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Turkish President Addresses War Academies Command

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  • Turkish President Addresses War Academies Command


    Anatolia news agency, Ankara
    12 Apr 06

    President Ahmet Necdet Sezer has thanked Turkish security forces
    for their "determination" in sorting out "recent acts of violence"
    in southeast part of the country and has said that "nobody should
    attempt to test the power of Turkey". In his address to War Academies
    command, Sezer also said:

    Turkey's foreign policy top priority will remain EU integration,
    relations with the USA and active position within NATO;

    Turkey's EU membership will depend on EU relations with the Middle
    East and the region;

    Differences of opinion due to Turkey's national interests do not
    harm its relations with the USA;

    Turkish Army, the second biggest within NATO, will "adapt to the
    requirements of the new international situation";

    The main threat to Turkey's security remains the separatist and
    fundamentalist movements;

    EU "unilateral decisions" on Cyprus could cause "new difficulties
    and problems".

    The following is the text of report in English by Turkish news agency

    Istanbul, 12 April: "Attempts to disrupt unity and tranquillity of
    the Turkish nation are, in fact, initiatives targeting the unitary
    state. Those initiatives will not yield any results," said Turkish
    President Ahmet Necdet Sezer on Wednesday [12 April].

    Speaking at the War Academies Command in Istanbul, President Sezer
    said: "Recent acts of violence in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir
    and in the neighbouring cities caused sorrow throughout Turkey. No
    one should attempt to test the patience and power of the Republic of
    Turkey. They should know that we will never give up our determination
    to protect our indispensable integrity. There have always been some
    domestic and foreign circles who felt uneasy about atmosphere of peace
    and tranquillity and development of Turkey. We should be careful
    against them. I call on all our citizens to act with common-sense
    and to contribute to social peace."

    "The southeastern and eastern regions of Turkey have been
    underdeveloped because of the terrorist organization and its
    supporters. All citizens equally benefit from advantages of democracy
    in Turkey. Those who came to power by benefiting from advantages of
    democracy, make some statements contradicting with their position.

    Our people should well-understand the real intent of those who
    attempted to stage acts by using children and women. We should
    consolidate our national identity and unity by underlining common
    values instead of creating artificial differences," he said.

    President Sezer thanked Turkish security forces for their determined
    and common-sense approach.

    "We saw a significant example of drawbacks stemming from efforts to
    politicize the jurisdiction in Semdinli a few months ago. The Turkish
    Army was dragged into an unfair argument as a result of the events
    in Semdinli. Actually, it is one of the basic duties of the state to
    protect the prestige of the army," he said.

    International developments

    Touching on recent political developments in the international area,
    Sezer said: "Turkey preserves its national interests as a requirement
    of its peaceful, clear and transparent foreign policy."

    "Turkey is located in a geography which is very close to clash areas
    and depression regions in the world. Thus, it cannot remain indifferent
    towards the problems as well as the approaches of international
    community to the developments in our region. Our basic target should
    be preventing an uncertainty which can stem from the change process
    in our region. Values like globalization, human rights, law order and
    democracy can deepen social differences and this can cause disorder
    in international relations. Our national interests require a stance
    which will prevent problems to be ossified in our region as well as
    in the general of the world," he noted.


    Sezer said: "There is no common understanding about the concept of
    globalization and its effects. It cannot be defined as negative
    or positive alone. The only way to stay away from globalization
    is isolation from international system completely. However, it is
    clear that such an isolation does not serve freedom, prosperity and

    "The clash of civilizations which has been on agenda frequently in
    recent years is one of the most important threats against positive
    part of globalization. Signs of this clash was seen after 11 September
    attacks in security dimension, and also seen during cartoon crisis
    in philosophical dimension. Western world stated that the cartoons
    which caused depression were assessed within the scope of freedom
    of expression. However, it is not good to attack holy values of
    the Islam while using the freedom of expression. On the other hand,
    Turkey possessed a rationalist and responsible approach during the
    cartoon crisis, and tried to undertake a constructive role in efforts
    to find a solution. Turkey stressed that freedom of expression is one
    of the basic principles of democracy, but it is necessary to act with
    responsibility while using this freedom, and also the problem cannot
    be solved through violent methods. 'Unity in diversity' should be
    the ideal of humanity in the future," said Sezer.

    He noted: "The EU adopts this ideal as a slogan, but today, many
    circles can say that they do not want Turkey in the EU as Turkey has
    different religious and cultural aspects."

