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Political Researches Institute Attached To RA President Founded

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  • Political Researches Institute Attached To RA President Founded


    Noyan Tapan
    Apr 19 2006

    YEREVAN, APRIL 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The Political Researches Institute
    about what was much spoken in press, has been founded. Garnik
    Isagulian, the RA President's Advisor on National Security Issues,
    the Chairman of the "National Security" party informed about this at
    the April 19 press-conference. According to Isagulian, still two years
    ago the RA Government made a decision on creation of the institute,
    but if there was not direct assistance of the country's President,
    it is unknown when the institute would be founded. Isagulian informed
    that the Politican Researches Institute attached to the RA President
    got a good financing. 60 mln drams (about 130 thousand U.S. dollars)
    was allocated from the President's fund to the institution a year ago,
    and it's envisaged by the 2006 budget to allocate 107 mln drams to
    the institution. RA President's Assistant Vigen Sargsian and Deputy
    Director of the institute Levon Andreasian are also involved in the
    staff of the coordinating council of the institute headed by Garnik
    Isagulian. The Director is Hovik Asrian, who in the past headed the
    Committee on Human Rights attached to the President of the country, and
    then was the President's referent. The Political Researches Institute
    which was first allocated 3 rooms at the presidential residence, is now
    given 6 rooms in the building of the National Academy of Sciences of
    Armenia. The main place of settlement of the institute will be the
    5-stories building on the Arshakunyats avenue which is at present
    being restored. The institute staff consists of about 70 people the
    inner level of salaries of who starts from 150 thousand drams. As
    Garnik Isagulian mentioned, experts of great fame are involved in
    works of the institute. The most part of them works according to
    contractual principles. According to Isagulian, at present experts
    of the institute are on a mission in 5 countries: the U.S., Great
    Britain, Russia, Georgia and the Middle Asian region. The institute
    has 7 departments which make researches connected with different issues
    of Armenia, NKR and the region. According to Isagulian, this analyses
    are first of all made by the country President's order. He mentioned
    that besides the President, the Government, Ministries of Defence
    and Foreign Affairs may order free analyses to the institute. The
    institute is ready to make paid researches for other ministries
    as well as for foreign clients. Garnik Isagulian assured that the
    activity of the Political Researches Institute will be transparent
    and open for the press. He called on mass media representatives
    to address their questions to the administration of the institute,
    avoiding information got from "well-informed" sources."