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Jim Torosian And Gegham Grigorian Given Surb Sahak - Surb Mesrop Ord

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  • Jim Torosian And Gegham Grigorian Given Surb Sahak - Surb Mesrop Ord


    Noyan Tapan
    Armenians Today
    Apr 27 2006

    Catholicos of All Armenians handed on April 22 at the Mother See of
    Holy Etchmiadzin the "Surb Sahak - Surb Mesrop" order to prominent
    architecture Jim Torosian and Gegham Grigorian, the Artistic head
    of the Yerevan Alexander Spendiarian Opera and Ballet National
    Academic Theater, for their services to the Armenian culture and
    great contribution. As Noyan Tapan was informed by the Information
    Services of the Mother See, the ceremony of giving the orderes was
    opened by the speech of Archbishop Nerses Pozapalian, the monk of
    the Mother See. Archbishop Pozapalian touched upon Jim Torosian's
    and Gegham Grigorian's creative life way and productive work, then
    thanked His Holiness for the attention constantly paid to Armenian
    artists and appreciation of cultural figures. Professor Varazdat
    Haroutiunian and poet Seyran Zakarian presented their thoughts about
    Jim Torosian's and Gegham Grigorian's life and activity. Then the
    Patriarchal holy condacks were brought and read by Bishop Arshak
    Khachatrian and Bishop Paren Avetikian under the sounds of the "Ej
    Miatsinn i Hore" church song. "Dear Mr.Torosian, great and valuable
    is Your contribution in life of our people. The productive activity
    of long years that blessed by the God, has been resulted with valuable
    implementations, worthly classified Your name near famous names of the
    Armenian architecture. ... We touch upon with special satisfaction Your
    services to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin which are expressions of
    Your sensere love and devotion towards our spiritual holy place. Being
    a member of the Architectural Council of the Mother See, You assist
    as much as possible to construction programs implemented by the Mother
    See, using Your professional abilities for restoration of our historic
    monasteries and and construction of new churches and church buildings,"
    is said in the Patriarchal condack. "Today we touch upon with great
    satisfaction Your cultural activity and productive contribution of
    years. Your name as a winner of numerous competitions is widely known
    in the Fatherland and out of its borders. ... Today You continue
    Your significant cultural activity with the same productiveness,
    as the Artistic Head of the Yerevan A.Spendiarian Opera and Ballet
    National Academic Theater, putting in Your skills and abilities in
    making the Opera and Ballet National Academic Theater more prosperous
    as well in the thankful affair of developing the music culture,"
    is mentioned in the condack addressed to Gegham Grigorian. After the
    condacks were read, His Holiness decorated Jim Torosian and Gegham
    Grigorian with the "Surb Sahak-Surb Mesrop" order. After giving the
    orders, Jim Torosian and Gegham Grigorian said the world of their
    heart to those present. The ceremony was closed by the speech of
    the Catholicos of All Armenians. His Holiness again appreciated Jim
    Torosian's and Gegham Grigorian's devotiom, love and faithfulness
    shown by the productive activity towards the Armenian people and the
    Armenian Apostolic Surb Church.