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An Interview With British Journalist Robert Fisk

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  • An Interview With British Journalist Robert Fisk

    An Interview With British Journalist Robert Fisk
    A meeting with the Middle East correspondent of The Independent of London

    Horizon Weekly, Canada
    April 14, 2006

    By Aris Babikian

    Earlier this year renowned British journalist Robert Fisk recently published
    `The Great War For Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East,' an
    outstanding book on the recent history of the Middle East. In a 50-page
    chapter on the Armenian Genocide, Fisk deftly condensed the 90-year-old
    history of the Genocide with fairness, rendering justice to the victims and
    to the survivors of the first genocide of the 20th century. The extensive
    chapter covered the history, the circumstances, the betrayal, the cover up,
    the denial, and the political intrigues behind the Armenian Genocide.

    During his visit to Toronto to promote the book, we met him to discuss his
    views on the Armenian Genocide.

    Aris Babikian: Reading your chapter `The First Holocaust' on the Armenian
    Genocide, I was amazed by your ability to encapsulate the complex history of
    the Armenian Genocide in 50 pages. Can you tell me how did you stumble on
    the Armenian Genocide? What was your motivation in exploring the calamity?

    Robert Fisk: The book is partly about the First World War and the results of
    that war. I realized, because my father was a soldier in the First World
    War - he took part in the Gallipoli landing, that the Armenian Genocide took
    place in a context of that war, not a civil war.

    When I first arrived to Lebanon in 1976, during the civil war there, I
    become aware of the Armenian Community. Armenians were playing this
    difficult role, being neither with the Christian Falange nor with the Moslem
    and Palestinian militia. So I started to meet Armenians, at that stage - in
    `76. There were still Armenian Genocide/ Holocaust survivors then. I call it
    Holocaust with capital H, just like I call the Jewish Holocaust with capital
    H. At that stage the Armenian Genocide was not my main issue. I was
    covering the civil war. But then I went to Anjar. I saw this Armenian city.
    I learnt about Mousa Dagh, and gradually while covering the Lebanese war,
    the Iraq-Iran war, the Iranian Revolution, I noticed that always there were
    Armenians on the periphery. The Armenian Community invited me to visit their
    community centres in Tehran and in Northern Syria, in Kamishly. As the years
    went by I learnt more and more about the Armenian Genocide and came to
    realize clearly it prefigured the Jewish Holocaust, as well. It was a while
    before I realized how closely it prefigured the Jewish Holocaust . . . the
    fact that the rail cars, the box cars to transfer the Armenians by rail, the
    fact that German diplomats had seen the Armenian Genocide, and later the
    same scenes popping up in Eastern Europe - the killing of the Jews by the
    Wehrmacht or the SS . . . it is clear lines of direct contact between that
    Armenian Genocide and the second genocide of that century.

    Then I went to the Syrian Desert and to Deir ez Zorr. This was in 1993. It
    was a major photo story. I went with French photographer, to do pictures on
    the Genocide and what had happened in the northern Syrian Desert. The story
    is in the book. We went looking for this hill called Halgada. We knew about
    it from an old Armenian lady . . . the location of where her family was
    killed, next to the Khabur River. But there was nothing next to the Khabur
    River. It was only when we got to the top of the hill that we realized the
    Khabur River has moved about a mile to the east since 1915. Perhaps because
    of the number of bodies in it. There must have been heavy rainstorms; I was
    wondering around what must have been once an island in the river. Isabel
    [the photographer] was walking down a newly cut hillside. She said: `Robert,
    Robert come here.' I went across the top of the hill. At first I thought
    she was in trouble. As I walked towards her I saw the side of the hill was
    lined with skeletons. Some of them with bits of materials on the bones. They
    were tied together. I used my car key to pull the skull . . . there were
    teeth of young people, of women and children, as well as men. So, we found
    the killing fields.

