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Newsletter from, date: 05-Apr-2006 to 11-Apr-2006

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  • Newsletter from, date: 05-Apr-2006 to 11-Apr-2006

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue" Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub project.

    As a part of the project web site is maintained,
    featuring the most interesting publications from the press of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest
    updates on the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.
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    Source: `Hurriyet' newspaper (Turkey) [April 08, 2006]
    I. Turkmen

    Recently, special attention is paid to the new geopolitical tendencies
    in the Black Sea region. More detailed study of this issue may be
    found in the April issue of the `Strategic Analysis' magazine of the
    Eurasia Center of Strategic Research (ECSR). Below is the attempt for
    analysis of several aspects of this problem.

    We will primarily consider the activity of the organization of Black
    Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). This structure was established in the
    1990s on the initiative of Turkey, with the active support of Russia,
    however it did not acquire sufficient influence. Besides constant
    presence of political uncertainty and discords among the countries of
    the region, the balance of forces within the organization is also
    influenced by the coming EU membership of Romania and Bulgaria.

    The policy of EU in the Black Sea region grew more active. As noted in
    the materials of ECSR, certain analysts hold that the strengthening of
    EU role in the Black Sea region clashes with the interests of
    Turkey. The activity of EU in the region is often viewed as a joint
    NATO strategic initiative, a part of which is the democratic movements
    in Ukraine and Georgia.


    In October 2005, the status of observer in the organization was
    granted to USA, as a result of persistent efforts. For USA, the Black
    Sea region is an important energy transportation hub and a springboard
    for establishment of its influence in the Caucasus and Central
    Asia. The construction of the bases in Romania and Bulgaria also
    pursues this goal.

    USA is aspiring to active participation in the cooperation for
    regional security, ensuring the involvement of NATO in all similar
    initiatives. At present, there is an institute in the region, which is
    responsible for cooperation in the security sphere, `Blackseafor',
    established by the countries of the Black Sea basin. The functions of
    the structure include operations on the search and rescue,
    humanitarian aid and environmental management. USA also intends to
    transfer to the Black Sea the `Active Effort' NATO military exercises,
    conducted in the Mediterranean after September 11, 2001 with the
    participation of Turkey.

    The exercises are aimed at the control of the sea navigation and
    counteraction to the questionable vessels. Analogous function is
    performed by the initiative of Turkey `Harmony in the Black Sea', that
    Russia recently expressed willingness to join. If a similar step is
    taken by USA, a whole set of problems will emerge, particularly
    related to the Montreux Agreement. The Agreement restricts the tonnage
    of the ships of the non-Black Sea countries in passing over the Black
    Sea straits, and limits the time of their navigation in the Black
    Sea. Periodically, there is information that USA is lobbying for
    introduction of amendments in the Agreement, however with no result so

    The second problem may be the fact that recently Turkey opts for the
    Russian position, resisting the strengthened influence of USA in the
    Black Sea region. However, it is essential to remember that
    minimization of the USA Navy in the Black Sea does not mean prevention
    of air operations in the region. Having left the bases of Romania and
    Bulgaria, the American planes may reach Caucasus and then Iran and
    Central Asia.


    On the one hand, Turkey's intention to preserve the leading role in
    the Black Sea is natural and understandable. On the other hand, new
    reasons for discord with USA are also of no advantage to Turkey.

    Therefore, the sides need to keep to the middle way.

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    Source: `Resonansi-Nedelya' newspaper (Georgia) [April 10, 2006]
    Author: Gela Mtivlishvili

    Russia's ban on import of the Georgian wine was a serious blow to the
    Georgian wine-making. Despite the loud and inspiring statements of the
    Georgian authorities that serious negotiations on this political
    decision will be started with Russia, the embargo is still in
    force. According to the Georgian wine-makers, if the current situation
    lasts one more month, the autumn harvest of grapes (rtveli) is already

    The export of the Georgian alcoholic produce to Russia was stopped a
    month ago. Officially, Moscow explained its decision by the struggle
    with falsification and low-quality products. However, both the
    Georgian authorities and the Kakhetian wine-makers (Kakheti region is
    the center of Georgian wine-making) state that it is not an economic
    but purely political decision, since no claims can be put to the
    quality of the exported produce.

    `To prove it, the Ministry of Agriculture, by it own means, sent
    samples of Georgian wine to reputable international laboratories,
    President Sahakashvili makes statements on a daily basis, meets the
    governors, so what? How can it help us?' the Kakhetian villagers
    complain. `The government is mocking itself or us? It is clear that
    the government depends on America, whereas the people look to
    Russia. We are not demanding Russia's favor by all means, but we can
    find a way to improve our relations with it, can't we?! If this year
    our produce does not get to Russia, what are we supposed to do? We
    will have no money for petrol at least to cultivate the potato and
    corn fields', Georgiy Nadiradze (78) stated to `Resonansi'.

