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The RA Does Not Promote Migration

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  • The RA Does Not Promote Migration


    [06:45 pm] 04 April, 2006

    The Danish Council of the Refugees (DCR) and the OSCE Office initiated
    a two - day symposium which started today. Two representatives from
    the OSCE Office were invited to the first session, Vladimir Pryakhin,
    the Head of the office was among them. But they weren't in the hall.

    The head of the DCR International Board Anre Vagen said that they
    already supported 130 public organizations in connection with the
    refugees' return and consultation. In the review of the participants
    it was mentioned that the majority of the immigrants to the European
    countries are from urban places, whereas the inhabitants of rural
    territories mainly leave for Russia to find a temporary job. The
    experts of the council state, "The migration level is surprisingly
    higher in areas which are densely populated with refugees."

    About 300 thousand people with higher or average education emigrated
    from Armenia to the European Council member - countries from 1989
    to 2001.

    According to the data of the Council 1 milliard people emigrated from
    the country in 2001 which is equal to 26.6% of the whole population. By
    the way, the authorities of Denmark made a law on "the return to the
    country" according to which each adult coming back is granted 3500
    EURO and one - year medical insurance.

    Some people were given 5 years' or life assistance.

    The DCR is of negative opinion about Armenia, "The RA cooperation
    with the Governments of the EC countries on the assistance of
    reintegration or return to Armenia program is limited or does not
    exist." It was mentioned that mainly the "irregular immigrants were
    exiled to Armenia."

    So far our country has made contracts of back acceptance with Denmark,
    Switzerland, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Sweden
    and Romania.

    According to the DCR survey the migration is determined by the
    political destabilization, wars and natural calamities. Today our
    citizens are insured against none of them in comparison with the
    1989 data.

    The participants of the DCR polling assured that if they earned 350
    EURO in Armenia they would never leave their country. Their average
    income abroad is about 500 EURO a month.