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RFE/RL Iran Report - 04/28/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 04/28/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 15, 28 April 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    PERIOD SET FOR NEXT ELECTIONS. Deputy Interior Minister for Political
    Affairs Ali Jannati announced in Tehran on April 17 that the next
    Assembly of Experts and municipal-council elections will take place
    simultaneously, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported. He
    said the elections will be held in the month beginning on October 23,
    although a precise date has not been selected. Jannati went on to say
    that the Interior Ministry wanted to delay the Assembly of Experts
    election until February 2007, but because the assembly rejected the
    delay the Interior Ministry decided to move up the date of the
    council elections. (Bill Samii)

    CONSEVATIVE RIVALRIES HEAT UP. An intense rivalry between
    conservative parties in Iran is being overshadowed by the nuclear
    issue, as well as global concern over the country's support for
    terrorism and its interference in other countries' affairs. This
    rivalry will become more intense as autumn elections for an 86-member
    clerical body -- the Assembly of Experts -- and for municipal
    councils approach, and these elections will affect the issues that
    interest the international community. RFE/RL discusses the current
    status of party politics in Iran, with a focus on the conservatives.
    The Islamic Revolution Devotees Society (Jamiyat-i
    Isargaran-i Inqilab-i Islami) -- which President Mahmud Ahmadinejad
    helped create and of which he is a central council member -- is
    emerging as the vanguard of the new conservative movement in Iran.
    The society's central council will hold its first session of the
    new (Iranian) year soon, "Sharq" reported on April 4, and Central
    council member Mujtaba Shakeri said that after electing a
    secretary-general and other leaders, subsequent sessions will be
    devoted to determining the party's program for the coming year.
    The Devotees Society held its third congress in early March,
    but Ahmadinejad was not in attendance. The president was in Malaysia
    at that time, but "Sharq" suggested on March 4 that his absence could
    be traced to the society's failure to support him in the first
    round of the June 2005 election (the Isargaran backed Mohammad Baqer
    Qalibaf; e/2005/11/a4f01612-219e-4f62-9c8b- ml).
    Most of the standing members of the society's central
    council were reinstated, according to "Sharq." The newspaper names
    President Ahmadinejad, legislator Fatemeh Alia, Ali Darabi, Abbas
    Darvish-Tavangar, Economy and Finance Minister Davud Danesh-Jafari,
    legislator Hussein Fadai, legislator Nafiseh Fayazbakhsh, Lutfollah
    Foruzandeh, Hadi Imani, Ahmad Moqimi, Elias Naderan, Ahmad Nejabat,
    Abdul-Hussein Ruholamini-Najafabadi, Reza Rusta-Azad, Mahmud
    Saber-Hamishegi, Alireza Sarbakhsh, Mujtaba Shakeri, Sediqeh Shakeri,
    Masud Sultanpur, Mustafa Tavakolian, and director of the hard-line
    daily "Siyasat-i Ruz" Ali Yusefpur.
    The Devotees Society split away from the older and more
    traditional Coordination Council of Islamic Revolution Forces shortly
    before the June 2005 presidential election. Such conservative
    disputes were perhaps most apparent when the legislature rejected
    four of President Ahmadinejad's prospective cabinet nominees.
    Mujtaba Shakeri, a member of the Devotees central council, noted in
    the October 4 "Etemad" that the new fundamentalists (commonly
    referred to as "osulgarayan") do not have a firm grip on power yet.
    "[They] are only present at the lower and middle-ranking posts of the
    government and the parliament," he said. Shakeri said some two weeks
    later that the Devotees Society has yet to reach consensus on its
    relationship with the Coordination Council, ISNA reported on October
    Intrafactional disputes persisted, and Tehran Mayor Mohammad
    Baqer Qalibaf referred to this problem when speaking to the Devotees
    Society late in the year. Qalibaf warned that challenging the
    president will have the long-term effect of undermining him and the
    fundamentalists, "Kayhan" reported on December 3. Differences of
    opinion are natural, he continued, but are acceptable only up to a
    Mohsen Rezai, secretary of the Expediency Council, also
    referred to the harmful impact of the conservatives' disputes. In
    a speech to the Devotees Society, he noted that the two conservative
    wings have grown closer, "but a disagreement and a gap are still
    evident among them," "Farhang-i Ashti" reported on January 3. "This
    is extraordinarily threatening." Rezai chastised the older generation
    of conservatives -- whom he called the "revolutionary forces" -- for
    their failure to respond to public demands when they were in power.
