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Aliyev:"Everybody Knows, Armenia Could Never Occupy Our Territories

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  • Aliyev:"Everybody Knows, Armenia Could Never Occupy Our Territories


    Regnum, Russia
    April 27 2006

    "We hope, that USA as a superpower and co-Chair of OCSI Minsk Group
    will contribute to Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, and peace
    will be finally established in the region," President of Azerbaijan
    Ilham Aliyev stated in Washington. "Karabakh is the main question,
    which hinders in Azerbaijan's development, excepting this, we are
    quite okay: the budget is growing, energy programs are expanding,"
    Aliyev stressed speaking at the Foreign Affairs Council.

    Answering the question, to what extent Armenia, which has won the
    war, is ready, in Aliyev's opinion, to compromise, the Azerbaijani
    president stated: "First of all, from my point of view, Armenia
    has not won the war. Perhaps, the country achieved some advantages
    with considerable assistance of other states. Everybody knows that
    Armenia could never occupy our territories without Russian army's
    assistance, which played a vital part. Nevertheless, the war is not
    over." "I think it is time for the Armenian authorities to imagine,
    what it will be with the country in five, ten or fifteen years, if
    the conflict is not settled. Azerbaijani people's patience is not
    everlasting," Aliyev stated. According to him, "Azerbaijan's future
    is rather clear; our country will be strong, prosperous, with strong
    economy and society. Azerbaijan will become a country, with which it
    will be worthy to be a neighbor or not to be at all."

    According to Aliyev, peace is profitable for all the parties. In
    exchange for compromises, Armenia will get communication ways, a way
    out to Russia, and a very important circumstance - the country will
    be able to participate in regional projects and developments. As for
    Nagorno Karabakh population, it will obtain a right for peaceful and
    legal life, Aliyev stressed. "Our position in the question is very
    clear: the conflict should be resolved in context of Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity. Nagorno Karabakh population will receive right
    for high level of autonomy in the framework of Azerbaijani territorial
    integrity. They should receive rather clear political guarantees, that
    there will be eternal peace in the region," head of the Azerbaijani
    state pointed out.

    It should be mentioned, American mediator on Karabakh settlement
    Steven Mann, who was present during Aliyev's speech, stated that "it
    is important to reject attempts to solve existing questions quickly
    and finally. Reverse approach should be preferred - to move slowly
    and to put some complicated questions aside," Radio Liberty informs.