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Parliament, Minus Opposition, Approves Constitutional Amendments

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  • Parliament, Minus Opposition, Approves Constitutional Amendments

    Associated Press Worldstream
    Sept 28 2005

    Armenian parliament, minus opposition, approves constitutional

    The Armenian parliament on Wednesday gave final approval to
    constitutional amendments intended to impose a more strict separation
    of powers between the judicial, executive and legislative branches.

    The proposed changes also include removal of a clause outlawing dual
    citizenship for members of Armenia's large foreign Diaspora.

    The package of changes passed by a vote of 89-0, with one abstention.
    The 24 opposition deputies, however, boycotted the vote, just as they
    have boycotted most sessions of parliament on the grounds that their
    proposals were not taken into account.

    The opposition has called on Armenians to reject the amendments in a
    late November referendum.