    Later on they took me up to these caves where the Turks had lit bonfires
    outside to set the smoke into [the caves] and to asphyxiate Armenians in the
    world's first gas chambers. We made a huge report on this and, off course,
    endured the usual hate mail from Turkey. At that time, we are talking about
    1993, it wasn't normal for British newspaper or any newspaper to do a big
    investigation on the Armenian Holocaust. I saw it as an outrageous
    injustice. You know the Jews of Europe have quite rightly received
    compensation for their Holocaust. The Germans have owned up and constantly
    apologized for that Holocaust. But the Turks don't want admit to the
    Armenian Genocide. They paid nothing, and they went on saying that it was
    the fault of the victims and that there was no Genocide, anyway. I still
    think that unless there is full acknowledgment by the Turkish authorities
    that their Ottoman Turkish predecessors carried out the Holocaust/Genocide .
    . . I think the outrageous nature of the denial of this Genocide--as a
    political issue - is almost as deplorable as the actual genocide originally.

    It's outrageous that the American press, which exposed the original
    Genocide, should have spent so many years recently giving the Turkish point
    of view and denials. It is a shameful piece of journalism. Can you imagine
    running a story saying that 6 million Jews died in Europe and many Germans
    say it did not happen. We will never write that; we will never dream of

    AB : As a journalist, why you think that the international media has a
    double standard when it comes to the Armenian Genocide - even though some of
    these newspapers, you mentioned the New York Times, and here in Canada the
    Globe and Mail, have plenty of archives on this issue.

    RF: You know, the Globe and Mail carried an article by me about the Genocide
    and deleted the word `Genocide' and included `tragedy.' When I talked to
    them I was told that it was done by an editor... as if that is an excuse.

    AB: Why do you think so much of the international media has a double
    slandered on this topic?

    RF: Because Turkey is in NATO and because the media have this balancing act.
    They don't associate the Genocide with the Holocaust. That is why I call it
    the Armenian Holocaust. Also, because journalists think they are giving
    balance to everything. Anyone who denied anything gets in the newspaper his
    denial. He gets 50% of the story. Which is ridiculous. We wouldn't allow the
    Germans to deny the Jewish Holocaust; why would we allow the Turks to deny
    the Armenian Holocaust? And it is also the gutless sense of American
    journalism, to go along with the authorities. The attitude is this: since
    the U.S administration is not prepared to call it a Genocide that's
    sufficient for us not mess with our Turkish allies our, NATO ally. Right? We
    need them for their air bases. So, why upset them? Look what happened to
    France. The moment the National Assembly brought the Armenian Genocide to
    the table and said it happened, they lost so much, so many economic
    agreements [between Turkey and major French companies] including weapon
    agreements were cancelled. Lockheed and Boeing are not going to support the
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. So it is very much an economic thing.
    The fact that the New York Times, which exposed the Armenian Genocide in the
    first place, should now spend so many paragraphs to Turkish denials is

    AB: Do you think that the concept of uniqueness of the Holocaust in certain
    circles within the Jewish community and the Jewish diaspora has anything to
    do with the issue of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide?

    RF: We know that Shimon Perez has publicly stated it was not Genocide. It is
    in my book. He was admonished, quite rightly so, by Israel Charny, the
    Holocaust scholar. He [Charny] does not want to be associated with the Perez
    statement. Mr. Charny is a very moral man. Over and over again, even the
    Israeli ambassador to Yerevan announced that it was not Genocide.

    The Armenian Genocide issue is very straightforward. It happened, and people
    are denying it and those who deny it are wrong. I told the San Francisco
    Bay Area Armenian Community four, five years ago, that there was one way to
    turn the story around - changing the narrative back to reality. It's for
    Armenians to honour those brave Turks who helped Armenians during the
    Genocide. Here are these brave Turks . . . we dare the Turks to honour their
    brave men...

    AB: You are right. Many Turks did help Armenians during the Genocide.

