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Azerbaijan Rules Out Help For US Military Action Against Iran

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  • Azerbaijan Rules Out Help For US Military Action Against Iran


    Agence France Presse -- English
    April 26, 2006 Wednesday 4:23 PM GMT

    WASHINGTON, April 26 2006

    Visiting Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev on Wednesday ruled out
    his country taking part in any possible military operations against
    neighboring Iran and said resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    with Armenia was a top priority for his government.

    "Azerbajian will not be engaged in any kind of potential operation
    against Iran and our officials in the past, including myself, have
    made (this) very clear," Aliyev told an audience at the Council on
    Foreign Relations in Washington. "Therefore I think it is time to
    stop speculating on this issue."

    Aliyev, whose official visit here is his first since his election to
    succeed his father in October 2003, said his country has a bilateral
    agreement with Tehran that clearly forbids either country from staging
    aggression against the other from their respective territories.

    His comments came ahead of a meeting with US President George W. Bush
    on Friday during which the nuclear stand-off with Iran is expected
    to be raised.

    There has been speculation that Azerbaijan, which is strategically
    located between Iran and Russia and which has troops alongside US
    forces in Iraq as well as Afghanistan and Kosovo, could be asked by
    Washington to back any potential military action against Iran should
    diplomacy on the nuclear issue fail.

    Aliyev, whose White House meeting with Bush has long been sought
    by his government as a way to boost his stature, said he planned to
    discuss a wide range of topics with US officials, including bilateral
    relations, energy and security issues as well as the conflict in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    He said he hoped Washington would help revive the peace process in
    Nagorno-Karabakh, which is a disputed part of Azerbaijani territory
    that has been controlled since the early 1990s by its majority
    ethnic-Armenian population.

    Aliyev made clear that his country would not relinquish the territory
    and said any settlement would have to guarantee the return of
    Azerbaijani refugees to the region while protecting the rights of
    the local ethnic Armenian population.

    "I think it's time for the Armenian leadership to behave like
    statesemen, to think what will happen in five or 10 years if the
    conflict is not resolved," he said. "The patience of the Azerbaijani
    people has a limit.

    "We are demanding Armenia return peacefully the land that belongs
    to us."

    The 44-year-old leader also brushed aside criticism concerning his
    autocratic rule and flawed parliamentary elections in November saying
    that he saw no chance of any "colour" revolution in Azerbaijan.

    "For that to happen, people have to be unhappy with the government,"
    he said, pointing to the country's economic prosperity.

    US officials, who have been criticised for inviting Aliyev to
    Washington in light of the administration's much-touted democracy
    agenda, said democratic reforms would top the agenda during the visit.

    "We have said, and we mean it, that to elevate our relationship
    with Azerbaijan to a qualitatively new level (...) there needs to
    be sustained progress on democracy," Matthew Bryza, Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, said.

    The US administration is keenly interested in energy-rich Azerbaijan
    as a way to offset dependence on Russia by European markets. The
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, which is expected to become
    operational soon, is designed to avoid shipping oil through congested
    Turkish straits while also bypassing Russia's pipeline network.