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Azerbaijan Leader's U.S. Visit Raises Eyebrows

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  • Azerbaijan Leader's U.S. Visit Raises Eyebrows

    By C. J. Chivers

    The New York Times
    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2006

    MOSCOW Next week, after years of waiting for an unequivocal nod
    of Western approval, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan will
    fly to Washington to be received at the White House, a visit his
    administration hopes will enhance his stature.

    Being a guest of President George W. Bush is being billed in Aliyev's
    circle as a chance for the 44-year-old president - marked with
    allegations of corruption, election rigging and pinpointed repression
    against opposition figures - to gain more international legitimacy.

    "We have long waited for this visit," said Ali Gasanov, head of the
    president's public and political office. "Now it has been scheduled
    and we hope that we will be able to discuss global issues."

    For President George W. Bush, who has made democracy promotion a
    prominent theme of his foreign policy, Aliyev's visit could prove

    Aliyev's invitation arrived at time of increasing diplomatic
    difficulties between the United States and both Russian and Iran,
    two counties that border Azerbaijan.

    But while Azerbaijan's strategic location could hardly be better and
    its relations with the United States have mostly been warm, no leader
    in the region more fully embodies the sometimes conflicting pulls of
    American objectives in the former Soviet Union than its president,
    an ally with political warts.

    Aliyev is a secular Muslim politician who is steering his nation's
    oil and gas to Western markets and who has lent public and military
    support the war in Iraq. But his administration has never held a
    clean election, and it has used riot police officers to break up
    anti-government demonstrations with force.

    The invitation has raised eyebrows in the former Soviet world, where
    Bush's calls for democratization have increased tensions between
    opposition movements and the entrenched autocrats.

    Opposition leaders have long said the United States' desire to
    diversify Western energy sources and to encourage democratic growth
    have collided in Azerbaijan. With Aliyev's invitation to the White
    House, made last week, they now say Bush has made a choice: Oil and
    location trump other concerns.

    Ali Kerimli, leader of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, noted that
    when Aliyev was elected in 2003 in a vote deemed neither free nor
    fair, the White House withheld an invitation, waiting for improvement
    in Azerbaijan's record of promoting civil society and recognizing
    human rights.

    "It is difficult for Azerbaijan's democratic forces to understand what
    changed," said Kerimli, who was beaten by police officers in front
    of this correspondent with several thousand demonstrators during a
    crackdown on a protest against fraudulent parliamentary elections
    last fall. The demonstration had been peaceful until police rushed
    in with clubs.

    "I think the White House must explain what has happened when three
    years ago Aliyev was not wanted for a reception in the White House,
    and now he falsifies another election and is received," he said.

    American officials insist nothing has changed, and that Aliyev has
    been invited to what they call a "working visit," during which he
    will be urged to liberalize his government and its economy, which is
    tightly controlled by state officials and clans.

    "If we are going to elevate our relationship with Azerbaijan to
    something that is qualitatively different, than there has to be
    progress on democratic and market reforms," a senior State Department
    official said. "I am sure we will talk in these clear and blunt terms."

    The United States' relationship with Azerbaijan rests on three
    principal issues: access to energy resources, international security
    cooperation, and democratic and economic reforms.

    On the first two of these issues the United States has made clear
    its satisfaction. Aliyev has supported new pipelines to pump Caspian
    hydrocarbons away from Russia and Iran to Western customers, and
    provided troops to U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan
    and Iraq.

    Azerbaijan also grants overflight rights to the American military and
    is cooperating with a Pentagon-sponsored modernization of a former
    Soviet airfield that could be used by American military planes.

    Aliyev often greets foreign delegations in Baku, the capital,
    briefing them in smooth English on his efforts to push his nation
    toward Western models of democracy and free markets.

    But Azerbaijan has remained undemocratic.

    No election held under the Aliyevs' rule has been judged free or fair
    by the principal international observers; instead, fraud and abuse
    of state resources for chosen candidates have been widespread.

