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BAKU: US: NK conflict basic theme of discussion with Aliyev in DC

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  • BAKU: US: NK conflict basic theme of discussion with Aliyev in DC

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    April 14 2006

    [April 14, 2006, 22:03:20]

    Forthcoming visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the
    invitation of the US President George Bush to Washington is in the
    center of attention of the American political analysts. The meeting
    of presidents will take place on April 28 in the White House. The
    parties will discuss such questions, as development of democracy and
    cooperation on the Caucasus, power diversity, and also the teamwork
    directed on expansion of freedom and safety, as common obligation of
    the USA and Azerbaijan.

    Though the work above the program of official visit of President
    Ilham Aliyev yet has not completed, it is already known, that on
    April 27 the heads of state will take part in conference on the topic
    `The American-Azerbaijan strategic relations: political and economic
    priorities', devoted to the 10th anniversary of the activity of the
    American-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce.

    A number of authoritative political analysts on the South Caucasus in
    conversation with correspondent of AzerTAc have shared views on what
    they expect from the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Washington.

    The Editor-In-Chief of magazine `Central Asia-Caucasus' S. Cornell
    has told: `First of all, this visit will allow to lift the
    American-Azerbaijan relations on the level reached at former
    President Heydar Aliyev's time. President Heydar Aliyev, making
    frequent visits to the USA, has established very close ties with
    American government. Ilham Aliyev's visit will become a mean for
    restoration of sense of trust and links of high level. As if to
    concrete questions to be discussed, I consider, that the basic
    question of the agenda will be Karabakh. Considering inefficiency of
    the Minsk Group format, the USA now intends to show unilaterally
    greater activity in settlement of the Karabakh conflict. This
    tendency is completely clear.

    As a whole, the USA understands strategic value of Azerbaijan, and
    not only because of its geographical position, power resources of
    your country but also because it is the secular Islamic state in
    dangerous region of the world.

    As if to the Iranian question, I should note, that the Azerbaijani
    press strongly inflates this theme. Certainly, the neighborhood of
    Azerbaijan with Iran is important for America. Nevertheless, I do not
    think, that the Iranian theme will be in the center of attention on
    discussions during visit'.

    The general analyst of the Jamestown Fund Vladimir Sokor also has
    shared his views: `I expect with optimism the visit of Mr. Aliyev.
    This visit should take place earlier. America and Azerbaijan have
    close strategic ties. Grandiose power projects of Azerbaijan would
    hardly be carried out without political and economic support of the
    USA. The United States are the unique force preventing hegemony of
    Russia on Southern Caucasus.

    I consider, that, despite of contradictions, last parliamentary
    elections in Azerbaijan promoted strengthening of the
    American-Azerbaijan relations. The analyses lead recently testifies
    that these elections have been lead best of all the previous
    elections in Azerbaijan. Washington admits this fact. Therefore,
    President Ilham Aliyev has received the invitation to Washington. I
    think, that present visit will make certain contribution to the
    American-Azerbaijan friendly relations and will answer national
    interests of Azerbaijan.

    As to settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the United States clearly
    wishes to take leadership in mediation. Steven Mann, working within
    the Minsk Group, at the same time tries to make active intermediary
    efforts of the USA with a view of achievement of direct settlement
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The efforts, undertaken by three
    co-chairmen, appear ineffectual, as Russia is not interested in
    settlement of the conflict. The USA has the basic economic and
    political keys. I hope, that Armenia, having shown sufficient wisdom,
    will accept the USA as leader in mediation at settlement of the
    conflict. I know, that Azerbaijan will not object to this. In this
    case, 2006 can become successful in settlement of the Karabakh

    Chairman of Central Asia-Caucasus Institute (CACI) of the Johns
    Hopkins University Frederick Starr University: `Arrival of President
    Ilham Aliyev in Washington is a very much good news. It will be very
    successful visit. Certainly, the said visit will allow speaking
    openly about Karabakh. We, the analysts, call members of the
    government of the USA to lift the Karabakh question at negotiations
    with the Azerbaijan party, to be more active in this. It is high time
    of settlement of the conflict. The Azerbaijan territories should be
    returned, and there urgently should begin regenerative process. After
    this, there can be found the way out acceptable at the international
    level for settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Armenians should
    understand the reality. Time has come to pay attention to this
    question more resolutely'.