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Karabakh Minister Comments On Military Exercise - Armenian Paper

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  • Karabakh Minister Comments On Military Exercise - Armenian Paper


    Ayots Ashkar, Yerevan
    19 Apr 06

    Text of Vaan Vardanyan's report in Armenian newspaper Ayots Ashkar
    on 19 April headlined "The situation is calm".

    The NKR [Nagornyy Karabakh republic] defence minister, Seyran Oganyan,
    gave a news conference in Stepanakert yesterday 18 April].

    "A command-and-staff exercise has been held involving troops
    [on 14 April]. As was the case last year, this year as well we
    drew serious attention to the readiness of the senior staff of the
    army. Exercises are being conducted for this reason," Seyran Oganyan
    said. He emphasized that measures were being taken to improve the
    moral and psychological atmosphere and increase discipline in military
    units. "I am happy and proud that the army could resolve its battle
    efficiency problems and that we can ensure 100-per-cent call-up with
    the participation of relevant structures and departments and all
    the unions of liberating soldiers. Soldiers who fought yesterday are
    ready to defend borders today as well. It takes us just over seven
    hours to mobilize the reserve," Oganyan added.

    Commenting on a sharp increase in Azerbaijan's military budget,
    Oganyan said: "We always take relevant preventive measures. Increasing
    the budget is one thing, using the funds correctly is quite another
    thing. Our people have always been able to resolve this kind of
    problem thanks to them being organized and to economic success."

    Oganyan said the situation on the border was calm. Skirmishes
    often happen on the contact line but the Armenian side does not
    always respond to them, he added. "The Azerbaijani side did not
    attempt to advance positions this year. This process was observed
    in 2003-2004. They have improved their positions on their territory,
    and in some sectors they have moved close to our positions, but this
    has not affected our structure."

    At the same time, Oganyan said that the Azerbaijani party had advances
    their positions mainly in lowland sectors of the contact line with
    the Karabakh forces. The Armenian party prevented attempts to do so
    in the mountain sectors of the border.

    "Today the NKR borders lie where a soldier sits in a trench. From
    that place we add engineering facilities with relevant deepness and
    thickness in order to provide our soldiers with trenches for tomorrow's
    battle," Oganyan said. Since 2000 the Armenian party has been carrying
    out this process in a more intensive and planned manner, he added.

    The defence minister preferred not to touch on political problems
    saying that he was a serviceman and did not deal with politics. He
    only said that he assessed as satisfactory the Karabakh conflict
    settlement within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group as the
    mediators did their best. But Oganyan said Karabakh's participation
    in the settlement process was important and logical. At the moment
    there is no need to deploy peacekeeping forces in the region, he said.