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Massachussets State House Events

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  • Massachussets State House Events

    Office of MA. Rep. Rachel Kaprielian
    CONTACT: Harout H. Semerdjian
    Tel: 617-489-1597, 617-722-2400

    April 13, 2006

    BOSTON, MA - This year the commemoration of the Armenian Genocidein
    the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has taken an extraordinary turn
    given the genocide lawsuit in our state. April 21, 2006 will mark two
    important events at the Massachusetts State House. The first is the
    State House Armenian Genocide Commemoration Ceremony organized by
    Representatives Rachel Kaprielian and Peter Koutoujian and Senator
    Steven Tolman. It will take place at 11:00am in the Chamber of the
    House of Representatives and will be followed by an informal reception
    in the Great Hall of the State House.

    The second event will take place outside the State House on Beacon
    Street at 12:45 pm immediately following the Commemoration
    Ceremony. It will mark the public inception of KNOW GENOCIDE, a new
    multi-ethnic, non-partisan coalition formed to combat the ongoing
    denial of known cases of genocide, such as the Darfur, Cambodian,
    Jewish, Rwandan, and the Armenian genocides. The coalition is
    grounded in the understanding that denial of genocide is the final
    stage of that crime. For the sake of human rights as well as the
    historical t ruth it will counter and expose attempts at genocide

    Both events at the State House will be marked with the participation
    of Dr.

    Taner Akcam, the first Turkish scholar to publicly acknowledge and
    discuss the Armenian Genocide. Despite facing great challenges,
    Dr. Akcam has worked for many years in creating a positive and
    successful dialogue between Armenians and Turks. His work regarding
    the Armenian Genocide is hopefully a beginning for eventual acceptance
    by Turkey of this great crime against humanity.

    It is our sincere hope that this event receives a good turnout of
    Armenians united against denial. Please join us at this historic
    juncture in our history, as we join with this leading Turkish scholar
    to acknowledge the truth and remember our martyrs.