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RA Government Affirms Order Of Calculating,Appointing And Paying Ins

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  • RA Government Affirms Order Of Calculating,Appointing And Paying Ins


    Noyan Tapan
    Apr 03 2006

    YEREVAN, APRIL 3, NOYAN TAPAN. According to the RA law "On
    Compulsory Social Insurance from Cases of Temprorary Invalidity,"
    the RA Government affirmed at the March 30 sitting the list of
    diseases giving the right of benefit for facilities in sanatoria and
    health resorts, the order of calculating, appointing and paying the
    insurance benefit, the order of calculating the size of the middle
    monthly salary (profit) accepted as a basis for calculating the size
    of the insurance benefit, types of working activity registered in the
    insurance (working) experience when calculating the insurance benefit,
    the order and conditions of registering those types, the order of
    compensating means addressed to employer's paying insurance benefits
    to hired labourers, the type of temporary invalidity papers, the order
    of filling in and allocating these papers, the order of accepting as
    a basis a temporary invalidity paper given by a medical institution
    of a foreign state as well as the list of necessary documents for
    paying not got insurance benefit and the order of presenting those
    documents. As Arayik Petrosian, the First Deputy of the RA Minister
    of Labour and Social Issues, informed journalists after the sitting,
    tuberculosis, after-infarct diseases (if a patient has passed at least
    one-month treatment at hospital) and after-operation states of duodenum
    are included in the list of diseases giving the right of benefit for
    facilities in sanatoria and health resorts. A.Petrosian mentioned that
    according to the order of calculating, appointing and paying insurance
    benefits, the whole period of time of invalidity of invalids having the
    third level of ability to be engaged in working activity as a result
    of occupational injury and disease will be registered as insurance
    experience. It was mentioned that the period of invalidity has never
    been registered in the insurance experience utill establishing the
    new order. The Government made amendments and changes to the RA
    Government's May 29, 2003 decision "On Securing Operation of RA Law
    "On State Pensions." According to that, particularly, the order of
    re-calculating age and invalidy pensions appointed by the order
    fixed by the law. The Deputy Minister mentioned that from now on
    pensioners have the right to re-calculate their pension once in
    two years, in the case of having worked at least 6 months. Before
    it was re-calculated in the case of having at least experience of
    two years. The principle fixed by the law was also used by the given
    decision of the Government. According to this principle, in the case
    of sending the documents for pension of a person left for a permament
    residence for a country signed the interstate agreement with the RA in
    the sphere of pension security, the sum of appointed for a pensioner
    but stopped or prevented pension is paid by a warrant as well.