    When the new generation of fundamentalists seized the
    political initiative by dominating the municipal council elections in
    2003, the entity that grabbed headlines was the Islamic Iran
    Developers Coalition (Etelaf-i Abadgaran-i Iran-i Islami). A
    Developers-dominated Tehran council, in turn, selected Mahmud
    Ahmadinejad as the capital's mayor. The Developers Coalition
    continued its success in the 2004 parliamentary elections, and then
    Ahmadinejad became president. The Developers Coalition was not a
    hierarchical organization, and this became apparent shortly before
    the June 2005 presidential election.
    In late January 2006 the Young Developers (Abadgaran-i Javan)
    submitted an organization application. This entity is distinct from
    the Developers in the legislature -- two of its founders are members
    of the Tehran municipal council, "Iran" reported on January 23, and
    council chairman Mehdi Chamran said the new entity could leave the
    current political elite behind. An editorial in "Sharq" on January 23
    said creation of this entity changes the nature of fundamentalism.
    Iranian fundamentalists, the editorial explained, reject modernity
    and its symbols and defy progress, but by submitting to the rules of
    party activity they are joining the modern world.
    The Young Developers held its first congress in early March
    in Tehran. Tehran council member Hassan Bayadi -- spokesman of the
    Young Developers -- denied that this group is connected with the
    Devotees Society, "Sharq" reported on March 4, but said it seeks good
    relations with all the fundamentalists. Bayadi went on to say that
    the Young Developers backs the president's administration,
    "Farhang-i Ashti" reported on March 5.
    The existence of the Young Developers and the fact that its
    congress was held at the same time as that of the Devotees Society
    underlines the conservatives' disputes, according to a March 4
    analysis in "Etemad-i Melli." An editorial in "Sharq" on March 6
    described a "new scene of conflict where one Developer stands against
    the other," and it described three factions -- in the legislature, in
    the municipal councils, and the president. As for the Devotees
    Society, according to the "Sharq" editorial, Secretary-General Fadai
    sees himself as the creator of the Developers Coalition.
    Representatives of the Islamic Coalition Party, which is one
    of the oldest conservative organizations and is a member of the
    Coordination Council, dismissed reports of the council's demise
    in February and March. Asadollah Badamchian, a member of the Islamic
    Coalition Party's central council, went so far as to say that the
    reformist movement is dead, and he hopes "our movement would never
    experience the same fate," "Etemad" reported on February 28.
    It is notable, therefore, that some six weeks later leaders
    of the Islamic Coalition Party met with counterparts from the leading
    non-clerical reformist organization, the Islamic Iran Participation
    Front. Two years had passed since their last meeting, "Farhang-i
    Ashti" reported on April 9. The newspaper ascribed this development
    to the fact that the reformists are marginalized and the
    conservatives resent what they see as an inadequate share of the
    spoils. Discussing the same meeting, "Etemad" reported on April 9
    that the more radical aspects of the right and left wings seem
    irreconcilable from a distance. The parties agree on factors such as
    the constitution and the Islamic Republic system, and their
    differences turn into healthy competition at the negotiating table.
    This meeting may be more representative of the
    reformists' attempt to get back in power. "Siyasat-i Ruz" -- the
    mouthpiece of the Devotees Society -- reported on April 9 that the
    emphasis on the fundamentalists' divisions is just one of the
    reformists' tactics. The reformist front sees the upcoming
    council elections as an opportunity for it to begin its revival, just
    as they were a beginning for the fundamentalists in 2003.
    Domestically, reformists also intend to adopt a more populist
    approach, strengthen their relations with the clergy, and pay greater
    attention to traditional values in an effort to attract public trust.
    And on the foreign front, the reformists will show themselves as
    supporters of peace, democracy, human rights, and international
    dialogue. (Bill Samii)

    Manuchehr Mottaki announced on April 16 -- the third day of a
    conference hosted by Tehran on support for the Palestinian Intifada
    -- that Iran will provide the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority with
    $50 million in aid, state television reported. Mottaki added that
    Iran will encourage other Islamic countries to contribute.
    Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya praised the
    financial pledge, the Hamas-affiliated Palestine Information Center
    reported on April 16, and spokesman Ghazi Hamad noted Iran's
    "courage" and challenge of "American hegemony." "I think Arab states
    ought to learn from Iran and stop being at America's beck and
    call," Hamad added. The Palestine Information Center noted that
    Minister Mottaki did not say "how and when" the payment will be made.
    Confronted by inflation and unemployment, Iranians quoted by Reuters
    said they would prefer that their government spend the money at home.
    (Bill Samii)

    IRAN CELEBRATES 'ARMY DAY.' Iran marked Army Day on April 18
    with parades in different cities of infantry, air force personnel,
    Basij members, and commandos, as well as armored and naval units,
    state media reported. Missiles and tanks were also on display. The
    parade in Tehran was attended by President Mahmud Ahmadinejad,
    Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander Yahya Rahim-Safavi, Defense
    Minister Brigadier General Mustafa Mohammad Najjar, and other
    officials. During the parade in Khuzestan Province, a provincial
    television correspondent reported, marines, commandos, engineer
    units, military police, and national police also participated.
    Speakers at that parade included Ayatollah Mohammad Ali
    Musavi-Jazayeri, the provincial representative of Supreme Leader
    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as Amir Beyzavi, the senior armed
    forces commander in the south.
    Speaking at the Army Day parade in Tehran, President Mahmud
    Ahmadinejad said the Islamic Republic is not a threat to any country,
    state television reported, and it seeks "peace, security, and
    progress for all other nations." Ahmadinejad said Iran's enemies
    are aware of the "courage, faith, devotion, and commitment to Islam"
    of the armed forces. The armed forces, he continued, can defend the
    country and "cut off the hand of any aggressor and brand their
    forehead with the stain of regret."
    Basij units staged military exercises in the Isfahan Province
    localities of Khomeinishahr and Nain on April 19, provincial
    television reported. The report said the aim of the exercises --
    named Sepahian-i Muhammad (Muhammad's Guards) -- is to defend the
    "values and sovereignty of the auspicious system of the Islamic
    Republic of Iran." Early April exercises in the Persian Gulf elicited
    international concern. (Bill Samii)

    delegation of Russian shipyard officials is visiting Bandar Abbas, on
    the Persian Gulf, to discuss the overhaul of diesel submarines,
    Interfax reported on August 20. Iran purchased three Kilo-class
    submarines from Russia in the 1990s. The Russians are from the
    Severodvinsk-based Zvezdochka shipyard, and the repair and
    modernization mentioned by their representative entails equipping the
    subs with Club-S missiles that have a 200-kilometer range. The Club-S
    is a naval cruise missile that comes in antiship and land attack
    versions, and it reportedly is resistant to electronic
    General Yury Baluyevsky, who heads the General Staff, said in
    Moscow on April 19 after talks with U.S. General James Jones, who is
    NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, that Russia will carry
    out its agreements to sell arms to Iran, RIA Novosti reported.
    Baluyevsky added: "I do not think that [the crisis regarding the
    Iranian nuclear program] will turn into a war. Russia will not
    propose the use of its armed forces in a [possible] military conflict
    on either side." (Bill Samii, Patrick Moore)

    heads the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom), said on April 20 in
    Bishkek that "every country in the world, including Iran, has the
    right to develop nuclear energy peacefully," news agencies reported.
