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ANKARA: Armenian Armed Forces Break Cease-Fire Again

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  • ANKARA: Armenian Armed Forces Break Cease-Fire Again


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    April 18 2006

    Azeri news agencies reported that Armenian armed forces violated the
    cease-fire in Azerbaijan's regions of Gazakh and Terter.

    The Defense Ministry told APA that the units of the Armenian forces
    from their positions located near Mazam village, and occupied
    village Ashaghi Askipara, Gazakh, fired on the opposite positions of
    Azerbaijani armed forces and Mazam from 00.00 till 00.45 on 15 April.

    The enemy forces from their positions located in north-east of the
    Berkaber village of Armenia's region of Ijevan fired on the positions
    of Azerbaijani armed forces located near Gizil Hajili village, Gazkah,
    with submachine and machine guns. Armenian forces fired on the opposite
    positions of Azerbaijan from their positions near Garmiravan village
    of Terter with submachine and machine guns from 05.30 till 05.35.

    The enemy was silenced by response fire. No casualties were reported.

    The experts warn that the Armenian aggressive attitudes may cause
    a new war. About 20 percent of Azeri territories have been under
    the Armenian occupation and Baku says that it will retake all these
    occupied territories by force if Yerevan continues to reject the
    withdrawal calls from the EU, OSCE, Turkey and US.

    Lenkeran Aliyev: "Our Armed Forces are the strongest in the South

    "Our officers-leading force of the Azerbaijani Army is ready to
    fight war. However, we are training more professional officers for
    the Azerbaijani Armed Forces," Chief of Defense Ministry Training
    and Education Center (TEC), Major-General Lenkeran Aliyev stated.

    Mr. Aliyev said that Azerbaijani Armed Forces were the most trained
    and the strongest in the whole South Caucasus. He stressed that
    hostile Armenian Army was many times weaker from moral-psychological
    and professionalism aspects.

    "Armenians depend on the Russian military bases in the country.

    Therefore, their national Army is many times weaker than ours,"
    the Ministry official underscored.

    Aliyev also said youths have begun to show more interest in military
    sphere recently. According to him, the young men conscripted into
    the army are trained beforehand.

    "We have normal base which provides an opportunity to meet NATO
    standards in military training. Our military training is many times
    professional than that of Armenians. Belarusian officers also confirm
    it. But I think the military training is still not in satisfactory
    level. Much needs to be done and more professional officers should
    be trained," Aliyev added.

    Touching on housing of servicemen, the General said they have
    raised this question at the Defense Ministry and the Supreme

    "Our proposals have been positively responded. The Supreme
    Commander-in- Chief is interested in living conditions of out
    military men. I made it urgent to provide military trainers in the
    center with houses. Most of military trainers have no house to live,"
    he underlined.

    Lenkeran Aliyev considers it important to publicise truths on the
    Army to remove negative stereotypes in the public regarding the Army.

    Admitting that there are some shortfalls in the Army, Aliyev said
    measures are being implemented to remove these deficiencies.

    "You witness the processes in other structures. If to compare, the
    Army looks stronger," the General concluded.