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ANKARA: Turks & Azerbaijanis to protest Armenian demonstration in US

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  • ANKARA: Turks & Azerbaijanis to protest Armenian demonstration in US

    Turks & Azerbaijanis to protest Armenian demonstration in USA

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    April 20 2006

    Turks and Azerbaijanis living in the USA will protest the
    demonstration the Armenians are planning to stage in Washington D.C.
    on April 24th, the anniversary of the so-called genocide. Around 600
    Armenians, who will gather in front of Turkish Embassy in Washington
    D.C. between April 21st and 25th, will carry banners and stage
    demonstrations protesting the so-called genocide.

    On the other hand, Turkish and Azerbaijani communities in the USA
    will stage a counter demonstration to support Turkey's theses.
    Turkish diplomats have warned the two communities to stay calm and
    ~Snot to be provoked.~T

    Security measures will be tightened in front of the embassy building
    during the demonstrations. The secret service and Washington police
    will be responsible for ensuring the security.


    On the other hand U.S. President George Bush is not expected to use
    the term ~Sgenocide~T in the speech he will make on April 24th.

    There are actually three drafts, acknowledging the so-called genocide
    allegations, at the Senate and House of Representatives. Two of them
    were passed by the congressional committees. According to diplomatic
    sources, the drafts may be adopted in case they are broughtto the
    full House of Representatives and Senate.

    White House and State Department executives have assured Turkey that
    the drafts will not be taken up. However, one of them may be annexed
    to any regulation debated at the Senate, and be passed by a 'fait
    accompli'. Therefore, Turkish diplomats are closely monitoring the
    developments at the U.S. Senate.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress