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Martin Sargsian Re-Elected Chairman Of Chamber Of Commerce And Indus

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  • Martin Sargsian Re-Elected Chairman Of Chamber Of Commerce And Indus


    Noyan Tapan
    Apr 13 2006

    YEREVAN, APRIL 13, NOYAN TAPAN. Issues related to elections of the
    management of the RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), amendments
    to the CCI Regulations, and approval of the 2006-2010 strategy of
    its activities were on the agenda of the 3rd special congress of
    the RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry that took place on April
    12. CCI Executive Director Samvel Hovakimian told NT correspondent
    that the program on construction of a new exhibition center of the
    RA CCI to be built in Yerevan, as well as program measures, were
    presented during the congress. According to S. Hovakimian, Martin
    Sargsian was re-elected Chairman of the RA Chamber of Commerce and
    Industry at the congress. Head of the RA CCI Staff Kim Galoyan said
    that the amendments to the CCI Regulations were made in compliance
    with the new edition (June 2005) of the Law on Chambers of Commerce
    and Industry in the RA. According to the new Regulations, the RA CCI
    may have honorary members who participate in its activities with
    the right of deliberative vote. Besides, it was stipulated that
    the RA CCI chairmanship may express no confidence in the regional
    CCI chairmans and chairmanships in the event they break their
    regulations. In such cases, a congress shall be convened within
    two months after no confidence is expressed, with new elections of
    chairman and chairmanship to be held. K. Galoyan noted that under
    the new edition of the Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry
    in the RA, regional chambers of commerce and industry are reserved
    the right to open their offices abroad. Regional CCI may also have
    their courts of arbitration, just as the RA CCI. The regulations
    and file keeping orders of arbitration courts are approved by the RA
    CCI Chairaman. According to the law, term of office of chairmen and
    chairmanships of the RA CCI and regional CCI is 5 year instead of the
    previous 3-year term of office. Congresses of the RA CCI and regional
    CCI shall be convened at least every 5 years instead of every 3 years
    as was required previously.