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Authorities and Public of Slavyansk-On-Kuban Against Turkey in EU

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  • Authorities and Public of Slavyansk-On-Kuban Against Turkey in EU

    From: [email protected]
    Subject: Authorities and Public of Slavyansk-On-Kuban Against Turkey in EU


    of the public-political organization of the city of
    Slavyansk-on-Kuban, dedicated to the 91st anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide in the Ottaman Turkey, took place on April 19 in the Slavonic
    State Pedagogical Institute. Sergey Shishkaryov, a Deputy of the State
    Duma of the Russian Federation ("Yedinaya Rossia" (United Russia)
    faction) made the welcome speech to the participants of the "round
    table." According to the "Yerkramas" (country) newspaper of the
    Armenians of Russia, during the "round table" in which representatives
    of the administration and public-political organizations of
    Slavyansk-on-Kuban and the Slavonic region, the following questions
    were discussed: the Armenian Genocide as a crime against the humanity
    and mankind; international recognition of the fact of the Armenian
    Genocide and legal responsibility of Turkey; official recognition of
    Turkey itself and its condemnation of that crime; ideology of
    Panturkism as a real threat for Europe and the world; ways of just
    liquidation of consequences of the Armenian Genocide; solution of the
    Hay Dat (Armenian cause) based on the international law. The film "I
    Accuse" prepared by the "Yerkir-Media" (Armenia) TV company was shown
    to the participants of the event. Tatyana Kovalyova, the deputy head
    of Slavyansk-on-Kuban addressed to the participants of the "round
    table" on behalf of the city administration. On the initiative of the
    city authorities, "Memory Hour" will be held on April 24 in schools of
    Slavyansk-on-Kuban. It will be dedicated to the tragic date and the
    film "I Accuse" and a reporting about holding the "round table" will
    be broadcast by the local television. A resolution was held according
    to results of the "round table", in which it is particularly said:
    "Participants of the April 19, 2006, "round table" of the public of
    the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban of the region of Krasnodar, based on
    irrefutable historic facts, proving massacres of Armenians in the
    territory of Western Armenia in 1915-1922..., mentioning that the
    physical annihilation of the Armenian people in its historic
    Fatherland was implemented with the goals of fulfilling Panturkist
    ideas about creation of the Great Turan in the territory of Middle
    Asia to Balkans, involving Povolzhye, Urals, Crimea, Southern and
    Northern Caucasus, condemn organizers of annihilations of Armenians in
    1915-1922, express their symphathy to the Armenian people and consider
    April 24 as the Day of Memory of the Armenian Genocide victims.

    Participants of the "round table" of the public of Slavyansk-on-Kuban
    of the region of Krasnodar consider impossible Turkey's entering the
    European family of peoples, until the crime conducted by the
    authorities of Turkey in 1915 against the native Armenian
    inhabitation, will not be recognized and condemned by the heads of
    present Turkey, and call on the authorities of the European states to
    call on the authorities of Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide."
    Vladimir Goncharov, the administration head of the Slavonic region,
    the Secretary of the Political Council of the "Yedinaya Rossia" party
    of the Slavonic region, Ataman of Cossacks' army of the Slavonic
    region; Tatyana Kovalyova, the Slavyansk-on-Kuban deputy head of
    municipal education; Yuri Bobirenko, the Chairman of the War and Labor
    Veterans' Council of the Slavonic region; Anaida Meltonian, the
    Chairwoman of the "Meridian" international friendship club; Tigran
    Tavadian, the editor-in-chief of the "Yerkramas" newspaper of
    Armenians of Russia; Vyacheslav Nikoev, the Chairman of the Armenian
    Culture Association of the Slavonic region; Mikhail Kuzub, the Deputy
    Chairman of the Scientific Information-Cultural Center "Hamshen",
    Eduard Pogosov, a Honourary Member of the "Luys" Armenian Culture
    Association of the city of Novorosiysk, others signed the resolution.