    RF: I have suggested to Armenians to do what the Israelis do - honour brave
    Gentiles who saved Jews. Let's honour Turks who helped the Armenians, who
    upheld the honour of the Turkish nation when the Turkish Government was
    destroying its own Armenians. I don't know what the Armenians have done
    [about this idea]. The Turkish Government will have a big problem if this
    becomes a major issue. Are they to honour brave Turks who upheld the honour
    of their nation or are they to despise them and honour the men who destroyed
    the honour of the nation by killing the Armenians? These are major moral
    issues. I don't think at the moment that Armenians have really looked on
    this issue the way they might. But again, it's for Armenians to decide. I am
    not Armenian.

    AB: When it comes to Armenian Genocide denial, you least expect the Israeli
    state to be a party to denial. Their policy on such a moral issue is ironic,
    considering the Jewish Holocaust and its deniers.

    RF: Israel puts Israel first as Armenians put Armenians first. But the fact
    that you have someone like Shimon Perez adopting the Turkish line on the
    Armenian Genocide is astonishing. It is not astonishing because the Israelis
    demand the uniqueness of the Jewish Holocaust. It is unique in terms of
    numbers but in terms of structural, political, direct physical relationship
    the Armenian Genocide is Genocide as is the Holocaust. It was a clear
    attempt to eliminate the Armenian people as a people, as a nation. It was
    similar to the Holocaust. Turks managed to do their best to thrash
    Morgenthau. But look at all the other reports. Look at the photographs. Look
    at Armin Wagner's pictures. I point, in my book, documents never quoted
    before - from Britons, showing the women walking naked to Deir ezz Zor.
    British readers wrote to me, with their long-dead fathers' notebooks,
    written in their handwriting about this material. They were never published
    before. They did not tell a lie. They were not dreaming when they wrote in
    their notebooks.

    AB: Is it the economic, military, intelligence alliance between Turkey and
    Israel that makes Israel join Turkey in denying the Armenian Genocide?

    RF: And Turkey and the United States.

    AB: There are many righteous Jews in support of Armenian Genocide

    RF: Yes there are. Armenians who live in Jerusalem and speak Hebrew call it
    the Armenian Shoah, the Hebrew word for Holocaust. The Jerusalem Post wrote
    fine articles about the Armenian Genocide. And The Jerusalem Post being
    pretty right wing Israeli paper.

    AB: You now see many countries coming forward, acknowledging the fact of the
    Genocide. Even Germany recently passed a very strong resolution, even though
    they did not use the word Genocide.

    RF: You are getting there. You are getting there, slowly but surely.

    AB: Can we conclude that these current alliances and denials are not based
    on moral or historical facts but on short-term political and economic

    RF: Of course. Of course.

    AB: There are some Europeans who are using the issue of Armenian Genocide as
    a pretext to block Turkey's entry to the European Union. Under the
    circumstances, wouldn't it be wiser for the Turkish Government to come to
    terms with the Armenian Genocide issue?

    RF: Of course it would. You know, an increasing number of Turks are
    admitting it. I gave a lecture in Sabanci University [Istanbul] a year ago
    and mentioned the Armenian Genocide. A former Turkish army colonel stood up
    at the end and said: `You are right.' When I was covering the Turkish
    earthquake, in 1999, I talked to large number of seismologists and civil
    servants. During a big dinner gathering in Istanbul, I raised the Genocide
    issue. `You are absolutely right. It happened. We did it. We should
    acknowledge it,' they all said.

    AB: Why is it that they do not come forward?

    RF: Because of ultra-nationalist arrogance. Because the ultra-nationalist
    elements in the Turkish society, which identify with Moustafa Kamal Ataturk,
    altough Ataturk himself, in interviews, said that the people responsible for
    the Genocide should be hanged. He knew it had happened. `Our Christian
    citizens,' he called Armenians. There is a newspaper interview with him
    which I have a copy in English.

    AB: Is it the Los Angeles Examiner interview?

    RF: Yes.

    AB: You know, some Turks now deny that Ataturk did give such an interview.