    Russian embargo will possibly make the autumn rtveli senseless. `If we
    do not sell the wine, we will not have a chance to gather and process
    the new harvest', Head of the Supervisory Board of `Telavi Wine
    Cellar' Zurab Ramazashvili said to `Resonansi-Nedelya'.

    Other famous wine-makers and producers agree with him. Director of
    `Alaverdi' wine factory Soso Goyiashvili says that besides Russia,
    wine is also exported to other countries, but the Russian share makes
    85%! `If the situation does not change, we are on the verge of huge
    problems, the scope of which can hardly be imagined now', he stated to
    `Resonansi-Nedelya'. Last week, Minister of Finance Lexo Lexishvili
    met Kakhetian wine-makers. The wine-makers asked the Minister for
    fiscal privileges, since the situation in wine-making sphere is
    unbearable. The Minister promised to put this issue on the agenda of
    the government session, thus raising indignation of the Kakhetians -
    they have committed follies in the relations with Russia and now we
    have to think about fiscal privileges! Unlike them, the governor of
    Kakheti, Petre Tsiskarishvili was satisfied with the meeting. `I am
    confident, the Minister of Finance will manage to convince the
    government of the necessity for introducing tax privileges for the
    wine-makers placed in a difficult situation', he stated.

    However, the attitude in Kakheti is overall depressing. `Promises from
    the President and the Government is all we hear. Nothing changes in
    reality, and the hope is vanishing daily', the wine-makers say. The
    wine-producers are also skeptical about the possibility of quick
    finding of new diversified markets, as asserted by the Georgian
    authorities, viewing Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, EU countries and the
    regional neighbors as an alternative. `We need to improve the
    relations with Russia, where we have long exported our
    produce. Finding new markets is a long and strenuous process, not
    always successful. In the meantime, it is hard to say what may become
    of the Georgian wine-making', they say.

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    Source: "Zerkalo" newspaper (Azerbaijan) [April 05, 2006]
    F. Teymurkhanli, R. Mirkadirov

    Such is the opinion of the heads of states

    "The investments of the Turkish businessmen in the Azerbaijani economy
    made 2,2 billion USD, without energy sector input. The general volume
    of the investments is today equaled to the estimated sum of 4,5
    billion USD", as stated at the meeting with Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliev by his Turkish colleague Ahmed Necdet Sezer on official
    visit to Baku.

    In his opinion, these investments may be increased under more
    favorable conditions for the investors. At the same time, the Turkish
    President emphasized that the turnover between the two countries is on
    the stable growth, `If in 2004 it made 550 million USD, in 2005 - 795
    million. This year, the sides are planning to raise this figure to a

    On his behalf, I. Aliev said that official Baku attaches great
    significance to this visit. He noted that Azerbaijan cooperates with
    Turkey in various spheres and it was always important in the aspect of
    regional relations as well.

    All these words were voiced at the point of the meeting when the
    journalists were present. Later, the media representatives were asked
    out. Later in a briefing, the Presidents themselves provided
    information on the subject of the negotiations to the journalists.

    Thus, A. Sezer emphasized that solidarity in the cooperation between
    Turkey and Azerbaijan may serve as a good example for all the states
    in the region. "The input of the partners for ensuring the security of
    the two brother nations will still increase due to the new projects
    implemented alongside the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. The latter
    will be put to exploitation already in the coming months, and I
    invited President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev to participate in its
    opening ceremony", Head of the Turkish State noted. Referring to the
    issue of short-term prospects for economic cooperation, A. Sezer also
    stated that in the course of the meeting, the Presidents emphasized
    the decisiveness of the sides in implementation of the projects of
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum gas pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars
    railway. According to the Turkish President, these projects `will make
    the two brother nations still closer within their strategic
    interests". Further on, the Turkish President stressed that during his
    meeting with I. Aliev they also discussed the issues of developing
    economic and political ties between the two countries and the regional
    conflicts, in particular, the issue of settling the Karabagh
    issue. `Turkey has always supported and will keep supporting the
    position of Azerbaijan on this issue. We view the solution of the
    Mountainous Karabagh conflict in the context of preserving territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan through peaceful negotiations", A. Sezer
    stated, once again emphasizing that Ankara is ready to take all effort
    for resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Referring to the
    issue of settling the Cyprus problem, he expressed satisfaction with
    the position of Azerbaijan in this aspect, particularly the measures
    taken by Azerbaijan on withdrawal of the Cyprus Turks from the
    international isolation. On his behalf, President Aliev noted that the
    relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey are on a high level today, `We
    attach great s! ignificance to the visit of the Turkish President. I
    am confident that the visit of Ahmed Necdet Sezer to Baku will give a
    new push to the development of the bilateral relations".