    Turkey's strategic importance

    Sezer said: "Turkey, due to its strategic location, is on routes of
    strategic transportation as well as among the most unstable regions of
    the world like Caucasia, Middle East and the Balkans. Turkey is still
    being faced with complicated and multilateral inner and external
    threats which stem from separatist and unprogressive activities,
    international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
    and regional problems."

    "Turkey is among the countries which are mostly affected from
    multilateral threats due to its geopolitical location. On the other
    hand, the possibility and risk of use of weapons of mass destruction
    are increasing in both regional clashes and acts of terrorism.

    Although international treaties ban use of such weapons, several
    countries are exerting efforts to possess these weapons, and this
    jolts the international order," noted Sezer.

    "The terrorist attacks which have been staged in recent years with
    unique methods and scales have made terrorism the primary threat
    against world peace and stability. It is obvious that nobody is
    purified from this threat in a milieu where everywhere has become a
    front," he added.

    Sezer said: "Targets of terrorism has changed from individual level to
    mass destruction level, and this is very concerning. Unity of power
    against terrorism must be the common target of humanity. Thus, there
    is a global fight against terrorism today. The success of this fight
    depends on pursuing international efforts, force and determination
    as well as cooperation within the scope of extension of freedom and
    democracy and supremacy of law."

    Separatist and fundamentalist threat

    Sezer said: "Terrorism generally appeared on ideological basis in the
    past, but today it can influence larger number of people by using
    ethnical and religious differences. Disagreements on definition of
    terrorism and identity of terrorist organizations, supportive attitudes
    of some countries towards terrorism and separatist stances towards
    terrorism affect the success of fight against terrorism negatively."

    "Turkey is determined to successfully pursue its fight against
    various domestic threats especially separatist and fundamentalist
    threats. In spite of widespread international consensus to pursue
    fight against terrorism on global level regarding the deployment of a
    larger part of terrorist organization in the north of Iraq, Turkey's
    disappointment continues because our allies and neighbours did not
    give the necessary support to eliminate the existence of the terrorist
    organization in the region, and we express this disappointment in every
    platform. Sensitivity in the public will increase due to indifference
    towards terrorism targeting our country," noted Sezer.

    "Similarly, fundamentalist threat is a sensitive issue for us like
    separatist terror. Fundamentalist threat has reached to a concerning
    level. Turkey's biggest assurance against this threat is its secular
    order," said Sezer.

    "We expect the European Union (EU) to take into consideration
    our progress under universal principles of democracy and rules of
    market economy instead of discriminative statements," said Turkish
    President Ahmet Necdet Sezer on Wednesday. President Sezer said:
    "Dynamic and coherent stance of our foreign policy constitutes
    an evident element of stability in our region. Our relations with
    European and European-Atlantic institutions create the main dimension
    of our foreign policy. The EU membership process, relations with the
    United States and our position at the NATO are among top priorities
    of our foreign policy."

    "As you know, the membership negotiation process was formally opened
    on 3 October 2005. Turkey has been maintaining its progress with a
    great determination. At the end of this process, the only alternative
    for us is the equal membership," he said.

    Highlighting importance of Turkey in regard to the EU's future
    contributions to global stability, President Sezer said: "Turkey's
    membership will deepen the EU's relations with the Middle East,
    Caucasus, Central Asia and Mediterranean. Turkey will enrich
    a multi-cultural Europe with its modern, secular and democratic
    identity. Therefore, we expect the EU to take into consideration our
    progress under universal principles of democracy and rules of market
    economy instead of discriminative statements. No one should expect
    us to admit some unfair requests about Cyprus, Armenian allegations
    and the other issues concerning our national interests."

    Relations with the United States

    Referring to the relations with the United States, President Sezer
    said: "as we stressed on numerous occasions, Turkey considers its EU
    membership process a complementary element of our relations with the
    United States. Turkey-the United States bilateral relations contain
    energy, economy, trade, regional cooperation areas in addition to
    defence and security. Also, the two countries cooperate in the Balkans,
    the Middle East, Caucasus, eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea and
    Caspian Basin."

    "Turkey and the United States have been cooperating with each other
    in fight against terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass
    destruction. Differences of opinion in line with our national interests
    do not harm our alliance. Problems in our region entail Turkey to
    make different and more sensitive assessments. The United States is
    aware of this fact. Settlement of peace and stability in our region is
    connected with Turkey's being a powerful and stable country," he said.

    President Sezer kept on saying: "We have the second biggest army within
    NATO. This stems from the conditions in our geography. Turkey will
    continue preserving and developing its defence capabilities. The
    Turkish Armed Forces adapt itself to requirements of the new
    international security environment."