    He added that "the international community has the right to demand
    unconditional guarantees of compliance with the nonproliferation
    regime so that nuclear weapons are not built again. The goal is to
    combine these two principles." Kiriyenko defended Russia's role
    in construction of the Bushehr nuclear plant, saying that "all [spent
    nuclear] fuel will be returned to Russia, so this cooperation
    presents no problems for or threats to the [nuclear] nonproliferation
    regime. This cooperation is exclusively for peaceful purposes. Since
    it meets fully all international norms, we are continuing our work in
    accordance with rules, norms, and signed agreements."
    In Moscow, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin wrote
    on the ministry's website ( that "every country
    has the right to decide for itself with whom and in what way it
    cooperates with other states." He added that the Bushehr project
    complies fully with international rules and norms.
    In response to a recent U.S. appeal to Russia to cease
    nuclear cooperation with Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Kamynin
    said on April 20 that "only the UN Security Council is authorized to
    make binding decisions on suspending cooperation with a state in any
    sphere," RIA Novosti reported. He added that "the Security Council
    has made no decisions on suspending nuclear cooperation with Iran."
    Kamynin said on April 21 that Moscow will consider approving
    sanctions against Tehran only if there is firm proof that its nuclear
    program is not entirely peaceful, ITAR-TASS reported. (Patrick Moore)

    MOSCOW TALKS ON IRAN DEADLOCKED. On April 17, Andrei Denisov, who is
    Russia's outgoing ambassador to the United Nations, said in New
    York that his country backs a diplomatic solution to the Iranian
    nuclear crisis, and he called on Tehran to observe a moratorium on
    uranium enrichment until April 28, when the International Atomic
    Energy Agency (IAEA) is slated to make a report to the Security
    Council, RIA Novosti reported.
    Political representatives of the foreign ministries of China,
    France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States
    discussed the Iranian nuclear issue in Moscow on April 18 but failed
    to reach agreement, international media reported. U.S. Undersecretary
    of State Nicholas Burns said afterward that the participants
    recognized the "need for a stiff response to Iran's flagrant
    violation of its international responsibilities." The Russian Foreign
    Ministry said in a statement that "it is impossible to address the
    international community's concerns about Iran [by] using force or
    sanctions," Interfax reported.
    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed on April 19 that the
    meeting produced no breakthrough. He repeated Russia's earlier
    call for Iran to observe a moratorium on uranium enrichment until
    April 28, when the IAEA is slated to make a report to the Security
    Council. He noted that all participants in the April 18 talks called
    on Iran to make "urgent and constructive moves" aimed at complying
    with IAEA decisions, starting with stopping the enrichment work.
    (Patrick Moore)

    Strengthening Unity (Daftar-i Tahkim-i Vahdat), Iran's largest
    pro-reform student organization, has issued a statement calling for a
    "temporary suspension of all nuclear activities" in the country,
    RFE/RL reported on April 18. The statement criticized negotiations
    that would locate the country's uranium enrichment and spent fuel
    storage in Russia. It said in the statement that the hard-line by
    Iranian officials on the nuclear issue has put the country in a
    dangerous situation. In a further slap at the confrontational
    diplomacy of the Ahmadinejad administration, it called for the
    restoration of international confidence and renewal of support for
    Tehran from international organizations. (Bill Samii)

    welcomed a visiting Iranian delegation led by Defense Minister
    Mustafa Mohammad Najjar on April 20, the Azertac news agency
    reported. In a meeting with the Iranian defense minister at the
    presidential palace, Aliyev discussed the recent expansion of
    bilateral economic, energy, and political agreements and reviewed
    plans for defense cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iran, ITAR-TASS
    reported. In turn, the Iranian defense minister announced that Iran
    stands "ready to provide" any assistance necessary to "develop
    Azerbaijan's military," ANS-TV reported. Aliyev is also due to
    meet with his Iranian counterpart during an upcoming Economic
    Cooperation Organization summit next month. A new, significant level
    of military relations between Azerbaijan and Iran was initiated in
    2004 with the visit to Baku of then Iranian Defense Minister Ali
    Shamkhani, and a reciprocal visit to Tehran by Azerbaijani Defense
    Minister Safar Abiev last year that resulted in the signing of an
    intergovernmental agreement on defense cooperation. (Richard

    SKEPTICISM. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said in Washington
    on April 17 that, if true, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's
    announcement of research on the use of advanced P-2 centrifuges to
    enrich uranium would be "a very serious concern," Reuters reported.
    Some analysts are skeptical about such Iranian claims, "The
    Washington Post" reported on April 17, while others suspect the P-2
    centrifuges are part of a secret military nuclear program. In past
    dealings with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Tehran
    has claimed that experimental work on the advanced centrifuges ended
    in 2003.
    Meanwhile, the U.S.-based Institute for Science and
    International Security's comparison of satellite imagery from
    September 2002 through March 2006 indicates that Iran is expanding
    and also burying some of its nuclear facilities, according to the
    ISIS website ( on April 14. Halls at the
    Natanz site's Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant and its Fuel Enrichment
    Plant were buried under concrete and dirt and could be 17 meters
    underground, the ISIS claimed, and there is evidence of a new tunnel
    entrance at the Isfahan uranium-conversion facility. (Bill Samii)

    strong support for "rejectionist" Palestinian groups and the news
    that it will provide the Palestinian Authority's Hamas government
    with $50 million came on the heels of Iran's announcement that it
    has successfully enriched uranium. Such developments concern the
    United States and other countries over what they see as a growing
    Iranian threat. Washington insists it will pursue diplomacy to
    resolve the problems, but RFE/RL notes that the military option and
    "democracy promotion" are also being considered.
    An April 15 report in "The New York Times" discusses the
    "newly created office of Iranian affairs in the State Department" and
    notes the ongoing review of grant applications from groups seeking to
    change the Iranian political process. This project would expand if
    Congress approves the State Department's mid-February request for
    $85 million to fund scholarships and increase Persian-language
    broadcasting. An anonymous "State Department official" added that
    groups applying for grants are "squabbling" over who would most
    effectively promote reform in Iran, "The Washington Post" adds.
    Also, the website of "The New Republic" on April 10 talks
    about the creation of the Iran-Syria Operations Group (ISOG), which
    reportedly will form policy and bypass the Iran desk at the State
    Department, a significant development.
    These institutional divisions are reflected in an April 13
    report in "The New York Sun," which asserts that "the State
    Department has quietly explored funding for an Iranian student radio
    station." It appears from this report that some in the State
    Department have approached Congress to divert some of the funding to
    private broadcasters, while the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    and the House of Representatives' appropriations team that deals
    with foreign aid want the funding to go to Radio Farda -- which is
    jointly run by RFE/RL and the Voice of America (VOA) -- and the
    VOA's television broadcasts.
    There are suggestions, furthermore, that the Defense
    Department should be involved with broadcasting to Iran.
    The military approach to the Iranian problem has received
    substantial attention lately. William M. Arkin, who specializes in
    National and Homeland Security for "The Washington Post," writes on
    April 13 that U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) has been planning for
    the possibility of a full-scale war with Iran since at least May
    2003. An analysis referred to as TIRANNT (Theater Iran Near Term) and
    an invasion scenario called Karona are just two related efforts, as
    is the Hotspur 2004 wargames of July 2004. The TOY Study (TIRANNT
    Out-Year) is based on a war between Iran and the U.S. in 2011, and it
    looks at the outcome of a conflict between U.S. Army division-sized
    formations and Iranian ground units. The Army Concepts Analysis
    Agency's BMD-I study, (Ballistic Missile Defense--Iran) studies
    the number of Iranian missiles that could penetrate a coalition
    missile defense.
