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Armenian Youth Party To Send Delegation To Moscow To Protest RacialK

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  • Armenian Youth Party To Send Delegation To Moscow To Protest RacialK


    Apr 27 2006

    YEREVAN, APRIL 27, ARMENPRESS: The last weakened killing of an
    Armenian student in Moscow and an attack on an Armenian film critic
    have re-ignited anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia with many of
    its ordinary citizens questioning the wisdom of Yerevan's allied
    relationships with Moscow.

    The Youth Party of Sarkis Asatrian was the first among political
    forces to react publicly to what he termed was 'the sinister wave
    of hate murders across Russia." Speaking to a news conference today
    he urged all Armenians irrespective of their political affiliation,
    to show determination and unity to demand that Russian government
    takes swift action to put an end to racial killings.

    But Asatrian warned that protest actions alone would not be
    sufficient, saying other ways of struggle must be put in action, by the
    government, but very cautiously so that not to harm Russian-Armenian
    relations. "The government must take all possible actions, develop a
    list of actions, have a plan of actions to press for an end to this
    problem,' he said.

    Asatrian said he was concerned that the so-called Russian 'skinheads'
    who are behind murders and attacks on non-Slavs could have been
    trained by special interior squads. This means, according to him,
    that they are not 'hooligans' as declared by Russian officials,
    but ' a well-organized group." Asatrian went on to argue that
    many forces inside and outside Russia are interested in inciting
    instability across it and even 'to force a wedge in Russian-Armenian
    relationships. Asatrian said his party will gather a team of 15
    prominent Armenian intellectuals to fly them to Moscow on May 15
    where they will meet officials from the Russian president's staff,
    chief prosecutor's office, interior and foreign ministries.

    "This time we have to be resolute and act jointly so that to have a
    dialogue with able Russian forces to shift the problem to a civilized
    field,' he said, adding it was regretful that attacks on Armenians
    in Russia are taking place in a year declared Year of Armenia.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress