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ASBAREZ Online [04-13-2006]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-13-2006]


    1) Call to Action by ARF Eastern Region
    2) Azeri Officer Sentenced to Life in Prison for Brutal Killing of Armenian
    3) Aliyev Denies Azerbaijan's Destruction of Armenian Cemetery in Nakhichevan
    4) HRW's Turkey Representative to Be Deported
    5) Primate Hovnan Derderian's Easter Message

    1) Call to Action

    A group calling itself "Young Turks" is organizing an anti-Armenian
    demonstration April 22 on Times Square in New York under the slogan "Halt
    Armenian Lies." This demonstration is one more channel through which the
    anti-Armenian policies of Turkish authorities are being expressed.
    In their quest for European Union membership, Turkish authorities are
    softening their positions and are allowing conferences in Turkey to discuss
    history of Armenians, are stopping legal proceedings against Turkish
    intellectuals who acknowledge the Armenian genocide, and are expressing
    willingness to start bilateral talks. On the other hand, however, under the
    leadership of extremist organizations, the Turkish diaspora is embarking on an
    anti-Armenian crusade. The work of the Grey Wolves extremist organization is
    apparent in the anti-Armenian rally in Lyon, followed by the gathering in
    Berlin and now the demonstration in New York.
    This Turkish initiative is a new challenge facing the Armenian nation. The
    Turkish authorities are embarking on this effort in order to influence public
    opinion and political authorities of various countries by using extremist
    elements of the Turkish communities living in these countries.
    This Turkish initiative cannot be allowed to continue and to grow. It is
    imperative that we act against it. You are all invited to a demonstration on
    April 22 to protest Turkish denial in all its forms, and to protest against
    local authorities which officially permit public expression of such denial.
    Let us all stand together, confront, and put an end to any and all
    anti-Armenian and denialist Turkish policies.

    --ARF Central Committee Eastern Region USA

    2) Azeri Officer Sentenced to Life in Prison for Brutal Killing of Armenian

    BUDAPEST (AFP)--An Azeri military officer who hacked to death an Armenian
    lieutenant while attending a NATO-sponsored training course in Budapest was
    convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday.
    Judge Andras Vaskuti of the Budapest district court ruled that Ramil Safarov,
    now 29 and an Azeri army lieutenant, killed Armenian Lieutenant Gurgen
    Markarian, 26, in a "premeditated, malicious, and an unusually cruel" way by
    nearly decapitating him with ax in February 2004 while the victim slept in a
    dormitory used by participants in a NATO Partnership for Peace English
    Safarov was also found guilty of planning the murder of another Armenian,
    which he did not carry out. He will be eligible for parole in 30 years,
    according to the ruling.
    "Compassion and remorse were completely missing from (Safarov's) testimony,"
    Judge Vaskuti said upon announcing the verdict. "During the whole case we
    waited for him to be at least a bit sorry for the Armenian soldier he killed
    brutally and for (Markarian's) family."
    Safarov's lawyer, Gyorgy Magyar, said they would immediately appeal the
    verdict, adding that it was yet unclear whether his client would serve his
    sentence in Hungary or be extradited to Azerbaijan.
    A lawyer representing Markarian's family said she was satisfied with the
    court's decision. "We're happy that the court honestly evaluated all the
    materials of this case and the brutal intentions... of the murderer," said
    Nazeli Vartanian. "This is a good decision for the Hungarian court and for
    (Armenian) society."
    Making his final statement to the court earlier Thursday, Safarov said the
    conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia was at the root of his act, and that
    the Armenian officer had repeatedly provoked and ridiculed him. He said he was
    unable to suppress his feelings and his wartime memories due to Markarian's
    "My conscience was clouded as a result of the insults and humiliating and
    provoking behavior, and I lost all control," Safarov told the court. "It would
    not be correct to consider it as merely a premeditated act caused by the
    awakening of revenge and hate upon seeing the Armenians." Safarov denied
    to kill a second Armenian officer.

    3) Aliyev Denies Azerbaijan's Destruction of Armenian Cemetery in Nakhichevan

    BAKU (Armenpress)--Azeri President Ilham Aliyev denied accusations connected
    with the destruction of the Armenian cemetery in Old Julfa, Nakhichevan. The
    cemetery, which included cross stones from as far back as the 7th century, was
    completely destroyed by Azeri Armed Forces in late 2005.
    "It is an absolute lie, libel, instigation. All the historic monuments in
    Azerbaijan are protected by the state," Associated Press cited Ilham Aliyev as
    For his part the Azeri president accused the Armenian side of destroying
    mosques and Muslim cemeteries in Karabagh.

    4) HRW's Turkey Representative to Be Deported

    ANKARA (Zaman)--Jonathan Sugden, Turkey's representative for the Human Rights
    Watch (HRW) organization, was apprehended by the Karliova Gendarmerie in the
    eastern Turkish region of Bingol while conducting observations and research.
    The Human Rights Joint Platform informed the press that Sugden has been
    traveling to Turkey for 20 years on his tourist visa because of his monitoring
    responsibilities, and asked for his release.
    Sugden lived in the country, and follows the agenda closely as he is
    fluent in
    Turkish. He arrived in Karliova to monitor and report the Turkish gendarmeries
    and local forces combat of terrorist activities in Bingol, Diyarbakir, and
    Sugden was sent to the Bingol Police Office and awaited deportation after the
    Turkish Interior Ministry was informed about the case.
    HRW's Europe and Central Asia director Holly Cartner said, "The desire to
    cover up human rights abuses is evidently still very strong, despite recent
    moves towards more accountability in Turkey's bid for membership in the
    European Union."

