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Armenian Minister Only Presidential Candidate For 2008 Polls,Politic

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  • Armenian Minister Only Presidential Candidate For 2008 Polls,Politic


    17 Apr 06

    Yerevan, 17 April: The majority of political parties are pro-Western
    in Armenia today, but the West has not its candidate to run for the
    forthcoming Armenian presidential election, the leader of the New
    Times Party, Aram Karapetyan, has told an Arminfo correspondent.

    "Armenian parliament speaker Artur Bagdasaryan is supported by the
    West. Look what happened to him. The people who told me in 2005 that
    serious cataclysms are expected in the Orinats Yerkir [Law-Governed
    Country] Party in 2006, they predict today that only six MPs (less than
    one third) will remain in the Orinats Yerkir faction, Karapetyan said.

    The voting in the National Assembly on the state property privatization
    programme confirm the validity of similar predictions, the leader
    of the New Times Party said. He added that Armenian Defence Minister
    Serzh Sarkisyan was the only presidential candidate from the Armenian
    ruling circles as of today.

    Unlike his opponents, Karapetyan denies categorically that the funds
    received from the sale of the fifth unit of the Razdan thermal power
    plant to the Russian Gazprom were transferred to the Defence Ministry
    account and that this meant Russia's support for Serzh Sarkisyan in
    the forthcoming election. "When super powers support their candidates,
    they do this unnoticed," the opposition party leader said.

    Aram Karapetyan said that the prevailing pro-Western mood in the
    Armenian opposition is linked to the West's "miraculous" ability to
    carry out orange revolutions. "They want to believe in the West's
    active support in the future and meanwhile not to reject its financial
    support," he said.

    Russia conducts a pro-Armenian policy today and support for the
    Nagornyy Karabakh republic is part of this policy, the leader of the
    New Times Party said. He considered the sale of the fifth unit of
    the Razdan thermal power plant as the failure of the US Millennium
    Challenge Corporation programme in Armenia.

    "A total of 235m dollars were intended for the return of seven
    districts in a security zone around Nagornyy Karabakh," Karapetyan
    said. He added that the USA would strengthen its pressure on
    Armenia and Azerbaijan in the coming months, as a result of which
    the geopolitical forces can change their positions in the region,
    especially in Armenia.