    I. Aliev also stated that the position of Azerbaijan on the settlement
    of Mountainous Karabagh conflict is unchanged. "We opt for it to be
    settled on the basis of international legal norms, that is respecting
    the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan under the condition that our
    refugees return to their homeland. These principles reflect both the
    reality and the justice, in accordance with international law",
    I. Aliev emphasized.

    Thus, the issues of resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict were
    the priorities on the agenda of the two Presidents' meeting. `In this
    case Turkey always stands by Azerbaijan. This support is very
    important for us. The position of Turkey is just and Azerbaijan is
    grateful for it', I. Live stressed.

    Further on, the President of Azerbaijan noted that our country feels
    constant support and help of the brother state from the first day of

    I. Aliev stated that the negotiations with his Turkish colleague also
    referred to the regional projects, particularly the construction of
    the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan export pipeline and the South Caucasus gas
    pipeline. According to President of Azerbaijan, these entities are
    under construction and already this year they will be put to
    operation. Raising the issue of opening the
    Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway communication, I. Aliev noted
    that `the sides do not have any disagreement in this
    respect". "Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia will take an active part in
    the project, and we hope it will be a success", I. Aliev
    noted. According to Azerbaijani President, presently the
    trade-economic relations between the countries are
    enlarging. "Alongside this, they do not fully reflect the current
    potential. I think in the future the cooperation will start developing
    at a quicker pace", I. Aliev stated.

    Still we should pay attention to certain details in the relations
    between Azerbaijan and Turkey. We will start from the fact that the
    steps of Azerbaijan on the withdrawal of the Northern Cyprus from
    international isolation today sets serious problems for official Baku
    already in the relations with the European Union and impedes the
    negotiations on ratification of the action plan on cooperation with
    this international organization. The Southern, i.e. Greek Cyprus,
    demands written guarantees from official Baku ensuring that Azerbaijan
    will never recognize the independence of the Turkish
    Cyprus. Otherwise, the Turks threaten blocking the involvement of
    Azerbaijan in the New Neighborhood Policy programme.

    Further on, a few words about the Turkish investments in the
    Azerbaijani economy. In this issue as well, it is time to change the
    priorities. First, now we can speak about not only the Turkish
    investments in Azerbaijan but also the Azerbaijani investments in the
    Turkish economy, though partially of shadow nature. Second, in the
    time to come the possibilities of Azerbaijan to invest in the Turkish
    economy will incomparably surpass the resources of the Turkish.

    Finally, the issue of Karabagh settlement is not that clear. The
    Turkish officials have always stated that they will open the borders
    with Armenia only after settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict, though our newspaper repeatedly wrote that official Ankara
    in its turn has enough problems in the relations with Yerevan. Such is
    the situation. `The international observers expect that Turkey will
    open the borders with Armenia", the advisor of the Turkish Prime
    Minister on foreign relations, the deputy of the Turkish Parliament
    Egemen Bagis stated in his speech at the Council on Foreign Relations
    of New York. "We recognize Armenia as an independent state. We do not
    have diplomatic relations but we respect their (Armenians') right for
    independence similarly to all the former Soviet Republics", he
    said. The advisor of the Turkish Prime Minister noted that Turkey does
    not open the borders with Armenia and does not establish diplomatic
    relations `since Armenia does not recognize these borders". "The
    Armenian Constitution urges not to recognize the borders with Turkey',
    Bagis noted, as reported by `Liberty' radio.

    Thus, the attitude of official Ankara to opening of the
    Turkish-Armenian border also hinges on the foreign policy
    situation. In other words, it is changing with regard to the object of
    `consumption'. When the statements are addressed to Azerbaijan, Ankara
    `recollects' the Karabagh conflict, when it is necessary to
    substantiate the refusal from establishment of normal relations with
    Yerevan in the West, the argument is Armenia's unwillingness to
    recognize the territorial integrity of Turkey itself. Therefore, we
    should not link the relations between Turkey and Armenia with the
    Mountainous Karabagh conflict to avoid additional obligations even to
    this brother nation. As for the problems with `Barmek', we may settle
    them on friendly terms...

    In conclusion, we will note that initially the visit of the Turkish
    President to Azerbaijan was fixed for January 25-26 of the current
    year but because of the bad weather conditions, it took place only
    yesterday. Today, A. Sezer will meet the Head of Azerbaijani
    government Arthur Rasizade and will visit Heydar Aliev Foundation. At
    this, the visit of the Turkish President to Azerbaijan will end.

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    Source: "Golos Armenii" newspaper (Armenia) [April 11, 2006]
    Author: Tatul Hakobian

    EU Envoy for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby stated in an exclusive
    interview to `GA'

    - Mr. Semneby, this is your first visit to Yerevan as an EU Special
    Envoy, and a few weeks ago you visited Baku and Tbilisi. Summing up,
    what are your first impressions and what impulses will go from you to
    Brussels after the trip?

