27 April 06
On April 27 an exhibition of children's pictures entitled "School
for Everyone" was opened at the exhibition hall of UNDP. The event
was organized in the framework of the Global Call for Education,
which is an international campaign for the achievement of the second
goal of Millennium Development - Achievement of universal elementary
education by 2015. This is the fourth annual exhibition in the world,
held within the last week of April. This year about 80 countries of
the world joined the campaign.
In Armenia the disabled children also participated in this event. 15
schools of the regions of Armavir, Vayots Dzor, Tavush, and Yerevan
took part in the contest of pictures and essays. Out of 1000 works 54
pictures and 39 essays were chosen in the first round of the contest.
In the second round 5 pictures and 3 essays were chosen. The UN
Children's Fund gave prizes to all the children who participated in
the contest. The schools received certificates.