    "Black Sea is a sea of peace"

    "The Black Sea is a sea of peace. This area should not become
    a diplomatic play field. We have succeeded in creating a positive
    dynamic in our relations with our neighbours such as Greece, Bulgaria,
    Russia and Syria. Improving commercial relations have contributed to
    those relations," he said.

    Turkey-Armenia relations

    Referring to the relations with Armenia, President Sezer said:
    "Turkey wants to normalize its relations with Armenia to create an
    atmosphere of cooperation in the region and to contribute to regional
    stability. However, Armenia should take some steps to this end.

    Armenia already knows it."

    Middle East

    Recalling that the Middle East had been living through an extremely
    important process, President Sezer said: "Turkey is in favour of
    protection of territorial integrity and national unity of Iraq. We
    want a democratic and prosperous Iraq having peaceful relations
    with its neighbours. However, stability cannot be restored in Iraq,
    and confidence cannot be provided among different segments of the
    population yet. Recent developments revealed once again that balances
    in Iraq became quite fragile. Therefore, Iraqi people need to seek
    solutions to their problems on the basis of compromise."


    "Efforts to prevent any separation that will lead to collapse
    of Iraq's territorial integrity and national unity, are of vital
    importance. Several groups in Iraq ignore common will of Iraqi people
    and affect regional peace and stability negatively. Turkey considers
    their attempts totally unacceptable. Because of its special position,
    Kirkuk [northern Iraq] continues posing a threat to Iraq's stability.

    Kirkuk is a small model of Iraq with its natural assets and demographic
    balances. Kirkuk's fate will affect the future of whole Iraq. Future
    status of the city should be resolved with a formula to be accepted
    by all segments in Iraq," he said.

    Northern part of Iraq and terrorist organization

    Expressing Turkey's concerns over Iraq's territorial integrity
    and presence of the terrorist organization PKK [Kurdistan Workers'
    Party] in the northern part of the country, President Sezer said:
    "Ongoing presence of the terrorist organization in northern part of
    Iraq has been jeopardizing Turkey's security. We have been holding
    perpetual talks with both Iraqi and US authorities to this end. We
    hope that those talks will yield positive results soon."

    Iran's nuclear programme

    "Another source of concern is the international tension about Iran's
    nuclear programme. All countries have the right to use nuclear energy
    for peaceful purposes. However, it requires full cooperation with
    the International Atomic Energy Agency and fulfilment of commitments
    stemming from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

    Turkey thinks that Iran has some important responsibilities to
    ease the current tension. We call on Iran to cooperate with the
    International Atomic Energy Agency. We conveyed our views to Iranian
    authorities. Turkey does not want a new crisis in its region," he said.

    Palestinian-Israeli dispute

    President Sezer noted: "If Palestinian-Israeli dispute cannot be
    resolved, it is impossible to settle a lasting peace in the Middle East
    and eastern Mediterranean. A new political picture has emerged in the
    Middle East after the elections in Palestine on 25 January 2006. New
    Palestinian government's displaying a realistic, compromising and
    flexible attitude is of great importance. Also, we want to believe
    that the new Israeli government will assess the existing conditions
    with common-sense. Both sides should give priority to resume talks
    on the basis of the Road Map."


    Recalling that Turkey had been expending efforts to find a fair
    and lasting solution to the Cyprus issue, President Sezer said:
    "Recent Action Plan envisaging lifting all restrictions in Cyprus by
    the all relevant parties, is the latest example of Turkey's efforts
    to safeguard peace on the island. International community extended
    support to Turkey's Action Plan."

    "It was the Greek Cypriot administration which rejected the plan
    of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The most important
    step to be taken to lift embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot
    side will be financial assistance and direct trade. Turkey will not
    support any other option. While the Turkish side has been trying to
    revive a solution process and strengthen this process with the Action
    Plan, the EU's unilateral decisions will cause new difficulties and
    problems. Everyone has to understand the fact that an atmosphere
    of peace and stability to be settled in eastern Mediterranean will
    contribute to tranquillity and security of the whole Europe. However,
    problems cannot be resolved with efforts of only one side. Both sides
    should contribute to efforts to find a lasting solution," he said.

    "Development of global economy, new scientific and technological
    developments, social imparity, developments in energy, development
    of rising powers such as the People's Republic of China and India,
    aging populations, democratization process in several regions, spread
    of extreme ideologies, global terrorism, proliferation of weapons of
    mass destruction and development process of international organizations
    are among factors shaping the future of our world.

    Turkey closely monitors and assesses all these developments. The
    United Nations is the only universal forum in which all those
    problems which require international cooperation and solidarity will
    be discussed. Turkey supports all efforts aiming to protect peace
    and security in the world," President Sezer added.