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BAKU: NGOs Discussed Ramil Safarov's Sentence

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  • BAKU: NGOs Discussed Ramil Safarov's Sentence


    Democratic Azerbaijan
    April 17 2006

    Recently 'round table' hosted by a number of MPs together with NGO
    chiefs devoted to sentence passed on Ramil Aliyev, senior lieutenant
    of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan incriminated in murder of Armenian
    officer Gurgen Margarian, was held.

    13 April Budapest city court under the chairmanship of Judge Vasguti
    Andrasha sentenced Azerbaijani lieutenant to life imprisonment. Azay
    Guliyev, a MP, president of Forum of National NGOs, informed that
    such court decision was unexpected for all. "If today in Europe the
    defendant could be sentenced to the Capital Punishment, our lieutenant
    would be sentenced to death penalty. Europe does not recognize the
    right of State sacrificing of thousands victims. We are against this
    decision and consider that not only Ramil Safarov but Azerbaijan
    is sentenced to life imprisonment. This decision is the attitude of
    Hungary and Europe toward Nagorno-Garabagh conflict".

    According to him, in order to appeal to the Court of Appeal should
    be developed an Action Plan.

    At the round table Tatiana Cheladze, the journalist underlined that
    the problem would not get such scales, if in due time it was not
    linked with politics: "That time I've already said that there was not
    essential to link this incident with politics, it can damage Ramil
    Safarov himself. Even lieutenant's father requested about it mass
    media. But despite the all requests, to the sitting of the court has
    been brought posters with different slogans that led to involuntary
    examination of this matter from the point of politics. You see its

    Following T. Cheladze A. Guliyev noted that we should manage to
    control our emotions: "This point requires cold-blooded attitude.

    Since ever we have been told just without any deeds".

    Zahid Oruj, a MP informed that the Coordinating Board in due time
    noted that this problem should promote to unification of society but
    not its break. According to him, currently it'd be inexpedient to
    prefer new charges, as it can damage Ramil Safarov: "Such conflicts
    are underlying for Armenian-Azerbaijanian conflict. We always say
    that the battle field is a place wherein the Armenian insults the
    Azerbaijanian disrespecting for its national flag. Thus, this sentence
    is passed not only to Ramil Safarov but to Nagorno-Garabagh for which
    we are struggling".

    Z. Oruj told that holding pickets of protest at the streets and city
    squares should be permitted. Sahib Mammadov, human rights defender
    informed that throughout two years numerous mistakes were allowed, as
    it is wrong to prefer the charges: "I think that this issue requires
    more careful attitude. All we know that Hungarian trial acted not
    impartial. But if we say directly about it, we'll fail. Europe does
    not allow to influence upon court. It'd be better, if we present
    it as mistake of trial. Let's say that it is a mistake that should
    be withdrawn".

    Sahib Safarov, lieutenant's father informed that the results of
    activities done for two years make hope for the best. According to
    him, it should be developed action plan to be done in future: "Ramil
    called me and said that he expected such sentence. Now we have to
    wait for the Court of Appeal to be held a year later. For this year
    we have to do our best not to repeat mistakes which were used by
    the Armenians". S. Safarov preferred a charge against mass media:
    "Recently Ramil was sentenced. As it known, there is a chance of
    extradition. It has been repeatedly informed and printed, what is
    the meaning to put the same questions in response to which to receive
    the same answers? The Armenians demand more severe punishment based
    on our informations".

    R.Safarov's father touched upon the interview given to BBC by
    editor-in-chief of "Daily Azerbaijan" ("Gundelik Azerbaycan") Eynulla
    Fatullayev who had repeatedly informed that the court passed a just
    sentence: "They are words neither Armenian lawyers, nor judge, nor
    Public Prosecutor. It was said by Eynulla Fatullayev. Ramil Safarov
    suffered punishment but E. Fatullayev does not leave him alone. But
    we should not forget that my son is Azerbaijanian, and any sentence
    passed to him is equal to sentence to Azerbaijan. Now I want to address
    E. Fatullayev and asked him: Ramil is sentenced to life imprisonment
    and now you are satisfied, or don't you agree with this sentence?"

    Addressing once again to mass media S. Safarov requested them to act in
    accordance with the circumstances and previously think over every word.

    At the end of meeting the Coordinating Board for R. Safarov's rights
    adopted a statement. The document says that the Board will actively
    operate for protection of our lieutenant's rights as a sign of protest
    against unjust decision of Budapest court. The statement is expected to
    send to the highest legislative body of Hungary, and also international
    human rights organizations. /vis/