    RF: I have the original. I have seen the original newspaper and I have a
    photocopy. It is real, of course.

    AB: Recently we have witnessed some Turkish scholars and intellectuals
    questioning the Turkish Government's policy of denial. Some have been
    threatened, blackmailed . . .

    RF: They have suffered for it. They have suffered for it.

    AB: What do you think of this phenomenon? How far it will go?

    RF: They cannot be stopped. Once you open the door to discussion, you cannot
    close the door again. People lose their fear. If any element loses its fear
    you can not inject fear into it again. Once historical scholarship loses its
    fear . . . you cannot lock it back again. So, it is out of the bag. The door
    is open. You can only move forward. You can not go back. Even if you lock up
    all the scholars it becomes bigger strain and there will be more scholars.
    It is little bit like water coming under the door. You can seal the bottom
    of the door, but eventually it will come from the top of the door. Why it
    happened [Turkish scholars researching the Armenian Genocide]? I don't know.
    I hate journalists who talk through the top of their heads on subjects like
    that. I am sure it's like the situation in the U.S. where Turkish
    scholarship has contaminated American universities through the system of
    Turkish Government sponsorship of chairs of Turkish studies. So more and
    more Turkish academics, younger academics, have been trained to work abroad
    and learn the necessity of starting scholarship outside the politically
    accepted dogma. I will give you practical example. A young Turkish girl who
    must remain anonymous. She was a student who came to work in America. And by
    chance she lived in a U.S. city with a large Armenian community. She started
    to take an interest in the Genocide. Until then she had believed that what
    had happened in 1915 was a civil war. Armenians had suffered; Muslims had
    suffered. Then she started interviewing Armenians. And talking to Armenians
    she realized that there was a genocide. She started cataloguing the stories
    of the Armenians in Turkish. Two years ago she turned out in southeast
    England, to talk to a very old lady who had seen children set on fire by
    Turkish gendarmes. I interviewed her. She is in my book. In the book I
    mentioned the letter she had received from a Turkish woman who said that she
    was so sorry for what her people had done. That Turkish woman is preserving
    the Genocide records in Turkey in Turkish.

    So it is out. You cannot go back no matter how the nationalist opposition
    fights it.

    AB: What do you think of the Turkish integration into the European Union?
    Will the Genocide recognition play a big role whether Turkey is admitted?

    RF: The problem around the European issue is this: Europeans who don't want
    Turkey in the European Union will use the issue of the Armenian Genocide not
    for your view but for there's. You might think they would stand up for
    freedom of information and force the Turks to indulge in the truth. They
    will be working from the principle that the Turks will not recognize the
    truth. Therefore, they will keep them out of the European Union. That is a
    big danger for Armenians. You will have `friends' of the Armenians who
    demand Turkish recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a condition of entry
    to the European Union, in the hope that the Turks would refuse to recognize
    and thus Europeans will be able to keep Muslim Turkey out. That's about
    their interests. My theory is that if Turkey joins the European Union many
    Armenians, who have European passport, can claim compensation for the
    property taken from their ancestors.

    AB: Did you receive complaints about your writings on the Armenian Genocide?

    RF: Yes. I have received anonymous phone calls from Turks; probably calling
    from London, saying `why do you hate the Turkish people?' I had one or two
    complaints from the Turkish Embassy sent to my paper. But we reply most
    vigorously to them, saying `don't waste our time writing letters and saying
    the truth isn't the truth.'

    AB: Armenians in the diaspora are facing an uphill struggle, lobbying to
    bringing this matter to the attention of the international community.

    RF: You have done a lot better than the Palestinians. The Armenian diaspora
    is very wealthy, compared to other minorities whose history has been denied.

    AB: What do you think of the reconciliation talks between Turks and
    Armenians, without Turkish Government's acknowledgment of the Genocide?

    RF: It sounds strange to me. Unless the Turkish Government recognizes the
    Genocide what you got to reconcile about?