    5) Primate Hovnan Derderian's Easter Message

    "Christ is Risen from the Dead"
    "He is not Here, But is Risen!" (Luke 24:4)
    "And you are the Witnesses of these Things" (Luke 24:48)

    The good news of the Miraculous Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus
    Christ once again reaches us all as a beacon of light, as a call to the entire
    world towards faith and a new spiritual life; "And you are the witnesses of
    these things." Truly the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ not only
    within our spirituality the consciousness to relive the mystery of the Divine
    Resurrection, but even more so, to become the witnesses of the life of Christ
    and especially His Resurrection. The Resurrection of Christ is the ultimate
    reality that adorns our human spirit, because as Paul the Apostle says, "If
    Christ has not risen, your faith is futile" (I Corinthians 15:15).
    "He is not here, but is risen!" (Luke 24:4)
    "And you are the witnesses of these things" (Luke 24:48).
    For the Armenian Christian, the Feast of the Resurrection is the feast of a
    "greater life." Through our sacred religious rites the fundamental truth that
    the Resurrection of Christ is the new dawn of our spiritual life is further
    rooted within us, since "through his Resurrection he transcended sin, and all
    that having to do with this death." Thus, the Feast of the Resurrection of
    Christ becomes true on the day, when not only our creed is re-rooted, but
    all when we become the witnesses of His Resurrection. This is precisely where
    emphasis is placed upon the church. The church, as the congregation of the
    Believers of Christ, as part of its presence and identity, has an
    obligation to
    speak of and peach the Resurrection of Christ; to unceasingly deliver the
    message of Christ's gospels, and to make certain that the life of the
    individual and the community is a testimony of the Resurrection of Christ. We
    will become the witnesses of Christ's Resurrection only when we partake in his
    sacrifices. In other words, when we know how to fill our lives with sacrifice,
    turning our path of life towards Christ.
    The miraculous Resurrection of Christ is the feast of the renewed church. The
    Resurrection of Christ is the dawn of a new life within every Christian. We
    the ones who will construct the new church, with our own hands, so that we may
    give the testimony of Christ's Resurrection. Our individual life has the
    for renewal, as is our communal life within the church, our life of service,
    both national and to the church. But, above all, our lives within the family,
    to raise our children entrusted to us by God, is nothing but the example of
    life of Christ.
    The miraculous Resurrection of Christ conveys to all of us the message to
    transfigure our spiritual lives through the strength of prayer and to embark
    upon the God-pleasing mission to cultivate our spirit. The God-pleasing
    to cultivate our spirit begins in our individual life followed by a unity of
    the faithful through love. The more the individual is strengthened in his life
    by prayer, the more passionately he testifies about the Resurrection of
    The more the Christian community loves, the more that community becomes not
    only a strong testimony of the Resurrection of Christ, but above all a strong
    presence for all those who have strayed from the path of light and suffer in
    darkness. Our salvation and strength is in our spiritual life. The church is
    obliged to constantly renew herself, thus becoming a presence that maintains
    pace with contemporary times. It is our message that the children of the
    remain firm in their Christian faith because our nation has been reborn in
    faith by turning Christianity into the splendor of her spirit. For that same
    faith our nation has accepted the greatest divine gift, the Armenian alphabet,
    and through it has eternalized the Holy Bible with Armenian words. The
    of our church, with this communion, have continued to live their God-given
    We have reached the point in history when even greater challenges have risen
    before us and now we have the obligation to overcome. We will continue to
    uphold, even at the cost of our lives, the legacy of our forefathers, who have
    been sanctified through their martyrdom. The legacy of our Christian faith and
    doctrine, the Motherland and Holy Etchmiadzin, our language, our national
    heritage, culture, history, and most importantly our right for the recognition
    of the Genocide. The Armenian Church will be demolished when we are not
    able to
    pass these messages on to our youth.
    The Christian faith cannot be anchored on the testimony of the
    Resurrection of
    Christ if it is not rooted in our Motherland, Holy Etchmiadzin, as well as the
    sacred Armenian legacies, culture and history. These facets present themselves
    as a cornerstone of the Christian faith. In other words, they are God-given
    graces which strengthen our faith. They are graces in the sense of challenges,
    as to what extent we are able to live our Christian faith through our actions
    in order that we may become partakers in the crucifixion of Christ and to gain
    the right to testify about the Resurrection of Christ. The mystery of the
    Resurrection of Christ truly becomes a testimony when the Resurrection of
    Christ is expressed through our lives.
    Dear faithful, live the Feast of the Resurrection because its mystery is the
    mystery of the true life. This leads us to live life striving for perfection,
    as Christ himself says, "Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." The
    Feast of Resurrection is a day of pilgrimage. It is the doorway to eternal
    life. It is the feast of our renewed life. It is the breath of peace and the
    spring which plant harmonious brotherhood among nations. It is the Feast of
    Holy Etchmiadzin and, finally, the day of the victory of the Christian faith.
    "Christ is risen from the dead."
    "He is not here, but is risen!" (Luke 24:4)
    "And you are the witnesses of these things." (Luke 24:48)

    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate
    Easter 2006

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