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Large-Scale Military Exercise In The Karabakh Theater

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  • Large-Scale Military Exercise In The Karabakh Theater

    20 April 06

    Debates on the Karabakh issue are intensifying. Their relatedness
    with the developments in Iran is becoming more visible. The military
    exercise in Karabakh is underway, and according to the minister of
    defense of NKR, the exercise is unprecedented, for it checks the
    readiness of the armed forces. Serge Sargsyan, the defense minister
    of Armenia, who participated in the military exercise, announced,
    "Armenia is the guarantor of security of NKR." The minister said,
    "I think all the fuss that the Azerbaijanis are making about this
    exercise is inadequate. Two weeks ago they held a military training
    in 50-60 km from here, were we also supposed to fuss."

    It is a fact, however, that both sides are holding a large-scale
    military exercise in the Karabakh theater.

    Also, new tendencies are outlining in the standpoint of the European
    Union. In a news conference in Yerevan French MP Marie Anne Isler
    Beguin, the head of the delegation of the EU-Armenia Parliamentary
    Cooperation Committee said the Europarliament finds that it does not
    have a clear road map for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict,
    nevertheless, the EU must become engaged in the settlement of the
    conflict. She said that the claim of the people of Nagorno Karabakh
    should be satisfied, and Azerbaijan must respect the right for
    self-determination of nations.

    With regard to the seven regions, forming the security zone of NKR,
    Marie Anne Isler Beguin emphasized that the Europarliament does not
    consider either "occupied or liberated areas". She said these are
    seven regions around Nagorno Karabakh, where the refugees should
    return and decide their status.

    If Azerbaijan recognizes the right for self-determination of the people
    of Karabakh, Armenia is ready to consider the question of elimination
    of the consequences of the war. This standpoint was expressed by the
    foreign minister of Armenia Vardan Oskanyan. By saying "consequences
    of the war" he meant the territories and the return of refugees.

    NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan thinks that Azerbaijan is
    temporizing. "Today it is not ready for a settlement," said the
    president. Not being ready means Aliev has not agreed yet to recognize
    the right for self-determination of the people of NKR. However,
    this is apparently possible, considering that in late April Aliev
    will visit Washington. Probably, the U.S. President will "talk him
    into" accepting that Karabakh people also have the right. Now we can
    simply guess what Aliev might demand in return for this agreement. It
    may become known during the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair
    Stephen Mann (U.S.) to Yerevan.

    It is notable that on these days the deputy foreign minister of Russia
    Grigory Karasin is visiting Armenia. He is visiting Armenia on the
    occasion of the regional consultation of the Russian ambassadors to
    Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. In this context the president
    of Iran announces that he is going to visit Azerbaijan.