    Aliyev's government also maintains a distinctly Soviet state television
    network and its elevation of the late Heydar Aliyev, the president's
    father, has created a minor personality cult.

    Moreover, the Azeri government is often described as one of the
    world's most corrupt; an ongoing criminal case in federal court in
    New York, against three international speculators, describes massive
    shakedowns and bribes in the late 1990s at Socar, Azerbaijan's state
    oil company. Aliyev was a Socar vice president at the time.

    American officials say that Azerbaijan has been liberalizing slowly,
    and evolving into a more responsible state. But given Aliyev's uneven
    record and the allegations against him, his visit has raised questions
    about the degree to which American standards are malleable.

    "Russian public opinion, when it looks at the United States policy in
    Azerbaijan, can not ignore the fact that the United States has a desire
    not in favor of democracy but in favor of profits and geopolitical
    domination," said Sergei Markov, director of the Institute of Political
    Studies in Moscow and an advisor to the Kremlin.

    Markov and others have noted that the West has applied sanctions
    against Belarus for police crackdowns after tainted elections last

    "This is one of the reasons that Russian public opinion is very
    suspicious of United States policies in the former Soviet political
    sphere, and its propaganda about democracy," he said.

    "Ilham Aliyev will be in the White House not because he promotes

    He will be in the White House because he controls oil."

    In Armenia, which has fought a war with Azerbaijan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a wedge of Azeri territory that both nations claim,
    Aliyev's invitation has also generated interest. The conflict has
    been frozen for several years, but Aliyev's statements in recent
    months have often been bellicose.

    "The visit at this time should not be viewed as appreciation of their
    democratic or other policies," Vartan Oskanian, Armenia's foreign
    minister, said in an e-mail message. "There are also serious issues
    which need to be raised with them."

    Diplomats insist that Azeri leaders are cooperative in private
    sessions, and pledge to move the country on a democratic path. But in
    public the Azeri leadership typically acknowledges Western criticism
    in passing, and sometimes has waved the complaints away.

    About the post-election criticism, Gasanov said, "We consider that
    criticism between friendly nations and we hope that the reasons for
    the criticism will not be raised again."

    MOSCOW Next week, after years of waiting for an unequivocal nod
    of Western approval, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan will
    fly to Washington to be received at the White House, a visit his
    administration hopes will enhance his stature.

    Being a guest of President George W. Bush is being billed in Aliyev's
    circle as a chance for the 44-year-old president - marked with
    allegations of corruption, election rigging and pinpointed repression
    against opposition figures - to gain more international legitimacy.

    "We have long waited for this visit," said Ali Gasanov, head of the
    president's public and political office. "Now it has been scheduled
    and we hope that we will be able to discuss global issues."

    For President George W. Bush, who has made democracy promotion a
    prominent theme of his foreign policy, Aliyev's visit could prove

    Aliyev's invitation arrived at time of increasing diplomatic
    difficulties between the United States and both Russian and Iran,
    two counties that border Azerbaijan.

    But while Azerbaijan's strategic location could hardly be better and
    its relations with the United States have mostly been warm, no leader
    in the region more fully embodies the sometimes conflicting pulls of
    American objectives in the former Soviet Union than its president,
    an ally with political warts.

    Aliyev is a secular Muslim politician who is steering his nation's
    oil and gas to Western markets and who has lent public and military
    support the war in Iraq. But his administration has never held a
    clean election, and it has used riot police officers to break up
    anti-government demonstrations with force.

    The invitation has raised eyebrows in the former Soviet world, where
    Bush's calls for democratization have increased tensions between
    opposition movements and the entrenched autocrats.

    Opposition leaders have long said the United States' desire to
    diversify Western energy sources and to encourage democratic growth
    have collided in Azerbaijan. With Aliyev's invitation to the White
    House, made last week, they now say Bush has made a choice: Oil and
    location trump other concerns.

    Ali Kerimli, leader of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, noted that
    when Aliyev was elected in 2003 in a vote deemed neither free nor
    fair, the White House withheld an invitation, waiting for improvement
    in Azerbaijan's record of promoting civil society and recognizing
    human rights.

