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Ambassador Of Armenia To Georgia Visits Javakhk To Get Acquainted Wi

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  • Ambassador Of Armenia To Georgia Visits Javakhk To Get Acquainted Wi


    Noyan Tapan
    Armenians Today
    Apr 19 2006

    the RA Ambassador to Georgia visited the Samtskhe-Javakhetsi region on
    April 15-16. The goal of the visit was to meet with representatives of
    the regional administration, regional authorities as well as of public
    organizations to get acquainted with the situation at place. First,
    the RA Ambassador visited the Saint Gregory the Illuminator church
    of Akhaltskha, then a meeting with high grades students, teachers and
    representatives of the intellectuals of the region took place at the
    Akhaltskha Armenian school. The RA Ambassador presented the meeting
    participants the present state of the Armenian-Georgian relations,
    programs implemented and envisaged by the authorities of Georgia
    and Armenia to improve the social-economic state of the region, he
    also touched upon a number of issues causing anxiety of the Armenian
    society of Georgia, including the educational reforms implemented in
    the country. Then a meeting with the Georgian President's Authorized
    Vice-Representative to the Samtskhe-Javakhetsi, the Akhatskha Mayor,
    heads of the legislative and executive bodies of the region took
    place in the building of the Mayor's Office. Issues relating to the
    social-economic state of the region were discussed. The Akhaltskha
    Mayor proposed to discuss the idea of establishing a close cooperation
    between Akhaltskha and a city of Armenia. The Ambassador's next meeting
    was with Giorgy Khachidze, the Authorized Representative of Georgia to
    the Samtskhe-Javakhk region which took place in Akhalkalak. Hamlet
    Movsisian, a deputy elected at the Parliament of Georgia from
    Akhalkalak and Melik Raisian, a deputy elected by proportional order
    participated in the meeting as well. G.Khachidze presented programs
    addressed to settlement of the social-economic problems of the region,
    events implemented during the recent period of time. Then he touched
    upon the new law on electing the local self-govenrment bodies,
    taking into account that those elections will take place already
    this autumn. The necessity of establishing a close cooperation
    between the administration of the region and the Embassy was also
    discussed at the meeting. The RA Ambassador also raised the issue of
    founding the Armenian-Georgian University in the region about which
    the agreement was reached between the RA and Georgian Prime Ministers
    during 2005. At the end of the conversation Khachidze thanked the RA
    authorities for constant assistance shown to Javakhk. Late the same
    day, the RA Ambassador visited Ninodsminda where he participated
    in the Easter liturgy celebrated in the Surb Sargis Church. Then,
    as Noyan Tapan was informed by the RA Foreign Ministry's Press
    and Information Department, a meeting took place with heads of the
    executive and legislative bodies of Ninotsminda, the Mayor and Henzel
    Mkoyan, a member of the Georgian Parliament elected from the region of
    Ninotsminda. The RA Ambassador's meeting with representatives of public
    organizations of the region took place the next day, on April 16, in
    Akhalkalak. At Ambassador Silvanian's request, participants presented
    problems of the society of Javakhk. The RA Ambassador also visited the
    Surb Khach (Saint Cross) church of Akhalkalak and participated in the
    Easter Liturgy and the following celebration. Georgian President's
    Authorized Representative G.Khachidze participated in the church
    service as well. A.Amirkhanian, the Georgian President's Authorized
    Vice-Representative to the Samtskhe-Javakhetsi region accompanied
    the RA Ambassador during the visit to the region. The visit was held
    during the days of the Easter holiday and took place jointly with
    the visit of Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, primate of the Virahayots
    Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The RA Ambassador returned
    Tbilisi on late April 16.