed to open accession talks with Turkey last year.

    If EU foreign ministers fail to get a deal Sunday, the opening of talks
    would be delayed as the EU needs to present a negotiating guidebook for
    talks to begin.

    It would inevitably lead to a rupture in already tense relations between
    Ankara and Brussels.

    In Vienna, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel maintained his country's
    tough line on Turkey.

    In an interview with two European newspapers, Schuessel said talks with
    Turkey should only start if separate membership talks with Croatia are also

    Negotiations with Zagreb were frozen until it meets EU demands it fully
    cooperate in handing over a top war crimes suspect to the U.N. war crimes

    Austria says its people ' and many others across the bloc ' do not
    support full membership for Turkey and is demanding that Ankara be given the
    option of privileged partnership rather than full membership. Turkey has
    already rejected anything less than full membership talks.