    The possibility of using military might to counter the danger
    of Iran's nuclear efforts caused a major news splash roughly one
    week ago. Reports in "The Forward" (April 7), the "New Yorker" (April
    17), and "The Washington Post" (April 9) asserted that the United
    States is making preparations for a possible military attack on Iran
    in order to eliminate the potential nuclear threat. "The Washington
    Post" put the military plans in the context of "a broader strategy of
    coercive diplomacy," adding that options range from limited air
    strikes on nuclear facilities to bombs and cruise missiles that also
    target Intelligence and Security Ministry, Islamic Revolution Guards
    Corps, and other government facilities. The ultimate objective is
    "regime change," the "New Yorker" added, and U.S. special-operations
    forces are in contact with Iranian ethnic minorities that oppose the
    regime, it reported.
    U.S. President George W. Bush on April 10 rejected the media
    reports. "I read the articles [about Iran] in the newspapers this
    weekend," Bush told an audience at the School of Advanced
    International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington,
    D.C., according to Radio Farda. "It was just wild speculation, by the
    way. What you are reading is wild speculation, which...happens quite
    frequently here in the nation's capital." Bush stressed that the
    United States does not want Iran to be armed with nuclear weapons,
    Radio Farda reported, but he also insisted that this does not mean
    going to war. "The doctrine of prevention is to work together to
    prevent the Iranians from having a nuclear weapon.... I know we hear
    in Washington [that], you know, prevention means force. It
    doesn't mean force necessarily. In this case, it means
    Ali Larijani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National
    Security Council, said in an April 10 interview with the Al-Jazeera
    TV network that news reports of U.S. contingency plans for attacking
    Iran with nuclear weapons represent "psychological warfare," Fars
    News Agency reported. "These [kinds of] threats are only expressed by
    parties who are totally incapable of acting on their promises,"
    Larijani said.
    Iranian state radio carried a commentary on April 10 that
    attributed the media reports -- particularly that in the "New Yorker"
    -- to psychological warfare. The commentary added that just a few of
    author Seymour Hersh's reports and analyses come true, and this
    specific one has been described as "idiotic" by British Foreign
    Secretary Jack Straw. Such articles, the commentary continued, are
    meant to undermine calm in Iran. They also are meant to undermine the
    impressive accomplishments displayed at the previous week's naval
    exercises in the south, the broadcaster concluded.
    It is not just Tehran that is talking about mind games. "The
    Forward" quotes former intelligence officers such as Graham Fuller of
    the CIA, who note that this could be disinformation and psychological
    warfare. (Bill Samii)

    POPULARITY. As the neighbor of Afghanistan, the world's biggest
    producer of opium, Iran for years has had to contend with high levels
    of drug smuggling and drug abuse. Tehran has applied different
    strategies to contend with drug-related problems, and in recent
    months it has tried new ones. Yet the drug-abuse problem continues,
    and the drug of choice is increasingly compressed heroin (crack),
    rather than opium or normal heroin. Meanwhile, Tehran is very active
    in multilateral drug control initiatives, and it also engages
    Afghanistan on a bilateral level in its effort to confront narcotics.
    Iran emphasized supply reduction and interdiction for many
    years as it tried to contend with the flood of narcotics coming from
    Afghanistan in the 1990s and the first half of this decade. This
    approach was matched with an emphasis on the punishment of people
    involved with drugs, from addicts to smugglers. Imprisonment was
    common, and individuals holding more than 30 grams of heroin or 5
    kilograms of opium could be executed. To this day, the bulk of the
    Iranian prison population comprises individuals arrested for drug
    offenses. For example, 31 percent of the 46,930 people imprisoned in
    the December-January period were addicts, Justice Minister Jamal
    Karimirad said in "Farhang-i Ashti" on February 22, and another 40
    percent were imprisoned for drug-related offenses.
    Not everybody is convinced of the wisdom of this approach.
    Ayatollah Hassan Marashi, who previously served on the High Council
    for Judicial Development and in the judiciary, said many people who
    become drug dealers do so out of economic necessity, "Aftab-i Yazd"
    reported on January 28. Arresting and imprisoning such people is
    counterproductive because their families only sink deeper into
    poverty and sometimes turn to prostitution. "Punishment does not
    correct people's behavior," he said. "We pay no attention to the
    causes and we merely pursue the effects."
    Nonetheless, arresting addicts continues to be government
    policy. Fada-Hussein Maleki, secretary-general of the Drug Control
    Headquarters, announced a nationwide plan to round up addicts that
    would begin in the new Iranian year (after March 21). Maleki
    explained that some 3,000 of the addicts on Tehran's streets are
    sick, and the overall plan is to detain and treat up to 550,000 of
    the most dangerous intravenous drug users, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on
    January 26.
    Meanwhile, consumption habits are changing. The United
    Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's (UNODC) 2005-07 "Strategic
    Program Framework" for Iran that was released in June notes that
    opium (smoked, injected, or consumed in tea), opium residue, and
    cannabis are the commonly abused drugs. Abuse of heroin is on the
    rise, according to the UNODC, and it is sniffed, smoked, or injected.
    Six months later, Abdullah Roshan, Tehran's deputy
    governor for political and security affairs, said the price for
    compressed heroin (crack) has fallen and it is supplanting regular
    heroin as the drug of choice for addicts, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on
    27 December. Roshan added that 700,000 tablets of the drug ecstasy
    had been confiscated in Tehran in the previous nine months.
    Iranian officials routinely say there are 1.2 million drug
    addicts in the country, and an estimated 800,000 people abuse drugs
    occasionally. The UNODC says roughly 2 percent of the country's
    68 million residents abuse drugs. The State Department's Bureau
    for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs says in its
    "International Narcotics Control Strategy Report -- 2006," which was
    released on March 1, that an estimated 3 million Iranians abuse
    opiates, with 60 percent of them addicted and the remaining 40
    percent being casual users. "The latest opiate seizure statistics
    from Iran suggest Iran is experiencing an epidemic of drug abuse,
    especially among its youth," the report says.
    As it has tried to come to terms with the scale of the
    drug-control problem it faces, Tehran has become increasingly active
    in multilateral drug-control bodies -- such as the Dublin Group and
    the Paris Pact -- and it works closely with the UNODC. The Dublin
    Group was established in 1990 as an informal coordination body that
    meets to exchange views on international drug affairs (production,
    trafficking, and abuse), make recommendations on ways to contend with
    these problems, and coordinate members' approaches to these
    problems. Dublin Group members are the European Union, Australia,
    Canada, Japan, Norway, and the United States, and the UNODC
    participates in its meetings.
    The Mini-Dublin Group for Southwest Asia includes Dublin
    Group members' diplomatic representatives in Iran, and its
    meetings are attended by Iranian officials. The Mini-Dublin Group
    works on the drug situation in Iran and related policy initiatives.
    In addition to serving as a venue for analyzing priorities,
    coordinating cooperation, and making recommendations, these meetings
    serve as a venue for interacting with Iranian drug-control
    Lesley Pallett, chief of the Drugs and International Crime
    Department at the British Foreign Commonwealth Office, described the
    Mini-Dublin Group as a "key point of contact" between the Iranian
    authorities and the international community when she was in Tehran in
    At a December 5 Mini-Dublin Group meeting in Tehran, Iranian
    officials stressed the importance of creating a "security belt"
    around Afghanistan, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported.
    Iranian drug-control chief Fada-Hussein Maleki said the United
    Kingdom should be able to secure Afghanistan's borders, with
    cooperation from the country's neighbors, because British troops
    are present in Afghanistan. Maleki also praised the activities of the
    UNODC in Iran and said the cooperation of France, Germany, Italy,
    Iran, and the United Kingdom is increasing.
    The Paris Pact is another multilateral drug-control group
    with which Iran is involved, and Tehran hosted a Paris Pact
    roundtable on September 13-14. The Paris Pact started with a meeting
    of 55 countries in the French capital in May 2003, when they agreed
    on the need for strong and coordinated border-control activities and
    law enforcement along the main drug-trafficking routes. UNODC
    subsequently launched the Paris Pact Initiative, with support from
    France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
    Counternarcotics enforcement experts, as well as delegations
    from 20 countries, the EU, the Economic Cooperation Organization,
    Interpol, and UNODC participated in the September meeting in Tehran.
