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Hitting A Nerve (PBS Documentary "The Armenian Genocide")

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  • Hitting A Nerve (PBS Documentary "The Armenian Genocide")

    HITTING A NERVE (PBS Documentary "The Armenian Genocide")
    Matt Zoller Seitz

    The Star Ledger, NJ
    April 17 2006

    "The Armenian Genocide" arrives on PBS tonight (10 p.m., Channel 13)
    preceded by a wave of controversy. The public broadcaster is accused
    of nothing less than a form of holocaust denial.

    Some back story first. This documentary recounts the extermination
    of 1 million Armenians in eastern Turkey by the Ottoman Empire. The
    systemic nature of the extermination, which has been confirmed by
    the International Association of Genocide Scholars, is taken as a
    given by this documentary. The program also points out that the Turks
    killed another 200,000 people in historic Armenia and Constantinople
    (now Istanbul).

    PBS ran afoul of Armenian-Americans by adding a post-screening
    panel discussion that included two scholars who said that not all
    of the victims died as a direct result of Turkish violence -- that a
    percentage of them were lost to disease, starvation and other causes
    that affected all of Turkish society, not just Armenians.

    This genocidal caveat was considered a slap in the face to
    Armenian-American groups, who argued that most legitimate scholars
    agree that the mass deaths qualified as genocide, and that PBS would
    follow a documentary about the World War II genocide against the Jews
    with a panel that tried to qualify or explain away the horror.

    PBS responded that the panel wasn't meant to cast doubt on the
    "genocide" label -- that it was just an attempt to explore a
    contentious issue and be as inclusive as possible -- but this has
    only inflamed Armenian outrage. (There's even a petition circulating
    online that condemns the panel discussion.)

    It's unfortunate that PBS blundered into this morass in the first
    place, because the documentary is a serious, literate and ultimately
    heartbreaking work -- a historical primer on an event few Americans
    even know about. (For a dramatic take on the same subject, rent
    "Ararat," by Atom Egoyan, a Canadian director of Armenian heritage.)

    Moving through the end of the 19th century, the documentary explains
    how things just kept getting worse for the Armenians, a people who
    existed peacefully within the Muslim-ruled Ottoman Empire despite
    having adopted Christianity as the state religion back during Roman

    As historians point out, the Sultan of the Ottoman empire designated
    individual non-Muslim peoples -- Greeks, Armenians, Jews -- as
    "infidels." But for practical reasons, he still tried to stay out of
    their business as much as possible. The empire's subjects were given
    the limited ability to rule themselves as long as they paid their
    taxes, obeyed the Sultan's rules and didn't try to rebel.

    'Discriminatory, unequal, hierarchical," the University of Chicago
    professor Ron Suny tells the filmmakers. "But if you obeyed, you could
    get along, and Armenians did rather well for centuries, actually."

    Then Armenians began agitating not necessarily for equal rights, but
    simply to have their unequal treatment explained and justified. This
    led to increasingly brutal government crackdowns, and eventually to
    a Turk-centric re-education campaign, carried out by a radical new
    Otttoman government run by religious and political extremists.

    Genocide soon followed.

    Armenians contend that the Turks tried to exterminate them to suppress
    an Armenian uprising and destroy any chance that the Armenians might
    give aid to an invading Russian army. The Turkish government continues
    to deny that Armenian deaths were anything other than an unfortunate
    byproduct of national misery.

    Most legitimate historians favor the former interpretation, and the
    documentary says so. Given the intelligence and precision of this
    documentary -- whose main fault is brevity -- it's depressing that
    PBS managed to turn it into a rallying cry for the oppressed, more
    perhaps through ignorance than malice. And the network's attempts to
    fix the situation only made it worse. ex.ssf?/base/columns-0/1145248807144520.xml&co ll=1