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Murder Case Judgement Reverberates Around Caucasus

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  • Murder Case Judgement Reverberates Around Caucasus

    Murder Case Judgement Reverberates Around Caucasus

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    April 20 2006

    Armenia welcomes life imprisonment for Azeri military officer who
    killed Armenian - but Azerbaijan seeks appeal.

    By Marina Grigorian in Budapest and Yerevan and Rauf Orujev in Baku
    (CRS No. 336, 20-Apr-06)

    At the end of a case that has transfixed the two warring countries
    in the Caucasus, a Budapest court handed down a life sentence last
    week to an Azerbaijani military officer found guilty of murdering a
    colleague from Armenia attending the same English course.

    Ramil Safarov was given a life sentence without right of appeal for
    30 years, for the murder of Gurgen Margarian with an axe in February
    2004. Both men, who were aged 26 at the time, were attending a NATO
    English-language seminar in Hungary.

    The case has become a cause celebre in both countries, divided by
    conflict for more than 18 years, with groups forming in Azerbaijan to
    champion Safarov and Margarian being honoured as a martyr in Armenia.

    The murder was committed on the night of February 18-19 in the military
    academy in Budapest where the two men were staying. Safarov came into
    Margarian's room and killed him. A post-mortem established that he
    delivered 16 axe-blows and almost severed Margarian's head.

    Having killed Margarian, Safarov then went down the corridor and tried
    to break into the room of the second Armenian officer on the course,
    Haik Makuchian, but his door was fortunately locked.

    The judge Andras Vaskuti explained the severity of the sentence by
    saying that the murder had been premeditated and brutal and that
    Safarov had shown no signs of remorse.

    Safarov's lawyers made a case that their client was suffering from
    post-traumatic stress, as he comes from Jabrail, one of the regions
    of Azerbaijan outside Nagorny Karabakh taken by the Armenians during
    the conflict in 1993 and now under Armenian control.

    There were several examinations of Safarov's mental health, with one
    coming to the conclusion that he was not entirely sane. However, in
    the end, the judge cited the last assessment, which concluded that
    Safarov was of sound mind when he committed the crime.

    Safarov's father Sahib Safarov told IWPR that his family were the
    victims of Armenian aggression.

    "Two of his cousins died from the bullets of Armenian aggressors -
    Ildirim Khudiev and Jabbar Yusifov," he told IWPR, giving details
    of atrocities committed by Armenian forces in Jabrail against his
    family. "What kind of attitude do you have to that?"

    In an interview published in Ekho newspaper in January, the senior
    Azerbaijani psychiatrist Professor Agabek Sultanov - present at the
    mental health examination of Safarov, which deduced that he was not
    entirely sane - said that he had reached the conclusion that Safarov
    suffered from mental trauma.

    Safarov later told the court that he was at home in August 1993
    when Armenian forces attacked his home region at the height of the
    Nagorny Karabakh war - although this version of events is disputed,
    with Safarov saying at another point that he was studying in Baku
    and Turkey between 1992 and 1996.

    Sultanov also said that Safarov had told him that he and his
    Azerbaijani colleague had been taunted and sworn at by their Armenian
    counterparts on the NATO course. In one incident Safarov came to
    a birthday party of a Hungarian colleague and gave him a wristband
    depicting the Azerbaijani flag. Margarian reportedly came later and
    told the Hungarian that the red strip in the flag was "their blood,
    which we shed, we should rip out all their guts".

    This apparently is the origin of the account in the Azerbaijani media
    that Margarian had insulted the Azerbaijani flag.

    However, no witnesses were produced by the defence to confirm these
    incidents of harassment in court and prosecution lawyers strongly
    disputed that they had taken place. They also accused Sultanov of
    bias, saying he had exceeded his responsibilities by taking part in
    a medical examination of Safarov in contravention of Hungarian law.

    "For two years the Azerbaijani side has created a whole industry
    of lies around this case and not a single assertion has received
    confirmation in the course of the trial," said Haik Demoyan, who
    represented the Armenian defence ministry at the trial.

    In his last words to the court on April 13, the accused asked them
    to take into account his psychological state, but did not say he was
    sorry for what he had done.

