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BAKU Prepares For New Phase In U.S.-Azerbaijani Strategic Relations

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  • BAKU Prepares For New Phase In U.S.-Azerbaijani Strategic Relations

    By Taleh Ziyadov

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    April 12 2006

    As Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliev prepares to visit the United
    States at the end of April, several high-ranking officials from
    Azerbaijan have already toured Washington and explored ways to
    strengthen U.S.-Azerbaijan relations.

    On March 29, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Araz
    Azimov arrived in Washington to participate in the next round of the
    U.S.-Azerbaijan security dialogue. Bilateral cooperation on security
    in the Caspian region began in 1996 and has intensified considerably
    since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    Azimov, who headed the interagency delegation from Azerbaijan, was
    accompanied by Azerbaijan's deputy minister of national security,
    Fuad Iskenderov; the deputy chief of State Border Services, Farhad
    Tagizade; and the commander-in-chief of the Azerbaijani Navy, Shahin
    Sultanov (AzerTag, March 31).

    Azimov met with Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military
    Affairs John Hillen, who represented the U.S. delegation. Officials
    from both states discussed "a wide range of security and defense
    issues, and highlighted the joint commitment to increased cooperation
    [between Baku and Washington]" (State Department statement, March 31).

    In his interview with the Azerbaijan state news agency AzerTag, Azimov
    highlighted the main issues discussed during his talks, including the
    "security of Azerbaijan at national and regional levels, relations
    within NATO, the increasing role of the OSCE in the South Caucasus,
    settlement of regional conflicts, relations among the Caspian coastal
    states, and the military-political situation in the Caspian basin"
    (AzerTag, March 31).

    On March 30, Azimov delivered a speech at the Center for Strategic
    and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC, and talked about
    the Karabakh peace process, Azerbaijan's energy and security policies,
    and its Euro-Atlantic agenda.

    Asked whether Iran was a subject of discussions, he reminded, "Some
    130-km long section of the Azerbaijan-Iran border is currently under
    Armenian occupation and outside of Azerbaijan's control, which is a
    serious security threat." In addition, Azimov stated that Iran's recent
    activities in the southern sector of the Caspian Sea, which Azerbaijan
    shares with Iran, worried official Baku. As for the Iranian nuclear
    program, he stressed that Azerbaijan supports a peaceful resolution
    of the issue (AzerTag, March 31).

    Following Azimov's visit, the Minister Foreign Affairs Elmar
    Mammadyarov arrived in Washington on April 7. Mammadyarov also met
    with high-ranking U.S. officials, including U.S. Secretary of State
    Condoleezza Rice.

    In his speech at Heritage Foundation on Friday, April 7, Mammadyarov
    described Azerbaijan as a "strategic ally" of the United States and
    listed Azerbaijan's economic achievements in the last 15 years.

    Deepening U.S.-Azerbaijan relations "corresponds to our national
    interest" and Baku and Washington "are working quite successfully" in
    this direction Mammadyarov remarked. He also mentioned the successful
    cooperation between the United States and Azerbaijan in the energy and
    security field, pointing to the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum natural gas pipelines and two radar
    stations in Azerbaijan (, April 7).

    Mammadyarov told Jamestown that soon Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey
    would begin construction of another strategically important project,
    the Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway. This project will connect
    Trans-European and Trans-Asian railway networks and will allow
    Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Central Asian states to ship their goods
    and products to Turkey and onward to Europe by rail.

    One of the central components of the U.S.-Azerbaijan security dialogue
    has been the Karabakh peace process. The February meeting of the
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in France resulted in a deadlock
    and produced no results. Although the OSCE co-chairs for the Karabakh
    peace process remain optimistic about a possible breakthrough in 2006,
    the failure of talks in Paris stressed the need for new proposals.

    After meeting with Rice, Mammadyarov stated that Washington had made
    him a "very interesting" proposal for resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict. He added that the Azerbaijani government would consider
    the U.S. proposal and would make its position public when U.S. OSCE
    co-chair Steven Mann visits Baku on April 18 (, April 8).

    The U.S. interest in speeding up the resolution of Karabakh conflict
    has led the Azerbaijani media and local analysts to question the U.S.

    role in the region. But official Baku has used Washington's growing
    interest in the region as an opportunity to strengthen U.S.-Azerbaijani
    bilateral relations.

    According to Ali Hasanov, head of the socio-political department of
    presidential administration, "Clearly, the U.S. does not want the
    resumption of hostilities in the region. We too would like to resolve
    the Karabakh conflict this year. But the fact is that Armenia still
    occupies Azerbaijan's territories and Baku preserves its right to
    restore its territorial integrity. We want the U.S. and other OSCE
    Minsk group states to pressure Armenia" (, April 12).

    For Azerbaijan, the return of internally displaced persons to
    their homes and the question of the country's territorial integrity
    continue to play a critical role in the peace talks. Baku hopes that
    its growing ties with Washington could result in a more favorable
    peace agreement and change the status quo in the region by ending the
    Karabakh conflict. Hence, the United States could become a leading
    player in the Karabakh peace process and U.S.-Azerbaijan strategic
    relations could further increase U.S. influence in the Caspian region.