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NKR: Parliamentary Hearings

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  • NKR: Parliamentary Hearings


    Azat Artsakh, Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    27 April 2006

    On April 21 parliamentary hearings entitled "The Karabakh Problem:
    Prospects of Settlement" were held for the first time in NKR.
    Independent from what responses from the international community the
    proposals on the Karabakh problem voiced in the parliament and the
    conclusion based on the statements of the parliamentary factions and
    groups will receive, the debates were an opportunity to bring together
    the political forces and NGOs to express their standpoint freely.

    Although the approaches of the NKR NGOs were definitely different,
    they had a common opinion on principal points. The concern about the
    fate of the Karabakh people was outlined in the statements of
    speakers. The approaches of the representatives of political forces
    were similar with regard to the recognition of the right for
    self-determination of the people of Karabakh and the engagement of
    Karabakh in the negotiations. NKR Foreign Minister Georgy Petrosyan
    said currently proposals are offered during the negotiations, which
    suggest efforts for eradication of the consequences of the war rather
    than the settlement of the conflict based on the rights of the people
    of Karabakh.

    According to the foreign minister, the aspirations and interests of
    great powers are clearly outlined in the region. He is convinced that
    the mediators are trying to push Azerbaijan to make concessions to
    settle the issue in the framework of territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan, and the Armenian party to accept greater compromises. This
    is a circumstance, which shifts the settlement of the problem to the
    military plane. Emphasizing the importance of working out a clear
    concept by the Armenian party to reach the international recognition
    of NKR, Armen Rustamyan, Chair of the Committee of External Relations
    of the Armenian National Assembly, said, "We should enable the
    international community to discern the non-constructive standpoint of
    Azerbaijan," emphasizing the importance of moving the international
    community to a level of positive neutrality. Armen Sargissian, the
    head of the parliamentary group ARF-Movement 88 of the NKR National
    Assembly, emphasized the importance of recognizing NKR as a full-right
    party in the settlement process. "Nagorno Karabakh is a subject of the
    talks, not an object. The engagement of Karabakh is necessary, and
    Armenia should act as a guarantor of the rights of NKR and promote its
    international recognition," said Armen Sargissian, emphasizing the
    building of a democratic state with all its institutions as part of
    the strategic plan.

    Member of Parliament Arthur Tovmassian, Hayrenik Party of NKR, says
    the calls of Azerbaijan for a military and political change are caused
    by the lack of confidence between the parties. He thinks that the
    potential of Armenians all over the world should be used for the
    settlement of the Karabakh problem, both parties should be invited to
    organize various meetings for the settlement of the issue, using all
    the possibilities of democratic diplomacy. "It is not something new
    that Azerbaijan has greater economic resources, but economically
    powerful does not necessarily mean strong and effective. I think
    Azerbaijan will lose more territories in case it wages a new war,"
    said Arthur Tovmassian.

    Emphasizing the importance of working out a common concept as a
    result of the parliamentary debates, Vahram Atanessian, the head of
    the NKR National Assembly Faction of Democracy, said the involved
    parties should be concerned about the militaristic calls, statements
    about territorial integrity and proclaiming of a murderer Man of the
    Year; in this context the international community should give an
    adequate assessment. Vahram Atanessian believes that it is possible to
    undertake elimination of the consequences of the war only after the
    international recognition of NKR. Hrant Melkumyan, the leader of the
    Communist Party, said the return of liberated territories, Azerbaijani
    refugees and deployment of peacemaking forces in the region are
    unacceptable. The deputy leader of the Movement 88 Party Gegham
    Baghdasaryan said the format of the talks between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan has distorted the essence and status of the conflict over
    Nagorno Karabakh. "It is not a secret that in the course of years
    Nagorno Karabakh was forced out of the talks. Moreover, it has become
    an object while it used to be a subject," he said. The chair of the
    NKR NA Social Committee Arpat Avanessian asked the chair of the RA NA
    Committee of External Relations Armen Rustamian, "Are you aware of the
    deeper nuances of the presently ongoing negotiations and to comment on
    Mr. Oskanian's statements about compromises." Armen Rustamian assured
    that the information he gets during the consultations with the
    president and foreign minister of Armenia is enough to form a full
    picture of the talks. For the statements of the Armenian foreign
    minister (particularly, after the talks in Rambouillet), it was
    mentioned that Azerbaijan's standpoint on two principle questions
    (namely, the status of NKR and guarantees of security) is not
    flexible, and Armen Rustamian believes Azerbaijan will hardly
    recognize the right for self-determination of the people of
    Karabakh. In answer to the Armenian Member of Parliament Hmayak
    Hovanissian whether NKR Foreign Minister Georgy Petrossian possesses
    enough information about the process of settlement, Georgy Petrossian
    assured that sufficient information on the talks is acquired through
    various channels. At the same time, he emphasized that unlike the
    political forces of Armenia, the political parties of NKR do not
    interfere with the internal political affairs of Armenia and have
    always displayed an adequate and interested approach with regard to
    the settlement of the Karabakh issue. In conclusion, the chair of the
    NKR NA Committee of External Relations Vahram Atanessian published a
    document based on the joint statements of the groups and factions of
    the NKR National Assembly, which says, "The groups and factions of the
    NKR National Assembly define the Karabakh-Azerbaijani armed
    confrontation of 1991-1994 as Azerbaijani aggression against
    proclaimed NKR, the actions of Nagorno Karabakh as an application of
    the indivisible right of people for self-defence under Article 51 of
    the UN Conventions, and the current reality in the conflict area as
    the consequences of the Azerbaijani aggression. The recognition of
    democratic NKR will become an important factor of regional stability
    and security."


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress