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BAKU: Ibrahimov: We'll try to achieve OSCE PA adopt document on NKbe

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  • BAKU: Ibrahimov: We'll try to achieve OSCE PA adopt document on NKbe

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    April 20 2006

    Eldar Ibrahimov: We'll try to achieve OSCE PA adopt document on
    Garabagh being under control of Armenian separatist forces

    [ 20 Apr. 2006 17:40 ]

    "We try to achieve in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly like Council of
    Europe Parliamentary Assembly to acknowledge Armenia as invader.

    We'll also try to achieve OSCE PA adopt a document on Nagorno Garabagh
    being under control of Armenian separatist forces," Eldar Ibrahimov,
    member of Azerbaijani delegation to OSCE PA told journalists (APA).

    He said that the delegation will do their utmost to achieve this very
    difficult goal.

    "I admit that this is a very difficult issue. Armenian lobby, Armenians
    try to prevent bringing of the Nagorno Garabagh conflict up for
    discussion in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly," Ibrahimov underlined.

    The delegation member also said OSCE PA rapporteur on Nagorno Garabagh
    conflict Goran Lenmarker is due to visit Azerbaijan on May 5 this
    year. The rapporteur will meet several officials during the visit.

    Mr.Ibrahimov noted that it is not yet known what is on the agenda
    of the OSCE Summer Session, and he thinks it will be known during
    Lenmarker's visit. Stating that it is not known whether Lenmarker's
    report will be discussed in the summer session, the parliamentarian
    said the delegation will try to include the report on the agenda.

    Ibrahimov said that Lenmarker could not visit the region due to the
    parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan last year. His visit scheduled
    for March was postponed later on./APA/