    "It is difficult for Azerbaijan's democratic forces to understand what
    changed," said Kerimli, who was beaten by police officers in front
    of this correspondent with several thousand demonstrators during a
    crackdown on a protest against fraudulent parliamentary elections
    last fall. The demonstration had been peaceful until police rushed
    in with clubs.

    "I think the White House must explain what has happened when three
    years ago Aliyev was not wanted for a reception in the White House,
    and now he falsifies another election and is received," he said.

    American officials insist nothing has changed, and that Aliyev has
    been invited to what they call a "working visit," during which he
    will be urged to liberalize his government and its economy, which is
    tightly controlled by state officials and clans.

    "If we are going to elevate our relationship with Azerbaijan to
    something that is qualitatively different, than there has to be
    progress on democratic and market reforms," a senior State Department
    official said. "I am sure we will talk in these clear and blunt terms."

    The United States' relationship with Azerbaijan rests on three
    principal issues: access to energy resources, international security
    cooperation, and democratic and economic reforms.

    On the first two of these issues the United States has made clear
    its satisfaction. Aliyev has supported new pipelines to pump Caspian
    hydrocarbons away from Russia and Iran to Western customers, and
    provided troops to U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan
    and Iraq.

    Azerbaijan also grants overflight rights to the American military and
    is cooperating with a Pentagon-sponsored modernization of a former
    Soviet airfield that could be used by American military planes.

    Aliyev often greets foreign delegations in Baku, the capital,
    briefing them in smooth English on his efforts to push his nation
    toward Western models of democracy and free markets.

    But Azerbaijan has remained undemocratic.

    No election held under the Aliyevs' rule has been judged free or fair
    by the principal international observers; instead, fraud and abuse
    of state resources for chosen candidates have been widespread.

    Aliyev's government also maintains a distinctly Soviet state television
    network and its elevation of the late Heydar Aliyev, the president's
    father, has created a minor personality cult.

    Moreover, the Azeri government is often described as one of the
    world's most corrupt; an ongoing criminal case in federal court in
    New York, against three international speculators, describes massive
    shakedowns and bribes in the late 1990s at Socar, Azerbaijan's state
    oil company. Aliyev was a Socar vice president at the time.

    American officials say that Azerbaijan has been liberalizing slowly,
    and evolving into a more responsible state. But given Aliyev's uneven
    record and the allegations against him, his visit has raised questions
    about the degree to which American standards are malleable.

    "Russian public opinion, when it looks at the United States policy in
    Azerbaijan, can not ignore the fact that the United States has a desire
    not in favor of democracy but in favor of profits and geopolitical
    domination," said Sergei Markov, director of the Institute of Political
    Studies in Moscow and an advisor to the Kremlin.

    Markov and others have noted that the West has applied sanctions
    against Belarus for police crackdowns after tainted elections last

    "This is one of the reasons that Russian public opinion is very
    suspicious of United States policies in the former Soviet political
    sphere, and its propaganda about democracy," he said.

    "Ilham Aliyev will be in the White House not because he promotes

    He will be in the White House because he controls oil."

    In Armenia, which has fought a war with Azerbaijan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a wedge of Azeri territory that both nations claim,
    Aliyev's invitation has also generated interest. The conflict has
    been frozen for several years, but Aliyev's statements in recent
    months have often been bellicose.

    "The visit at this time should not be viewed as appreciation of their
    democratic or other policies," Vartan Oskanian, Armenia's foreign
    minister, said in an e-mail message. "There are also serious issues
    which need to be raised with them."

    Diplomats insist that Azeri leaders are cooperative in private
    sessions, and pledge to move the country on a democratic path. But in
    public the Azeri leadership typically acknowledges Western criticism
    in passing, and sometimes has waved the complaints away.

    About the post-election criticism, Gasanov said, "We consider that
    criticism between friendly nations and we hope that the reasons for
    the criticism will not be raised again."