    Handing down a life sentence, the judge emphasised that "the murder
    of a sleeping man in peace time is always a crime and cannot be an
    act of heroism".

    Newspapers and broadcasters in both countries took a passionate
    interest in the case with the Armenian media widely reporting that
    an ultra-nationalist Azerbaijani newspaper had called Safarov "Man of
    the Year", while the Azerbaijani media gave prominence to a statement
    by an Armenian nationalist that he would pay 125,000 dollars for the
    assassination of Safarov.

    In Armenia, the sentence was warmly welcomed. In Azerbaijan there
    were mixed views of Safarov himself, but there was near-universal
    agreement that the sentence was too harsh.

    Haik Demoyan told a press conference, "The sentence for Safarov was
    also a verdict on the anti-Armenian policies of Azerbaijan."

    Levon Mkrtchian, head of the nationalist Dashnaktsutiun group in the
    Armenian parliament, said, "The decision has a moral and political
    meaning for us."

    Narine Abrahamian, a lawyer, said, "I am sorry for Safarov, he is
    still young and has already committed such a grave crime. I think such
    a harsh sentence was required to prevent the repetition of similar
    brutal crimes wherever Armenians and Azerbaijanis live together."

    Anna Hakobjanova, from the Azerbaijani town of Sumgait where many
    Armenians died in pogroms in 1988, said, "It is hard to even imagine
    what would happen if everyone who had suffered from war starts to
    seek vengeance. Whole families died during the Armenian pogroms in
    Sumgait and Baku. So should we all go and arm ourselves with axes
    and go and kill Azerbaijanis."

    A public organisation Defence of the Interests of Gurgen Margarian
    has been formed in Yerevan by his friends and colleagues. His parents
    have been allocated a plot of land for the construction of a house.
    They have never publicly commented on the case of the murder of
    their son.

    In Azerbaijan human rights ombudsman Elmira Suleimanova called the
    sentence "unjust" and said she hoped that Safarov could be extradited
    to Azerbaijan. She had earlier praised Safarov as a "model of
    patriotism for Azerbaijani youth".

    Eldar Zeinalov, head of the Human Rights Centre of Azerbaijan, also
    said the life term was "unjustifiably harsh," arguing that the court
    should have taken into account the youth of Safarov, the fact that
    this was his first offence and positive character references about him.

    Three days after the murder Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliev called
    on the media "not to inflate this matter". But campaign groups swiftly
    formed to call Safarov a hero.

    One of Safarov's main defenders, Akif Nagi, who also heads the
    Karabakh Liberation Organisation which leads calls for a military
    re-conquest of Nagorny Karabakh, said the court had "unequivocally
    supported the Armenian side" and insisted that Safarov should have
    been tried by a military tribunal since the murder had taken place
    during a NATO seminar.

    The Karabakh Liberation Organisation organised a rally on April 17
    in the centre of Baku in which hundreds of students chanted "Freedom
    for Ramil Safarov". The march was broken up by police and dozens of
    protesters, including Nagi, were detained.

    Azerbaijani housewife Fatma Mamedova is one of those who voiced
    support for Safarov as someone who was expressing the frustration of
    Azerbaijanis who lost their homes to the Armenians.

    "Ramil put up with it for a long time but in the end he couldn't bear
    it," she said. "And I think he did the right thing. One way or another
    he paid for the death of his nearest and dearest at the hands of the
    Armenians and for the fact that his home is under occupation."

    Fuad Agayev, a respected Azerbaijani lawyer, agreed that the sentence
    was too harsh, but blamed "certain public organisations functioning
    in Azerbaijan" for making things worse for Safarov.

    "They should not have used this unfortunate man and his act for their
    own purposes," Agayev told IWPR. "We have to urgently stop this current
    campaign to raise Safarov to the rank of national hero. He is no hero."

    Safarov's lawyers said in Budapest that they would try and get his
    sentence reduced to one of 10-15 years and that if they had no success
    they would apply to the European Court of Human Rights.

    Marina Grigorian is editor-in-chief of De Facto news agency in
    Yerevan. Rauf Orujev is a correspondent with Ekho newspaper in Baku.