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BAKU: Azerbaijan seeking G8 talks on Garabagh, official says

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan seeking G8 talks on Garabagh, official says

    Azerbaijan seeking G8 talks on Garabagh, official says

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    April 20 2006

    Baku, April 19, AssA-Irada -- Azerbaijan attaches great importance
    to the attention of the Group of Eight in the settlement of the
    long-standing Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh problem, Deputy Foreign
    Minister Araz Azimov said. He was commenting on reports saying the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict may be put on discussion at the next
    meeting of the world's superpowers in St.

    Petersburg, Russia.

    "Bringing the issue to their attention may affect the conflict
    resolution politically. Moreover, considering these countries' economic
    resources, their assistance is essential for the rehabilitation of
    infrastructure in the occupied Azeri territories after they are freed,"
    Azimov said.*