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Armenia 2017

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  • Armenia 2017

    ARMENIA 2017
    12 April 06

    Armenia will benefit from the sale of the fifth generating unit of the
    Thermal Power Plant of Hrazdan to Russia. Thus Defense Minister Serge
    Sargsyan, who is one of the core players in signing the Contract on
    Generating Unit for Compensating for Gas, assessed it on April 11. "It
    is quite beneficial, simply it is strange that everyone speaks up
    without knowing what the fifth generating unit is.

    Figuratively, the fifth generating unit is like a three-storey
    building, only the basement of which has been built, and nothing
    else," says the defense minister, advising to check that his
    words are true. And those who speak about other options of
    reconstructing the generating unit and keeping it to Armenia do not
    have reason. Particularly, the minister of defense believes that 150
    million is not sufficient to repair the generating unit; moreover,
    these funds need to be raised first.

    "At least 180 thousand million dollars is required to make a fight
    generating unit. And it would repay costs in 10 years at best.

    That is, at best in 2017 we would have a company generating income.

    And only Nostradamus could predict how much that income would be,
    how high the price of gas would be by then, whether there would be
    any income at all in 11 or 12 years," says Serge Sargsyan.

    If presently only Nostradamus would be able to tell the future,
    the defense minister assures that in the future it will be much
    easier to speak about the past. "I think we'll have time to do this,
    because presently there is no point in discussing it, we will offer
    more figurative, more forceful arguments on the value of the fifth
    generating unit and this step," states Serge Sargsyan.

    "What do we presently need as a people, as a nation: sell something
    that does not exist for 250 million dollars or wait until we get some
    cents in 2017? After all, can these people who speak so imagine the
    consequences of selling gas to people and industry at the foreseen
    price?" says the minister of defense.

    What we need as a people and a nation is, in fact, an interesting
    question to ask. On the other hand, it is interesting to know why the
    question of needs of people and the nation is negotiated secretly
    from people and the nation until the last moment. Why did nobody
    ask people and the nation what they need? And why do they generally
    tend to speak in the name of people and nation in Armenia and decide
    instead of people and the nation? And do people and the nation want
    to sell their own energy sector to another country?

    "First of all, not the entire sector. Besides, if we think harder,
    we will see that there is almost no difference. And finally, when
    politics is mixed with economy, the outcome is neither politics nor
    economy. We must see what offers favorable for our economy are made,
    and let us not say we decline this offer for it is made by Russia, and
    we accept that one, for it is made by Belgium," says Serge Sargsyan.