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BAKU: The US Ex-President Assistant On National Security Issues Said

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  • BAKU: The US Ex-President Assistant On National Security Issues Said


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    April 27 2006

    Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, who is on a visit in the US has
    hold his first meeting on April 26 in Washington in International
    Relations Institute. APA quoting "Azer tag' informs that the US
    ex- president assistant on national security issues, general Brent
    Skoukroft has stated in the meeting that Azerbaijan is most starategic
    partners of the US.

    Dealing with Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, Mr.Brent has stated
    Armenian Armed Forces to occupy the territory of Azerbaijan. He
    highly valued the Azerbaijani parts' efforts toward conflict
    resolution, and Azerbaijan's right position will be supported
    after that. President Ilham Aliyev has stated that Azerbaijan is
    in the stage of development. Azerbaijani President said he attaches
    strategical importance to the US-Azerbaijan relations, existence of
    mutual understanding in the field of security, economic field. The
    state head spoke of the history of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict,
    its bitter results for our country, of the negotiations for conflict
    settlement. The Azerbaijani president stressed in the course of
    talks the Azerbaijan territorial integrity not being the issue of
    discussion, and Armenia being monoetnhic state and being outside of
    the regional projects. President Ilham Aliyev has specially stressed
    that, official Baku is ready to give high autonomous status to Nagorno
    Garabagh within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    President Ilham Aliyev added that Azerbaijani oil will be delivered to
    world market through the oil- pipeline which will be operated recently.

    With regard to Iran issue, Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is for
    peaceful solution of all the problems in the region: "In accordance
    with the agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Iran, our territories
    can not be used for military purposes against each other."

    Touching upon Azerbaijan-Russia relations, Mr.Aliyev has stated
    that these relations develop successfully in all fields: "Azerbaijan
    selecting economic development, mutual cooperation, will never turn
    to the field of confrontation."

    Azerbaijani President visited "Arlington" national cemetery in
    Washington yesterday. It should be noted that since the day of
    establishment of the US state, martyrs died for the independence of
    the country have been buried in this cemetery. American soldiers, who
    died in military operations, have also been buried in this cemetery.

    Mr.Aliyef laid a wreath to grave of Unknown Soldier. Azerbaijani-
    the US anthems were sounded. The Azerbaijani state head familiarized
    with the museum here. Azerbaijani state head had presented memorial
    gift to the museum. Mr.Aliyev has met in his residence with the
    US NGO representatives operating in Azerbaijan. Soros Foundation,
    "Human Rights Watch", "Freedom House", IREX organuizations and National
    Democracy Institute representatives have participated in the meeting.

    President Ilham Aliyev gave interview to PBC channel of the US. The
    visit continues.