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Armenian Patriarchy Of Jerusalem Waiting For The Formation Of NewIsr

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  • Armenian Patriarchy Of Jerusalem Waiting For The Formation Of NewIsr


    14.04.2006 GMT+04:00

    The new cabinet headed by Ehoud Olmert may include partners of
    Armenian lobbyists.

    The acting Prime-Minister of Israel Ehoud Olmert has finally been
    officially appointed to the Prime Minister's post. The appointment
    was preceded by secret voting of cabinet members who unanimously
    supported the suggestion to declare Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
    incapable because of being in coma for already three months. "Kadima"
    party, created by Sharon and headed by Olmert won in the parliamentary
    election held on March 28. Currently, Olmert is engaged in forming
    new government. The new allocation of political forces in Israel
    cannot but attract Armenia's attention first of all because one of the
    thrones of Armenian Apostolic Church is located in the Jewish capital
    - Jerusalem. The outcome of ongoing political consultations is also
    very important for the development of dialogue between Armenian and
    Israeli governments.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The victory of "Kadima" in parliamentary elections
    was not so convincing. This is why for the formation of parliamentary
    majority Olmert needs the support of at least four political forces.

    Up to now it is known for sure that the coalition will include the
    left-centrist "Avoda" party and the surprise-of-elections party of
    pensioners. Still undecided is the involvement "Our Home Israel"
    (OHI) party which mainly unites Russian speakers, parties of "Shas"
    religious orthodoxies and the left-wing "Merets" party. Let us try
    to analyze government formation perspectives from the point of view
    of national interests of Armenia.

    Official Yerevan and the Armenian community of Israel have partners
    among the members of once ruling and currently radically oppositionist
    "Likoud" party.

    Among such partners we may with great reserve call the name of former
    Soviet dissident, ex-minister of labor Natan Sheransky who has been in
    the same prison with Paruyr Hairikyan, Ashot Navasardyan and Andranik
    Margaryan and bravely spoke out for the necessity of recognizing
    Armenian genocide. Being on the minister's post Sheransky did not take
    any measures in that issue. Nevertheless we can suppose that being in
    opposition it will be easier for him to criticize the administration's
    attempts to politicalize the issue of Armenian genocide. (Today the
    official position of Israel concerning Armenian genocide is that it
    should be discussed by historians and not politicians). Just before
    elections I managed to interview Mr. Sheransky in Jerusalem. In the
    interview on the perspectives of Armenian genocide recognition he said:
    "I have been one of those who tried to raise that question. But you
    have to understand that Israel still cannot make a braver step towards
    recognition than the world community, particularly the USA. You should
    not expect Israel's recognition of genocide before United States.

    But if the world community gives an appropriate political appraisal
    to the genocide, we shall be among countries supporting that".

    Armenians have allies also in "Merets" and OHI. But those political
    parties cannot exist in the same team.

    The government will include either the left-oriented leader Iosy
    Bailey or the head of the right-oriented Avigdor Lieberman. Founders of
    "Merets" Iosy Bailey and Iosy Sarid are known as consistent fighters
    for the recognition of Armenian genocide. Being in government they
    have many times raised the genocide issue. "I have done and will
    do everything possible to achieve Israel's recognition of Armenian
    genocide. It is a crime against humanity and there cannot be a more
    horrible crime than the genocide of Armenians. Jews being victims
    of hatred bear greater responsibility and have to be more attentive
    to other victims. The one who turns a deaf ear to crime, actually
    assists criminals", said Sarid in April, 2005 in Yerevan.

    Similar to Sarid's is the announcement of the current head of the
    party - Iosy Bailey. In 1994, being on the deputy foreign minister's
    post, in reply to the TV speech of the Turkish ambassador he said:
    "Things that happened in 1915 were not war, but massacre and genocide".

    Of course, it would be extremely naïve to suppose that people with
    such a way of thinking would enter the government. But the chances of
    "Merets" to get ministerial positions are not so good, since it has
    only 5 mandates, whereas OHI has 12. On Monday, the leaders of "Merets"
    party announced that Olmert will most likely prefer Lieberman's
    team. On the second place in Lieberman's party list (OHI) is the head
    of inter-parliamentarian commission for Armenian-Israeli cooperation
    Yuri Shtern who, accompanying the supreme rabbi Iona Metzger in his
    visit to Yerevan, announced that he would promote recognition of
    Armenian genocide. "I myself recognize the historical fact and am
    sure that putting aside Turkey's policy, it is necessary to agree
    with history", said Metzger during his visit to Tsitsernakaberd.

    If OHI enters the ruling coalition, Yuri Shtern will most likely get a
    "light" ministerial position. The appointment of the former Muscovite
    to a ministerial post will make it easier for Armenian and Israeli
    governments to find common language.

    But the trouble is that currently, former Prime Minister and Foreign
    Affairs and Defense Minister Shimon Peres speaks against the inclusion
    of OHI in the ruling coalition. It should be noted that Olmert wants to
    see Shimon Peres on the vice-premier's post in his cabinet. Peres says:
    "Either me or Lieberman's team". To put it shortly, the involvement
    of Peres in the cabinet of ministers is extremely undesirable for
    Armenia. Worsening of Armenian-Israeli relations occurred in the
    period when Peres was occupying the Foreign Minster's post. Peres
    is a promoter of strong strategic partnership with Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. This is why he claims that there has been no genocide of
    Armenians in Turkey. "It is impossible to assert that Armenians have
    suffered genocide like Jews did.

    Identification of Jews with Armenians in this issue is inadmissible",
    Peres said in April, 2001.

    Another threat for us is the possible involvement of the Sefard
    "Shas" religious party that demands the position of Internal Affairs
    Minister. This appointment cannot but alarm Armenian patriarchy of
    Jerusalem since Judaic orthodoxies hold a radical position towards
    the status of Jerusalem and speak out for giving a force of state
    laws to Judaic canons.

    This perspective alarms not only representatives of ethnic and
    religious minorities of Israel, but also the Jewish intelligentsia who
    are against the refusal from temporal social structure in the country.

    Staying of "Kadima" party in power allows supposing that there
    will not be serious changes in the relations between Tel-Aviv and
    Yerevan and the former administration's striving to build dialogue
    with Armenia will continue. But the fact is that elections have to
    some extent thrown back the beginning of a very important stage in
    Armenian-Israeli relations.

    Yet at the end of 2005 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel was
    ready to appoint an ambassador in Armenia but the change of government
    did not allow the foreign ministry to do that. Armenian issues are
    still dealt with by the Israeli ambassador in Georgia which means that
    our country is still playing a secondary role for Israel. The political
    leadership of Israel has finally made a decision on appointing an
    ambassador to Armenia, whose residence however will be in Jerusalem
    and not in Yerevan. The ambassador will arrive in Armenia several
    times a year. "The reason for this is connected not with politics
    but merely with the shortage of funds", told me the head of Eurasian
    countries department of the Israeli foreign ministry Anna Azary. It
    will be possible to return to the issue of appointing an ambassador
    already after the appointment of a minister and determination of
    new foreign policy priorities of Ehoud Olmert's government. Thus,
    we should only wait and hope that the new minister will not decide
    to revive the policy of Simon Peres whose resignation brought about
    certain improvements in the relations between our countries.

    "PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department

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