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Crunch Time For Saakashvili's Government

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  • Crunch Time For Saakashvili's Government

    By Zaal Anjaparidze

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    The Jamestown Foundation
    Sept 29 2005

    So far, the Georgian government has weathered the latest cycle
    of disturbances in the country's restive regions. Tskhinvali, the
    South Ossetian capital, came under mortar fire on the heels of its
    celebration of the 15th anniversary of its declaration of secession
    from Georgia. The coincidence of these two events has caused political
    complications for Tbilisi (see EDM, September 22).

    On September 22 the U.S. Department of State urged Russia to refrain
    from supporting the South Ossetian separatists and simultaneously
    demanded that Tbilisi reaffirm its adherence to finding a peaceful
    solution to the Ossetian problem. The OSCE also condemned the
    shelling. Demonstrating just how concerned the U.S. administration
    has become with Tbilisi's actions, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia John
    Taft had a face-to-face meeting with Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili on September 21. The admonishment from Washington
    prompted some pessimistic editorials. One of them, "Has Saakashvili's
    High American Hope Failed?" in the Akhali Taoba daily argues that
    Washington's rebuke of Tbilisi indicates that Tbilisi should not have
    any illusions about using the United States in any military solution
    to either the Ossetian or Abkhazian problems. Such a lecture from
    Washington, according to the article, only encourages the separatists.

    Soon after the Taft-Saakashvili conference, the Georgian Interior
    Ministry dismantled most of the Georgian police checkpoints in the
    conflict zone and withdrew Special Forces, having accused them of
    abetting smugglers.

    Now Tbilisi must either produce convincing evidence that the shelling
    was the work of Russian troops deployed in the conflict zone, as
    Georgian officials claim, or apologize publicly if an investigation
    finds that Georgian forces initiated the shelling.

    Needless to say, the latter finding would harm Saakashvili's government
    politically. Suspicions that the Georgian side might have been behind
    the shelling are high, because the attack coincided with a surprise
    visit by the hawkish Georgian minister of defense, Irakli Okruashvili,
    to the ethnic Georgian enclave in South Ossetia. Giorgi Khaindrava,
    Georgian state minister for conflict resolutions and the chief
    Georgian negotiator for the South Ossetian peace talks, has hinted at
    his upcoming resignation and labeled the initiators of the shelling

    Saakashvili reported on September 24 that "very interesting details"
    have emerged during the OSCE-monitored investigation of the incident.

    The command of the Russian peacekeepers argues that Tskhinvali has been
    shelled from the Georgian villages. Meanwhile, the Georgian parliament
    is actively debating the withdrawal of the Russian peacekeepers from
    the conflict zone, which inevitably would exacerbate the already
    volatile Georgian-Russian relations.

    Shortly after the violence in South Ossetia, secessionist
    groups in Samtskhe-Javakheti, an ethnic-Armenian region on the
    Armenia-Georgia border, stepped up their activities. A council of
    local non-governmental organizations, meeting September 23-24, adopted
    a resolution calling on the Georgian government to grant autonomy to
    the region, including the creation of a "Samtskhe-Javakheti parliament
    through free and direct elections." According to the resolution,
    by offering the highest degree of autonomy to South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia, which had violated Georgia's territorial integrity, Tbilisi
    is discriminating against other ethnicities that reside in Georgia
    and have demonstrated their loyalty to the central government.

    The relative stability in this tumultuous region, which regards any
    decision by Tbilisi with suspicion, is delicate. On September 19,
    police from the town of Akhalkalaki went on strike, protesting the
    recent decision by the Georgian Interior Ministry to replace the
    local police chief, Mkhitar Abadjian, with Aram Pogosov, an adviser to
    Saakashvili's personal envoy to Samtskhe-Javakheti, without consulting
    the local authorities. Armenian sources say that Abadjian was fired
    for excessive advocacy of the interests of the local Armenians.

    During the July 17 Georgian-Armenian clash in the village of Samsar
    (see EDM, August 3) the Abadjian-led local police sided with the
    local Armenians. David Rstakian, leader of the local non-registered
    political party Virk, complains that Tbilisi purposefully removes
    from key posts in Samtskhe-Javakheti any Armenians who were educated
    in Yerevan. Meanwhile, on September 24, Van Baiburt, a member of the
    Georgian parliament and deputy chair of the public movement "Union of
    Georgia's Armenians," dismissed the Samtskhe-Javakheti NGOs demand for
    regional autonomy. Ethnic Armenians compose 5.7% of the 4.4 million
    population of Georgia, according to the latest census.

    Alarming trends are also emerging in Kvemo Kartli, a southeastern
    region predominantly populated by about 300,000 ethnic Azeris. On
    September 23, a Tbilisi court sentenced Telman Gasanov, the
    former executive of Gardabani district, to three months in jail
    on charges of organizing an unsanctioned rally. On September 16,
    Gasanov and his 40 supporters blocked the central highway demanding
    dual citizenship and equal rights for Azeris living in Georgia. The
    provocative proclamations demanding autonomy for the Azeri-populated
    region appeared in early September. The local radical Azeri groups,
    as well as some Azeri media, increasingly refer to Kvemo Kartli using
    the Azeri toponym, "Borchalo," which implicitly questions the Georgian
    origin of this area.

    Georgian analysts and politicians unanimously agree that external
    forces are responsible for the recent disturbances in these regions,
    and the assistance from the international community, which Georgia
    acutely needs to resolve the frozen and potential regional conflicts,
    appears to have differed from what Tbilisi expected. This may explain
    why Saakashvili's recent public remarks contained some criticism of
    the West and international bodies.

    (Regnum, September 23; Resonance, September 26-27; Akhali Taoba,
    September 24; Civil Georgia, September 25-26;,
    Itar-Tass, TV-Rustavi-2, September 24)