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NKR: Will Ilham Aliev Stand The Peaceful Attack of Mediators?

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  • NKR: Will Ilham Aliev Stand The Peaceful Attack of Mediators?


    Azat Artsakh, Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    27 April 2006

    Recent developments regarding the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    issue show that the international mediators, namely the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairs have launched a peaceful offensive. Hence, the
    suggestions that the West would seek for stability in the region are
    confirmed. After the failed talks of the presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Rambouillet, France, the activity of the mediators
    resembles a blitzkrieg. The activity of the co-chairs is gathering
    momentum, and there is hardly any time left for the conflict parties
    to think. Judge yourselves. Recovering from the shock after the
    fruitless meeting of Ilham Aliev and Robert Kocharian in Rambouillet
    on April 11, the co-chairs met in Washington on March 7 to assess the
    results of the talks between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan
    and to work out an action plan for the current deadlocked
    situation. Commenting on the Washington meeting of the co-chairs, the
    US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Rino Harnish told news reporters in Baku
    that arrangements on a peace settlement of the Karabakh issue are not
    behind the mountains. In the meantime, Ilham Aliev, who is to blame
    for the failure of the talks in Rambouillet, visited one of the
    regions of Azerbaijan bordering with Nagorno Karabakh, and stated that
    the talks in France failed due to the Armenian party, since Yerevan is
    temporizing and therefore the Baku may review its approach towards the
    settlement. Moreover, he accused Armenia more aggressively, stating
    that the latter is conducting a policy of genocide against Azerbaijan,
    perpetrating crimes against the humanity. `We are a party that lost
    and this allows us to resolve the Karabakh problem by nay means.' In
    other words, Ilham Aliev continued to blackmail the international
    community, threatening to start military actions. His plan is
    extremely simple: the West does not want a new war in the region,
    which is determined by the factor of oil, and will press Armenia. If
    this fails to happen, let everything remain the same. In several
    years, thinks Aliev Junior, weak Armenia will have to make concessions
    to Azerbaijan, which will have become stronger. In the meantime, the
    Aliev family will stuff their pockets with oil dollars from the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Geihan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum pipelines. The Armenian
    party naturally responded to the actions of the Azerbaijani
    president. President Robert Kocharian and Foreign Minister Vardan
    Oskanian used aggressive speeches to respond to Aliev. The foreign
    minister of Armenia made a statement that can be characterized as a
    threat to strike the positions of the Azerbaijani army. For his part,
    Robert Kocharian told news reporters in Yerevan that if Azerbaijan
    rejected compromise, Armenia would recognize Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic. In addition, official Yerevan notified to Azerbaijan that
    Armenia had already made its compromise and now it was Azerbaijan's
    turn. However, let us consider the current plans of the international
    mediators. They need to manage to reach an agreement based on
    documents on the basic principles of settlement as soon as possible,
    or at least signing of an agreement by the presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, reflecting their commitment to pursuing a peace settlement
    of the Karabakh issue. Hence, the peaceful offensive of the Minsk
    Group co-chairs after the talks in Rambouillet. After the meeting of
    the co-chairs in Washington US Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried and
    the American co-chair of the Minsk Group Stephen Mann visited the
    region. On March 13 and 14 they negotiated with the leadership of
    Azerbaijan. During the news conference of Daniel Fried and Stephen
    Mann in Baku it became clear that the mediators had seriously
    undertaken peaceful strictures against the presidents, particularly
    Ilham Aliev. Hence, Stephen Mann conveyed that the resumption of
    military actions would affect investments in Azerbaijan. Besides, the
    American co-chair of the Minsk Group hinted at the threats, which are
    directly related to the security and territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan in case it resumes military actions.

    Later on March 15 and 16 the American envoys visited Armenia. It is
    notable that on March 17, Daniel Fried left for Istanbul on March 20
    to participate in another meeting of the co-chairs. During the meeting
    of the PACE Ad-hoc Committee for the Settlement of the Conflict over
    Karabakh in Paris Lord Russell Johnston, Chairman, called the parties
    (read Azerbaijan) for a halt of hatred and preparation of the peoples
    of Armenia and Azerbaijan for a peace settlement of the conflict. In
    two days the EU also clarified its standpoint through its new
    representative on the South Caucasus Peter Semneby, who also visited
    the region. The EU Special Representative emphasized that a military
    way of settling the conflict does not favor any of the parties,
    therefore the standpoints of Azerbaijan and Armenia need to be brought
    closer. Moreover, Mr.

