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"Armenia Respects The Territorial Wholeness Of Azerbaijan"

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  • "Armenia Respects The Territorial Wholeness Of Azerbaijan"


    [05:16 pm] 27 April, 2006

    The NKR NA deputies cannot be involved in the PACE Armenian
    delegation. RA NA deputy Speaker Tigran Torosyan announced about it in
    the capital of the NKR after the Armenia - Karabakh intergovernmental
    committee session hold in Stepanakert.

    He mentioned that the Karabakh issue has been actively discussed within
    the past 1 - 2 years in European establishments. The PACE adopted
    1416 resolutions in 2005 connected with the conflict settlement. A
    resolution was adopted on the refugee issue, and a document is formed
    on missing people. At present an ad-hoc committee works in the PACE
    under Lord Rasel Jonestone's leadership. According to Tigran Torosyan
    the committee members will visit the region in autumn.

    While speaking of the Armenian engagement in European institutions
    he underlined that our delegation has so far worked in our
    favour, especially in the issue of the recognition of Karabakh
    sovereignity. "Even the co-chairs of Minsk group agree with this. If
    we ask the opinions of America and Azerbaijan they are also sure of
    the results of the new referendum in Karabakh," stated Tigran Torosyan.

    As for the PACE resolution, in which the two sides are called
    on ceasing their militant announcements, according to Tigran
    Torosyan there are no mechanisms to control the commitment of the
    resolution. Perhaps the control of the resolution commitment is put
    into the committee's competence.

    Asked the question how he will comment on Aliev's announcement to
    solve the conflict within the framework of the territorial wholeness
    of Azerbaijan, Tigran Torosyan answered that they respect Azerbaijan's
    wholeness but it has nothing to do with the NKR right to soveregnity.

    Another key issue of the intergovernmental committee session agenda
    was the amendment of the NKR Constitution. According to the NKR NA
    deputy chairman Rudik Husnuntsi the Constitution will be passed by
    the end of the year. At present they work out the first 8 chapters,
    and Karabakh expects Armenia's assistance on this score. Husnuntsi
    claims that the NKR Constitution will greatly differ from the Armenian
    one with its characteristics.

    "I hope that there won't be any blows from the American side and they
    won't have their negative impact on the conflict settlement," noted
    Tigran Torosyan while speaking about the Iranian-American relations
    and their possible influence on the Karabakh issue.