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Total Robbery And "Estrangment"

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  • Total Robbery And "Estrangment"


    [07:55 pm] 11 April, 2006

    The bill on the "account establishment on the program implementation of
    the 2001 - 2003 state property privatizations" was put on the agenda
    of the NA session yesterday. Today the NA Speaker Arthur Baghdasaryan
    and other important figures criticized the "estrangement" policy
    of the Government "as a result of which the RA budget had a loss of
    milliards AMD." Arthur Baghdasaryan inquired why the same territory
    is sold for 1000 AMD in one case and for 100 000 AMD in another. The
    Chief of the State Property Department Karine Kirakosyan answered that
    the price is determined by a number of factors; the activity index,
    actives and liabilities of the enterprise are taken into account.

    Before answering Arthur Baghdasaryan's questions Karine Kirakosyan
    claimed that neither educational nor primary educational institutions
    were alienated or privatized. The NA Speaker informed her that 535
    nursery schools and 250 libraries were already privatized.

    Today the Opposition was also very active. The vice-deputy of
    the "Justice" party Victor Dallakyan divulged all the cases of
    privatization which were realized directly and the buyer was known
    beforehand; for instance, the company "Orbita" was estimated 150
    million AMD whereas it was privatized with 150 million AMD. Let's
    bring another example, "Light" LTD was estimated 106 million AMD
    whereas it was privatized with 10 million 825 thousand AMD.

    The member of the party "Orinats Yerkir" ("Country of Law") Hovhannes
    Margaryan brought other examples of privatization and 6 examples of
    companies alienated with lower price. The member of the party "National
    Unity" Aghasy Arshakyan announced that the country is subjected to
    total robbery, "the economy was destroyed and sold for nothing."