    Semneby announced that if he were not convinced of the existence of
    possibilities of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, he would not
    accept the position of a special representative on the South
    Caucasus. Already on March 20 the Minsk Group co-chairs, as it had
    been planned, met in Istanbul, this time without Yuri Merzlyakov, who
    was ill; another official of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    replaced him. After the top-secret meeting in Istanbul Stephan Mann
    gave an interview to Radio Liberty, and stated that the parties should
    reach an agreement in 2006, and they would have to finish the
    important work they had started to arrive somewhere. The next day the
    report on the role of the EU in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue was presented in Brussels, which had been prepared by the
    International Crisis Group. In her speech the director of the
    Caucasian Bureau of the International Crisis Group Sabine Freizer said
    the final political and legal status of Nagorno Karabakh must be
    decided in 15-20 years through a referendum. By that time the Armenian
    forces must be withdrawn from the Azerbaijani territories adjacent to
    Nagorno Karabakh, controlled by the Armenian troops, that must be
    followed by stationing of international peacemaking forces, return of
    refugees and lifting of the blockade of transport routes. Hence,
    Sabine Freizer revealed the essence of the plan of settlement,
    proposed by the co-chairs, which, in fact, establishes the right of
    the people of Nagorno Karabakh for self-determination, thus upsetting
    Azerbaijan. What is the difference, they say in Baku, between losing
    Karabakh today or in 15-20 years. In the meantime, in early April the
    foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov met with Condoleezza
    Rice. During the talk Ms. Rice hinted that the United States would not
    have a destabilization in the theatre of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    and confirmed the invitation of an official visit to the United States
    sent by the White House to the president of Azerbaijan Ilham
    Aliev. Some time later the president of the PACE Rene van der Linden
    announced that the country which would use force to settle the
    Karabakh conflict would be discharged from the Council of Europe. He
    also invited the parties to give up militaristic statements and admit
    that the conflict defies any other settlement except the peace
    settlement. After the talks in Rambouillet NATO was not indifferent
    towards the process of settlement either. Robert Simons, the
    representative of the Secretary General of NATO, said NATO supported a
    peace settlement of the conflict. Then the French co-chair Bernard
    Fassier and his American counterpart Stephan Mann supported the high
    rates of the peace attack of the mediators. While in Baku, Bernard
    Fassier said those who call for a war, call for new victims, new
    destruction, new refugees. Azerbaijan should remember, said the French
    co-chair, that wars threaten developing economies. In addition, he
    advised Azerbaijan not to look back, to go forward, for one may have
    an accident if they go forward but look back. Terry Davis, Secretary
    General of the Council of Europe, gave recommendations to Azerbaijan
    too. He told the Azerbaijani agency APA he believed Azerbaijan would
    discharge its commitments or it would be facing troubles. These are
    the commitments Azerbaijan assumed before the Council of Europe in his
    presence, namely a peace settlement of the Karabakh issue. Considering
    the peaceful blitzkrieg of the mediators, we should not overlook
    another important fact, namely the visit of the president of Turkey
    Ahmed Nedjad Sezari to Baku. It is notable that the head of state of
    Turkey had planned to visit Azerbaijan two months before. However, the
    visit was cancelled due to bad weather. And during his April visit the
    Turkish president even endorsed a peace settlement.

    It should also be mentioned that after the meeting of Ilham Aliev and
    Robert Kocharian in Rambouillet the foreign minister of Armenia Vardan
    Oskanian visited the United States and Russia. New meetings and
    statements are coming up in the framework of the peaceful
    defensive. The new round of consultations of the Minsk Group co-chairs
    will take place in Moscow. In the capital of Russia the co-chairs
    will discuss the agenda of their next visit, scheduled in early
    May. By that time the outcome of the visit of the Azerbaijani
    president to the United States will have become known. In Moscow the
    mediators will consider the possibility of the meeting of the foreign
    ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in a third country. All these
    activities are aimed to organize another meeting of Ilham Aliev and
    Robert Kocharian, and this time there can be no failure. Otherwise,
    there is no point in holding another meeting. The statements of the
    Azerbaijan president are becoming less militaristic, whereas his
    subjects are not. Ali Hasanov, an official of Aliev administration
    announced in an outburst of emotions: `We are hopeful that the problem
    will be settled through talks, we are conscious of the disasters and
    destruction that war would bring about, and we do not want this to
    happen. We aspire to spend oil revenues on development,
    infrastructures, construction of roads, airports, reconstruction of
    seaports, regional prosperity. We are thinking of development and not
    war. At the same time, we cannot accept the occupation of our
    territories. Therefore, if necessary, we will spend all the wealth of
    our country for the liberation of our territory.' Here is a `peace
    loving aggression.' We do not think, however, that Ali Hasanov did not
    have the permission of the Azerbaijani president when he was uttering
    these words. Nothing of the like happens in Azerbaijan. Even if it
    happens, the daredevil would appear out of office.

    Consequently, Ilham Aliev is presently saying one thing but implying
    another thing. The powerful of the world made him to do it. How long
    will he behave that way? We will probably get the answer to this
    question after his official visit to Washington in late
    April. However, we do not think that George Bush invited Aliev to
    assure him that the United States will return Nagorno Karabakh to
    Azerbaijan. It will be the opposite rather. Ilham Aliev will have to
    listen to George Bush attentively what his actions regarding the peace
    settlement should be. Will the Azerbaijani president stand such an
    intensive peace loving attack of the West? , Anyway, there is little
    time to wait.
