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"High Fest" Theatre Festival Sets Off

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  • "High Fest" Theatre Festival Sets Off

    By Tamar Minasian

    AZG Armenian Daily #174


    "Innocent Light" performance of Singapore's "Odyssey" dance theatre
    opened the 3d "High Fest" International Theatre Festival yesterday. But
    before the play, young actors paraded from the Theatre and Cinema
    Institute to Gabriel Sundukian Academic Theatre. The same day "Hope"
    mono opera was staged at the Young Spectator's Theatre.

    At a press conference that followed president of "Kuk Art"
    international puppet theatre, David Burman (Russia) said that he
    arrived in Yerevan with great pleasure and is very glad to take part
    in this festival. "With its dynamic developments, "High Fest" is the
    forth of its kind in the world. You managed to gather a great deal
    of participants in a very short time", he said. This year's festival
    hosts 250 participants from 28 countries.

    Austrian producer Christian Proney told the conference that he knows
    all plays presented at the festival but the European ones. He was sure
    that cultural differences will make the festival even more interesting.

    Speaking about the master classes that the guests will give within
    the frameworks of the festival, Mr. Proney and Mr. Burman said they
    will stress theatre management. David Burman thinks that culture
    management in Russia and Armenia are rather alike. "I'll speak about
    art management in my seminars. It's very important that state officials
    pay attention to this sphere", he said.

    Christina Proney assured that educational establishments in Austria
    are closely watching that cultural arrangements get money they need.