    - I believe the countries of the region after the independence have
    gone a long way. The new European neighborhood policy opens new
    possibilities for both each of the countries separately, as well as
    for the whole region of South Caucasus. Currently the greatest
    problems are those of their interrelations that can hardly be solved
    on a bilateral basis, and here EU and the neighborhood policy can play
    a key role, starting a new stage in the region development.

    - Your interpretation of the neighborhood policy. Does this initiative
    mean a promise of EU membership for the countries of the region or
    this is just a prospect? Experts are of the opinion that this is
    purely a `police barrier' around EU.

    - I d not agree with the `barrier'. EU is truly interested in the
    development of the neighboring countries. The interest increases as
    shortly the EU will have two new members on the Black Sea
    coast. Turkey's accession is being negotiated and this country shares
    a border with South Caucasus. The interest of the EU increases also
    because the energy issues gain particular importance. EU has a
    fundamental interest in the stability and prosperity of the immediate
    neighbors. The European neighborhood policy does not open the
    prospects of EU membership. But I think this is not that important,
    since the policy contains numerous components that would allow
    bringing the countries of the region closer to the status, standard
    that the EU countries already enjoy, this is a hard way, and it is
    necessary to concentrate, to invest efforts and energy to take it.

    - Mr. Semneby, is the blockade considered to be a hostile act in the
    European policy?

    - It is not normal to have the borders closed. Armenia has a
    particular problem in this respect/l two of the four borders are
    closed. I hope that the problem can be solved quite soon and the
    Karabagh conflict resolution will give it a push.

    - Recently, in Sweden, that you represent, the President of Armenia
    announced that Turkey hopes to become a member of the European Union
    and blocks Armenia at the same time. He qualified the situation as

    - I was there. I do hope that the problem will be resolved and the
    prospects of Karabagh resolution will give it a push. Even if one
    overlooks the problem of Mountainous Karabagh, the closed border is an
    abnormal situation.

    - Do you believe the Karabagh conflict resolution and the improvement
    of relations between Armenia and Turkey are interconnected?

    - Of course, there is an interconnection. It is not a secret that the
    Turkish border is closed partly due to the Karabagh conflict.

    - Which of the two would you say is to be resolved first, or may be
    the resolution should occur simultaneously?

    - It is hard to say. Any model is acceptable.

    - But for the three frozen conflicts, Turkey continues the blockade of
    Armenia; the situation is also quite complicated in Georgian-Russian
    relations. Considering this, what is your view of the integration of
    the South Caucasus in European structures?

    - I think that the precondition for prosperity is the normal relations
    between the countries of the region and the countries out of the
    region. In order to develop such relations, one of course must resolve
    the frozen conflicts. They take much attention, political energy and
    are a serious impediment for the normal development. The resolution of
    frozen conflicts is in the interests of the region and EU. I hope this
    opinion is shared by the neighbors of the region, primarily, Turkey
    and Russia.

    - In Armenia and Azerbaijan there is an opinion that Presidents Robert
    Kocharian and Ilham Aliev procrastinate in the Karabagh
    resolution. What would you say?

    - I think this is a matter of historical responsibility for the
    problem resolution. The Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan have this
    chance, and I think they will use it to make a historical step in the
    interests of their countries, people, and the whole region. This is a
    difficult step because the solution is only possible when each party
    compromises in ties demands and expectations. This must be done by
    both the Armenian and the Azerbaijani parties. While this is
    difficult, I am deeply convinced: there are very few controversies not
    to be able to achieve a solution in the end.

    - You have recently announced that the EU can say its word in the
    post-conflict situation, also in the peace operation.

    - This is an option. I think when the agreements are signed, an appeal
    to EU will probably follow and EU will certainly consider the
    issue. But it is important to note that this is not the only
    option. It is too early to say what the peace operation will be like
    and who it will involve. Besides, there is a great need for
    rehabilitation in the conflict zone, and I think here, too, EU will
    play the key role.

    - Does this mean that the parties are so close to conflict resolution
    that it is time to speak about peace building and rehabilitation on
    the conflict territory?

    - The parties were close to solution in Rambouillet two months
    ago. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons this never happened, but
    the negotiations and discussions continue, and I have a feeling that
    Rambouillet was a push to realize the historical responsibility and an
    opening of prospects, it made it clear what the price of not reaching
    an agreement soon will be. I remain a cautious optimist and I think
    that there are still possibilities.

    - Russia is one of the key players in South Caucasus. In official
    Moscow there is an opinion that the new European neighborhood policy
    sets unequal conditions for Russia.

    - I do not think that Russia has any doubts on the ENP. On the
    contrary, its interests often coincide with the European
    interests. This is true primarily for the prosperity and stability in
    the adjacent region.

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