    Opiates trafficking and drug-control activities in Iran were
    discussed, as were the need to strengthen regional and international
    cooperation on drug control in Iran. One of the newer initiatives
    mentioned at this event was the Nomak Project, which collects and
    analyses information on Southwest Asia heroin trafficking.
    The UNODC has been working with Iran for approximately one
    decade and has had an office in Tehran since the late-1990s.
    According to its "Strategic Program Framework" for 2005-07, its
    objectives are to assist Tehran in reducing narcotics trafficking,
    contribute to prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation in connection
    with drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, and to promote the rule of law. UNODC
    has established quantifiable indicators for measuring the success of
    its efforts. Roberto Arbitrio, head of the UNODC office in Tehran,
    told the September Paris Pact meeting that the strategy for Iran was
    developed in collaboration with the Mini-Dublin Group and with
    Iranian authorities.
    Brigadier General Hamid Maleki, a counternarcotics official
    from the Iranian police, told the Paris Pact meeting that his country
    has spent more than $900 million to secure the frontier with
    Afghanistan and Pakistan by building border posts, watch towers,
    barbed-wire fences, and trenches. Iran also trains Afghan border
    guards and counternarcotics personnel, equips border posts in
    Afghanistan, and provides motorcycles.
    In mid-March, furthermore, the Iranian parliament authorized
    the government to lend $20 million to other countries for demand
    reduction and counternarcotics activities.
    Iranian officials insist that the international community do
    more to defray the associated costs, because Iranian efforts prevent
    drugs from reaching Europe. For example, Mohammad Mehdi Akhundzadeh,
    the Iranian ambassador in Vienna, said in a December 10 meeting with
    UNODC chief Antonio Maria Costa that international aid to Iran is
    "insufficient and trivial," the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA)
    Absent more assistance, Iran works directly with countries
    that are fighting drugs, particularly Afghanistan. Drug-control
    personnel from Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan met in Rawalpindi on
    December 6 to exchange information, Associated Press of Afghanistan
    reported. Afghan Counternarcotics Minister Habibullah Qaderi visited
    Iran on January 3 to meet with his Iranian counterpart, discuss
    cooperation, and inspect the border, Mashhad radio reported.
    Ezzatollah Wasafi, the governor of Farah Province in Afghanistan,
    visited Iran on January 14 and said he secured Tehran's pledge to
    help his administration's poppy eradication efforts, Mashhad
    radio reported. On February 28, Afghanistan signed an agreement with
    Iran, China, and Pakistan on border security in an effort to control
    smuggling, AFP reported. Qaderi and Maleki met again in Vienna on
    March 18, during the meeting of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs
    (CND), IRNA reported.
    While some officials are critical of what they see as
    inadequate international assistance, others believe something more
    sinister is behind the drug-abuse problem in Iran. Ayatollah Mohammad
    Emami-Kashani said in his February 24 Friday prayers sermon in
    Tehran, "Another instance of their conspiracy is narcotics," state
    radio reported. He did not identify the alleged conspirators but
    continued: "They plot methods of importing drugs into our country and
    promoting such ugly deeds among our youth so as to destroy the
    backing of Islam and Islamic ideology.... They hatch plots to ruin
    our young people." (Bill Samii)

    heads the Health, Treatment, and Medical Education Ministry's
    infectious disease department, said (on an unreported date) that as
    of March 21 there were some 13,040 Iranians with AIDS, "Aftab-i Yazd"
    reported on April 17. The figure was at 12,557 as of November, he
    added. This marks an overall increase, he continued, but the
    infection rate actually has fallen compared to the previous year.
    Guya said being infected with AIDS can be attributed to individual
    behavior, so education and media outreach are important in combating
    the disease. (Bill Samii)

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    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services.

    Direct comments to A. William Samii at [email protected].
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