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Adamkus: Armenia Should Join European Community

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  • Adamkus: Armenia Should Join European Community


    Regnum, Russia
    April 26 2006

    "After Lithuania gained independence, the principle of proper attitude
    became a leading one of our foreign policy regarding to all countries
    of the world, including Russia," Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus
    stated during his official visit to Armenia, meeting with students
    and lecturers of Yerevan State University on April 29.

    "Of course, we may have some difficulties concerning certain questions,
    but we should find ways to overcome them for the sake of today's
    generation, i.e. of our future," Adamkus stated. The president
    is quoted by a REGNUM correspondent as saying that "Lithuanian
    foreign policy will not change, and will base on mutual trust and
    respect." "Since the time of gaining political independence by our
    countries, relations between Lithuania and Armenia have been based
    on friendship and mutual respect, and I do not see any reasons to
    change the policy," he stated.

    "Armenia should join the European community, become a full family
    member and assume appropriate obligations," Adamkus stated. Answering
    the question, how Lithuania can particularly help Armenia in the
    way of Euro-integration, the president stated: "We already have
    such cooperation; our specialists meet with Armenian colleagues,
    widely exchanging experiences. Political will to effect reforms in
    all spheres is important here; and the Armenian authorities have
    such will. We are open and ready for cooperation. Of course, we made
    mistakes, joining the EU, but we do not want you to repeat them."