[05:13 pm] 13 April, 2006
Today the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly voted the review of the Latvian
Deputy Boris Tsilejevich on "the state of Southern Caucasus refugees
and forcibly displaced people."
The UNO data was quoted in the review according to which in 2005
there were 235 thousand 235 refugees in Armenia and 578 thousand 545
displaced people in Azerbaijan. The last number has decreased in recent
years. The following was stated, "The Assembly turns to Armenia and
Azerbaijan to give refugees such a legal status which will be based
on the International Human Right and will comply with the status of
refugees." It is also stated that today the Southern Caucasus refugee
issue hinders the economic, social and political development.
The author claims that the measures taken by the leaders of the
above - mentioned countries for conflict settlements haven't had
any positive effect yet. On this score he focused on the Nagorno -
Kharabakh conflict. "The incidents on borderlines still continue,
and the fortune of missing people is still vague," noted Boris
Tsilejevich. The latter also mentioned that the Nagorno - Kharabakh
conflict resulted in the increase of the refugees and displaced people.
The OSCE Assembly turned to the European member countries to have
financial contribution in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia so that
the countries could solve the issue of refugees and displaced people.
[05:13 pm] 13 April, 2006
Today the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly voted the review of the Latvian
Deputy Boris Tsilejevich on "the state of Southern Caucasus refugees
and forcibly displaced people."
The UNO data was quoted in the review according to which in 2005
there were 235 thousand 235 refugees in Armenia and 578 thousand 545
displaced people in Azerbaijan. The last number has decreased in recent
years. The following was stated, "The Assembly turns to Armenia and
Azerbaijan to give refugees such a legal status which will be based
on the International Human Right and will comply with the status of
refugees." It is also stated that today the Southern Caucasus refugee
issue hinders the economic, social and political development.
The author claims that the measures taken by the leaders of the
above - mentioned countries for conflict settlements haven't had
any positive effect yet. On this score he focused on the Nagorno -
Kharabakh conflict. "The incidents on borderlines still continue,
and the fortune of missing people is still vague," noted Boris
Tsilejevich. The latter also mentioned that the Nagorno - Kharabakh
conflict resulted in the increase of the refugees and displaced people.
The OSCE Assembly turned to the European member countries to have
financial contribution in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia so that
the countries could solve the issue of refugees and displaced people.