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Local elections expose weakness of Armenian civil society

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  • Local elections expose weakness of Armenian civil society

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    The Jamestown Foundation
    Sept 30 2005


    By Emil Danielyan

    Friday, September 30, 2005

    Armenia's ongoing local election season is exposing the degradation
    of its democratic institutions as well as the weakness of its civil
    society. The polls, effectively boycotted by the Armenian opposition,
    are essentially an intra-government affair, with rival wealthy
    individuals seeking to further their business interests through
    control of local government bodies. Their handling by the authorities
    bodes ill for the freedom and fairness of the crucial constitutional
    referendum due in November.

    The electoral process affecting the vast majority of the country's
    930 rural and urban communities began this spring and will peak in
    October. The most important of those communities are the ten
    administrative districts in the capital, Yerevan. Most of them have
    already elected their chief executives and city councilmen.

    As was the case in the past, Armenia's leading opposition parties
    have shown little interest in the local races. Opposition leaders
    claim that they cannot be democratic as long as President Robert
    Kocharian and his allies remain in power. They also say that local
    communities do not have any significant powers in Armenia's highly
    centralized system of governance.

    The only place where Armenia's largest opposition group, the Justice
    bloc, has fielded a candidate so far was Yerevan's central Kentron
    district, whose incumbent alderman, Gagik Beglarian, is a staunch
    Kocharian loyalist. Yet even there opposition leaders effectively
    avoided campaigning for their female candidate, Ruzan Khachatrian.
    She therefore had no chance to defeat her rival, who had the backing
    of the entire state apparatus and controlled the local election
    commissions. Official results of the September 25 ballot showed
    Beglarian winning 86% of the vote. Although the opposition candidate
    claimed that the race was decided by multiple voting and vote buying
    in some Kentron neighborhoods, election observers from the Council of
    Europe said they did not witness serious irregularities.

    Commentators widely criticized the opposition's indifference to the
    most important local poll. Even a leader of the governing Republican
    Party of Armenia (HHK) chided the opposition leaders for "throwing a
    teammate into the lion's mouth." Iravunk, a newspaper critical of the
    authorities, warned on September 27 that the opposition tactic had
    made it easier for the ruling regime to push through its
    controversial package of constitutional amendments at the November
    referendum. But another paper, Azg, pointed out that the newly
    elected or reelected local government chiefs will lack the motivation
    to strive for a "yes" vote at the referendum with the same zeal.

    What ordinary Armenians think of the constitutional amendments is
    seen as secondary. The key factor is the authorities' so-called
    "administrative resources" that have been heavily used in all
    Armenian elections over the past decade. Tactics include direct
    involvement of government and law-enforcement bodies in campaigning,
    aggressive televised propaganda, crude electoral fraud, and vote
    buying. The last technique is becoming the defining feature of
    Armenian local elections. The fact that their voter turnout is
    usually well below 50% makes the practice particularly effective.

    Vote bribes are what apparently enabled a 26-year-old man, Mher
    Hovannisian, to get "elected" as alderman of Yerevan's poorest
    district, Nubarashen, on September 18. The youngster's main merit was
    the fact that his businessman father is a friend of one of Armenia's
    most powerful "oligarchs," Gagik Tsarukian. Local, mostly elderly
    voters admitted to journalists that they were paid 5,000 drams ($11)
    to vote for him.

    The Nubarashen election followed a pattern that has taken root in
    most urban communities. They are typically run by wealthy
    government-connected individuals who hold sway in a particular area
    and are undeterred by their lack of constitutional powers (an elected
    prefect can be sacked by a government-appointed regional governor
    practically at will). Their affiliation with governing political
    parties (usually the HHK) is largely nominal and their bonds with
    senior government officials or millionaire "oligarchs" are much
    stronger. The key preoccupation of most community chiefs is to create
    favorable conditions for their and their cronies' businesses. The
    government office also gives them additional protection against
    corrupt tax and law-enforcement bodies.

    The local bosses primarily rely on their government connections and
    financial resources to win elections. Quasi-criminal elements often
    act as their foot soldiers, mobilizing, bribing, and bullying voters.
    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, another pro-presidential
    party, has repeatedly expressed concern about the growing influence
    of what it calls "apolitical elements" in the country. One of its
    leaders warned in February of the possibility of armed clashes
    between rival clans during the local elections. As if to prove him
    right, on September 24 the mayor of a small town near Yerevan shot
    and killed a local businessman who had campaigned for his main
    election rival. The shooting took place on a street in broad

    It is highly doubtful that Kocharian or his most powerful associate,
    Defense Minister Serge Sarkisian, will take any action against the
    corrupt local clans. They are one of the pillars of Armenia's deeply
    flawed political system. The ruling regime needs them more than any
    of the three parties represented in Kocharian's government to rig
    presidential and parliamentary elections.

    The fact that the increasingly entrenched clans are tightening their
    grip on local governments with little resistance from political
    parties, non-governmental organizations, and media speaks volumes
    about the state of civil society in Armenia. It also dims prospects
    for the country's democratization. That most people do not care who
    runs their district or town and that some of them are ready to sell
    their votes should also be a cause for serious concern among those
    who promote political reform in Armenia.

    (Iravunk, Azg, Haykakan Zhamanak, September 27; RFE/RL Armenia
    Report, February 21, September 19 and 26)

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress