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Mark Thomas Refuses To Ignore The Problem Of Turkey

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  • Mark Thomas Refuses To Ignore The Problem Of Turkey


    Mark Thomas
    Monday 24th April 2006

    New Statesman, UK
    April 19 2006

    There is one EU problem that is resolutely not going away and will
    only get worse: that is, Turkey's membership, writes Mark Thomas

    For some in Britain, slagging off the European Union (something I am
    about to do for the next 900 words) is an instinctive act of patriotic
    faith, akin to not knowing the second verse of the National Anthem. For
    many of us, the EU remains a quasi-democratic institution in search of
    an electorate. Quite tellingly, we tend to see the EU not so much as a
    vehicle for change as a means of registering a protest vote. Remember
    Robert Kilroy-Silk? Who can forget a tan like that? Britons loved him
    so much that we voted for him to leave the country five days a week,
    to spend that time in a place he says he despises.

    The EU has become adept at dealing with its many problems and crises.

    By which I mean it ignores them and hopes they will go away. The EU
    constitution is a case in point. However, there is one problem that
    is resolutely not going away and is going to get worse: that is,
    Turkey's membership. The patrician consensus is that Turkey joining
    would be a jolly good thing as having a Muslim state in the EU would
    bring all sorts of benefits. However, Turkey's membership is dependent
    on the country introducing significant reforms - including many in
    the area of minorities' rights, eradicating the role of the military
    in the running of the state and bringing democratic procedures into
    the institutions of the country.

    So far, Turkey has failed to come up to scratch, but more importantly
    the EU has allowed this situation to continue. The deal was this:
    Turkey is allowed into the EU but the EU gets to monitor and
    investigate human-rights abuses and pressurise Turkey to reform.

    Neither side has kept to the deal.

    The Kurdish region of Turkey has suffered a steep rise in violence
    over the past weeks, with a huge deployment of troops against the
    civilian population. The Turkish police and military have attacked
    demonstrators using tear gas, batons, tanks and other lethal weapons.

    The Kurdish cities have seen a de facto return to state-of-emergency
    rule. Significant numbers of Kurdish trade unionists, human-rights
    defenders and political activists have been imprisoned, many of them
    shot and wounded by troops. Across the Kurdish region, at least 15
    people have died, including three children, aged three, six and nine.

    Reports from human-rights defenders state that some of those killed
    were shot in the head at close range, suggesting execution.

    The mayor of Diyarbakir, who tried to mediate between the authorities
    and protesters, has been physically attacked by the military, which
    has called for his suspension. And democratic Kurdish parties are
    being raided and their members imprisoned. How did it return to this
    so quickly?

    The events that led to this escalation started with the funeral,
    on 28 March, of four PKK guerrillas, attended by a crowd of between
    20,000 and 30,000 Kurds. After provocation from the local police,
    mourners clashed with the authorities and troops were called in.

    However, the real motor at work has been the failure of the Turkish
    state to work with the Kurds to take advantage of the PKK ceasefire.

    Ankara has refused to negotiate. "We will not talk to terrorists,"
    the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declares. And he has done
    so with the backing of the EU. Instead of urging dialogue, the EU has
    followed the UK and the United States in proscribing the PKK, even
    though it announced a ceasefire and formally renounced violence. Just
    about every attempt by grass-roots Kurdish groups to form inclusive
    democratic movements has been regarded by the EU and the UK as merely
    another group to add to the list of terrorist organisations. At the
    same time, unemployment, poverty and political stagnation have fuelled
    the clashes between Kurds and the Turkish state.

    With the region threatening to return to the bad old days of the
    mid-1990s, when 3,500 Kurdish villages were destroyed, 30,000 people
    killed and over a million Kurds internally displaced, the EU simply has
    to intervene. If the deal is that Turkey gets to join if it respects
    minority rights and introduces democracy to the institutions of the
    state, what happens if it breaks the deal? At the moment, the penalty
    is . . . nothing.

    The British media tend to regard Turkey through the lens of bird flu
    and the occasional bomb, though in tabloid terms Turkey is strictly
    sick chickens. Occasionally, the broadsheets will rally round a cause
    celèbres, such as the case of the internationally renowned writer
    Orhan Pamuk. When he was threatened with prison for mentioning the
    Armenian genocide, the literary world rushed to his defence. But
    the trouble with causes celèbres is that once the celeb has gone,
    little attention remains on the cause.

    It is doubtful that Eren Keskin will get the same press attention.

    Keskin was the founder of the Legal Aid Office for the Victims of
    Sexual Harassment and Rape in Custody. When I met her in 2001, her
    Istanbul office was cramped and insalubrious. She talked about how
    Kurdish women had to endure sexual harassment and rape at the hands
    of the Turkish authorities. In 2002, she gave a lecture in Germany
    describing her work and the horrific scale of rape in custody in
    Turkey. For daring to speak about this, she was put on trial back
    home. This year, she was sentenced to ten months for the crime of
    "insulting the moral character of the military". er.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN =200604240014

    --Boundary_(ID_1JLMWI+pwbUls6tuUwGW nw)--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress