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Why White House woos Azerbaijan

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  • Why White House woos Azerbaijan

    From: "Alexanian, Moorad" <[email protected]>
    Subject: Why White House woos Azerbaijan

    from the April 28, 2006 edition - html

    Why White House woos Azerbaijan

    President Ilham Aliyev's visit to Washington Friday comes as the
    country's oil and geography make it increasingly important.

    By Brendan Hoffman | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor

    WASHINGTON - In the boxing ring of international diplomacy and
    influence, Azerbaijan punches above its weight.

    Coming at the White House's invitation, Azerbaijan's President Ilham
    Aliyev will meet Friday with top administration officials - including
    President Bush - in his first official visit to the US since taking
    office in a widely criticized election in October 2003

    The visit, analysts say, is part of a broader effort by the Bush
    administration to gain support in a key region in the face of a
    growing confrontation with Iran, particularly from Muslim countries.

    But Azerbaijan's history of corruption and its poor human rights
    record have raised eyebrows about strengthening ties with the Central
    Asian country, and many point to oil as another driving factor in the

    The visit is "a little anomalous," admits Cory Welt, deputy director
    of the Russia and Eurasia program at the Center for Strategic and
    International Studies, though he adds that there are "a number of
    reasons why Azerbaijan is of particular interest to the US now."

    The predominantely Shiite Muslim country of 8 million shares a
    380-mile border with Iran, with whom it retains close economic and
    cultural links, though it maintains its political distance. That
    geographical position makes Azerbaijan a natural ally for the US, said
    Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov on a recent visit to

    "The US is improving its relations with all countries on Iran's
    periphery," explains Ariel Cohen, senior research fellow at the
    Heritage Foundation. "In case economic sanctions or other measures are
    to be taken on the Iran issue, we should have a better relationship
    with Azerbaijan than the other side."

    Dr. Welt adds that soured relations with Uzbekistan, home to a key US
    military base, impelled the US to develop other potential military
    allies in the region.

    But many experts point to a different key factor: oil. A major oil
    pipeline stretching 1,000 miles from Azerbaijan's capital of Baku
    through Georgia to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean was
    recently completed and the first tanker ship will be filled this
    summer. A natural-gas pipeline is being constructed parallel to the
    so-called BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) oil pipeline, designed to deliver
    upward of a million barrels of oil a day.

    Azerbaijan's location may become even more pivotal if a plan to extend
    the pipeline eastward to provide an outlet for gas and oil from
    Kazakhstan, currently under negotiation, bears fruit. Vice President
    Cheney will travel to Kazakhstan to meet President Nazarbayev in early

    With oil prices at record highs, Azerbaijan's state oil company will
    soon see an unprecedented influx of cash. The government has
    established a special fund to manage the extra oil revenue, and
    President Aliyev has indicated that the money will be used for
    military budget and citizen benefits such as improving living
    conditions for internally displaced persons.

    Up to a million Azeris fled their homes in the autonomous
    Nagorno-Karabakh territory during fighting in the early 1990s with
    Armenian soldiers, who remain there. More than 100,000 still live in
    refugee camps while tensions simmer under a cease-fire agreement.

    While some experts have expressed concern that the conflict could boil
    over and draw in other countries, more international attention has
    been focused on Azerbaijan's poor governance.

    The US vocally criticized its elections last fall, one in a string of
    polls held since gaining independence from the Soviets in 1991 that
    have not met international standards.

    According to Transparency International, an anticorruption watchdog
    group, Azerbaijan is one of the most corrupt countries in the
    world. And human rights groups like Amnesty International have
    criticized forceful responses to political protests and politically
    motivated arrests. This week, Human Rights Watch called on President
    Bush to push for concrete improvements to Azerbaijan's human rights

    But if the US is to leverage the two countries' growing closeness to
    promote change in Azerbaijan, it will have to be "much more upfront
    and harsher with [Aliyev]," says Charles King, a professor of foreign
    service and government at Georgetown University in Washington. | Copyright © 2006 The Christian Science
    Monitor. All rights reserved.