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Next Year's Budget To Promise Higher Salaries

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  • Next Year's Budget To Promise Higher Salaries

    By Ara Martirosian

    AZG Armenian Daily #174


    Pavel Safarian, deputy economy and finances minister, presented
    yesterday the draft RA budget of 2006 that the Armenian government
    passed on September 28. The GDP is expected to grow by 7.5 per cent
    next year raising the GDP to 2.4 trillion dram. Inflation is expected
    not to exceed 3 per cent.

    The planned revenue for 2006 will amount to 380 billion dram against
    last year's 347 billion. The government will spend 450 billion
    next year.

    Budgeted deficit will be 69.9 billion part of which is supposed to
    be filled by inner sources.

    The relation of GDP-taxes will hopefully be reduced to 15.1 per
    cent. Asked what is the GDP-tax correlation and is there a difference
    compared to previous years, Pavel Safarian said that this index does
    not differ much from the revenue index.

    Deputy minister informed that the budget of 2006 will increase the
    salaries of teachers and workers of the educational sphere by 10.000
    dram. The money for education will surpass last year's budget by 8
    billion and by 6.7 billion for healthcare. The employees of hospitals
    and outpatients will also receive higher salaries. As for the workers
    of the cultural sphere they will mark 19 per cent increase in their
    monthly earnings.

    The average family relief payments will boost from 12.000 to
    15.000. The average pension will grow by 1.500 drams. The minimal
    salary in the republic will rise from 13.000 to 15.000.

    Armenia's military expenditure for the next year will rise by 13

    The deputy minister considered it natural that the government assigns
    more money for the military sphere. Asked what is the overall allotment
    to the military sector and whether it is not worrying that Azerbaijan
    increases its military expenditure year by year, Safarian said that
    the army will get $150 million. In regard to neighboring country's
    intensions, deputy minister gave a rather neutral answer saying that
    every state strives to increase allotments for its security.